Minutes Telecon 2018-01-17
- Resolved: Bring the overscroll-behavior spec to CSSWG drafts as an ED.
- Resolved: Leave the spec as is, will not extend the spec to support the item raised in Issue #2175 (ellipse with single
- Several implementors stated that they would eventually implement the previously resolved change to the
spec that 3-valued positions would no longer be part of position
syntax for any properties other than background-position.
- Resolved: No change for issue #1531
- Vlad raised a concern that there are some assumptions in the Fonts spec as to how all fonts behave that may need to be re-examined. He will file a new issue to work through validating any over-generalized behaviors.
- When trying to determine what the correct spec behavior is for FXTF issue #238 (What should happen if filter and background-attachment fixed; applied to the same element?) the group discovered that everyone lacked clarity on the proper order of operations involved so krit will try and develop the correct order which should add clarity for the correct solution.
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