Minutes Telecon 2017-06-28
- Rossen will confirm if Writing Modes needs a CR publication before the PR request.
- Variables needs to republished after the tests are approved.
- Resolved: make “disc” not overridable.
- Resolved: adopt inset as the new positioning property name that’s used for shorthand
- fremy will create a poll with a description and diagrams to evaluate if inset is preferable over some of the other top options.
- Resolved: leave behavior as-is and not accept ‘legacy’ values for ‘place-items’.
- Resolved: accept the proposal that margin and position properties will return the specified values.
- Resolved: the baseline alignment in block direction of tables is not defined. Also add a note prompting implementors to bring back ideas if they have any.
- Resolved: leave the ‘left’ and ‘right’ values to fallback to start.
- Resolved: remove left and right from align-self and align-content in align L3.
- birtles gave a brief introduction to issue 1301 (reconsider name of
timing function) in hopes of getting more discussion before next week’s call.
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