Minutes San Francisco F2F 2016-05-09 Part II: Media Queries, Sizing, Flexbox, Containment, Content, Testing
Media Queries
- Discussion around syntax for overflow (scrolling vs paged) MQ, and possibly having a multi-value MQ.
- Discussed difference between returning false and unknown
- Discussed the need for a way to truly negate a MQ to createtwo complementary code blocks, since (given unknown being different from false) the current syntax doesn’t give that ability.
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- Resolved: Intrinsic sizes that don’t require layout to recalculate are treated as definite.
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- The decision on how to handle percentages will wait on use cases.
- The group discussed how to handle layout when there’s a column multi-line flexbox that’s floating and has a column wrap.
- There’s a fast and performant and clearly broken and useless approach done by Chrome or doing actual layout as done by Edge.
- People were uncertain which approach was best and concerned that whatever is decided would still work years down the line.
- TabAtkins wanted more time to think about a solution, so the discussion was tabled.
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- Resolved: Publish FPWD of css-contain-1 after edits on overflow dependency
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- The conversation started based around an issue that, as written, cross-references have the potential to create infinite loops.
- plinss suggested solving this using a similar approach to how footnotes are handled traditionally and Florian agreed to investigate it.
- The group then moved onto a more philosophical discussion on the future of the spec. Topics discussed included:
- How can we ensure that browser vendors are okay with the approach so that they can implement it in the future?
- Is the spec too big to publish?
- How much attention should this spec get as it’s not likely to be prioritized and/or implemented by browsers? Or should browsers be more interested in this?
- Should epub have a special time on a F2F agenda like the FX meeting slots?
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- Resolved: Drop requirement for author or reviewer metadata
- Resolved: Move to primary
to spec+section being inferred from directory structure. Supplemental link
s must be inline.
- Resolved: spec-shortname/N-levels-of-ignored-subdirectory-names/frag-id-of-section
- Resolved: Remove any title requirement, other than having one (implied by validity of HTML requirement)
- Resolved: testharness.js tests don’t need a meta assert (but reftests still do)
- Moving to Github, move all of our tests to WPT repo, and stopping future use of Shepherd were discussed, but tabled for future conversation.
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