This is a page from the Cascading Style Sheets Working Group Blog. Some other places to find information are the “current work” page, the www-style mailing list, the Future of CSS syndicator, and the issue list on Github.
Do you want to know how the CSS WG works? Fantasai has written about:csswg, An Inside View of the CSS Working Group at W3C.
The CSS Working Group has released two new Working Drafts:
CSS Grid Layout, Working Draft 2012-mar-22. CSS Grid Layout allows designers to define invisible grids of horizontal and vertical lines. Elements from a document can then be anchored to points in the grid, which aligns them visually to each other, even if they are not next to each other in the source.
Please review the draft and send us your comments! Best way to send feedback is to mailing list with [css3-grid-layout]
and your topic in the subject line. (Alternatively you can email one of the editors and ask them to forward your comment.)
CSS Flexible Box Layout Module, Working Draft 2012-mar-22. CSS Flexible Box Layout Module describes a CSS box model optimized for user interface design. In the flexbox layout model, the children of a flexbox can be laid out in any direction, and can “flex” their sizes, either growing to fill unused space or shrinking to avoid overflowing the parent. Both horizontal and vertical alignment of the children can be easily manipulated. Nesting of these boxes (horizontal inside vertical, or vertical inside horizontal) can be used to build layouts in two dimensions.
Please review the draft and send us your comments! Best way to send feedback is to mailing list with [css3-flexbox]
and your topic in the subject line. (Alternatively you can email one of the editors and ask them to forward your comment.)