Minutes and Resolutions TPAC 2011-11-01 Tuesday Morning: CSSOM, IDPF, Testing, CSS2.1, CSS3 Borders
- Discussed how to make progress on CSSOM spec.
- Resolved: Add a notice to the top DOM L2 Style indicating portions of the spec are obsolete linking to Bert’s email and linking to CSSOM. Also, the specific obsolete section of DOM L2 Style must be marked as such.
IDPF-CSSWG Joint Meeting
- IDPF and CSS discussed their very different goals and approaches to standardization and how to coordinate.
Testing and CSS2.1
- Resolved: Update the site/wiki/etc to publicly prioritize testing css3 modules rather than 2.1 (for those who want WG guidance on what to work on).
- Resolved: Have all 2.1 issues filed in bugzilla by the february meeting.
- Resolved: Every year, evaluate CSS2.1 and republish if necessary to keep it up-to-date.
- Resolved: Publish a CSS snapshot annually.
- Resolved: All issues with the tests (not the infrastructure) go to Shepherd.
Backgrounds and Borders
- Discussed ISSUE-89: definition of color transition center for border corners.
Full minutes part I Full minutes part II
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