Subgroups/WCAG 3 Coordination
WCAG 3 Coordination
Sub Group of the Cognitive and Learning Disabilities Accessibility Task Force and Silver
WCAG 3 Coordination is working on turning user stories and other guidance in Making content usable for people with cognitive and learning disabilities into the Silver format and help get it though the wcag 3/ silver process.
Note that different people will be involved for each user story / silver guideline.
Subgroup general coordinator: Rain
Current Task Groups
- Task leader: temporarily Rain, new leader to be determined on next call
- Participants: Jennie, JohnK, Lisa, Jan, Rain
- Meeting time: Thursdays at 11am EST (Boston time), immediately following COGA
- Meeting information: (was
- Meeting minutes: COGA Silver Help Meeting Minutes
- Current Main Draft: Current Main Draft Access to Help
- Historical document document: Silver Help template
- Target deadline: August, 2021
What the Help group is working on
- All
- Review the user story for help and the related and mapped patterns , and figure out how these fit into the Silver Help template
- Work on our individual tasks within the Silver Help template
- Capture how we decide on what to include by noting our decisions
- While including content, flag whether what you are including should be considered a critical failure and whether or not it can be evaluated through automated testing, as we will start building these lists in one of our upcoming working sessions
- Document any ideas you have about how this template might be better, as this is only the second use of this template for Silver methods, and now is a good time to make improvements if we find them
- As going through our sections, add any examples we find to the Examples section, and any dependencies we find to the Dependencies section
- Include the pattern number and link as you are entering information so that everyone can tell what has been reviewed, and what hasn't
- JohnK (nothing specific, work on document as able)
- Jennie
- Start on the Technical description section
- Support Jan and share historical documents around Tests
- Jan
- Continue with the Tests section of the document , including looking at the past tests that the COGA group has tried to include in previous SCs, and bring in those tests that we might want to review as a group
- Lisa (nothing specific, work on document as able)
- Rain
- Continue with a first draft of the functional outcome section of the document, including the patterns Lisa identified
- Next working session we will:
- Look at the progress each of us has made on our tasks and give feedback, adjust as needed
- Look at supporting material and figure out what we need to do next
- Merge things that are duplicative, or break up sub-assignments to work on for reducing duplication between working sessions
Things we've done
- Reviewed the functional categories and decided which ones should be included, or not, and why
- Created a historical document with links to previous drafts and issues for Findable Help
Clear Language
- Task leader: JohnR and Julie Rawe
- Core writing group: JohnR, Julie Rawe, Jeanne Spellman (Silver) John K, EA, Becca, Katy, Jan, Rain
- Participants: Lisa, Aaron, Chris W, Abi James, Jennie, Ela Gorla (Silver), Francis Storr (Silver), Angela Hooker (Silver), Shannon Urban (Silver)
- Meeting time: weekly on Tuesdays at 1pm Eastern Time, 10am Pacific Time
- Meeting link:
- Working document: Clear Language Working Draft (2023)
- Target deadline: Working in 8-week sprints
What Clear Language is working on
- Draft Clear Language guideline using WCAG 3 template
- (June 2023) We are waiting for Rachael to send AG survey to give us directional feedback on our draft
- Next steps are to build out the tests and methods for each outcome, with help from internationalization team that Aaron is forming
Current drafts (last updated June 7, 2023)
- Clear Language Working Draft (2023)
- (Everything below is outdated but useful resources) COGA Silver Outcome and Method structure from the outcome, Clear and Understandable Language (written and audio)
- from the outcome, Chunked information and clear visual presentation
- Method: Short blocks of text
- Method: Provide Summary of Long Documents and Media (no draft yet)
- Method: Separate Each Instruction (no draft yet)
- Method: Use white spacing (no draft yet)
- Method: Ensure foreground content is not obscured by background (no draft yet)
- from the outcome, Math concepts
- Method: Provide alternatives to numerical concepts (no draft yet)
Additional Content
Document and Resource Links
Do not remove links!!
- [Silver conformance wiki ]
- [coga-usable]
- [our proposals to wcag for each pattern, with test cryteria and discusion ]
- [Help subgroup meeting notes ]
- [Silver Help template ]
- [links Table for proposed SC Links]
- [Findable Help History ]
Clear Language
- [Clear Language subgroup meeting minutes]
- [Research resources from JohnR ]
- [WORKING DRAFT - Silver Clear Language template ]
- [ARCHIVED VERSION - Silver Clear Words template ]
Silver Resources