2019 FTF meeting outcomes
Official meeting page https://www.w3.org/WAI/PF/cognitive-a11y-tf/wiki/Meetings/Jan_2019 (travel coord at https://docs.google.com/document/d/18TJ8JAC0u0Fa64MnONOA2Cs8MBTcJQxfnFDqK6KVxD0/edit#)
Summary of what was discussed and a list of “to do” items we have identified in the meeting
gap analysis
- build the user stories for gap annalisis
- Re-use gap analysis stories. Videos - animations
- Restructure Gap analysis
- Jennie, Jamie, E.A.& Steve are to clarify the user experience for 3.1 Authenticaion and Safety
Note we will reuse these user stories and expernce
silver and wcag
- Page on our user needs per wcag 4 items…jamie with alister lisa / rachael ??
- Prototype plain language and familiar design for Silver, Rachael , Jamie, John Kirkwood (Lisa to arrange sub call)
- Find subgroup who can work on/with wcag , chairing older and newbies (rachael ??
- template: https://docs.google.com/document/d/e/2PACX-1vRgf85Z_NJ7HmF-UX992wLx0F-sCQyipL6USL9HTmvBOWtH53C78SVNjKI8kLTxl5UuYJbc7ImiGsB_/pub silver home : https://www.w3.org/WAI/GL/task-forces/silver/wiki/Main_Page
- use clear words https://docs.google.com/document/d/1XdI8vuEunDOcIJ0kY2eKGpCKxndEvflEDp737Q148IQ/edit#
- use apis: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1zI-JOsh1IHjzMoF2aHsHpYynr4vLdFHp69zdgi3sNyo/edit?usp=sharing
- Everyone add to Glossary term contents and SL/MC decide editorial process / tooling
- Steve - identify terms that need to be defined first
Voting for WCAG 2.2
- Make it easy to find the most important thing
- Make it easy to Undo Errors
- Do not Rely in user Memory for Information
- Make it easy to use help
Also ran
Avoid data loss and timeout , Be internally consistent
New Web page mock ups
- Design Guide mock up - use a modern browser to get interactive experience
- Other pages
- Plan
Source is in wai-coga repo on GitHub
Design guide work
- Consistent terms in use doc
- Change terms in guide (patterns and objectives
- Put in the changes from the overlap conversation into the document - steve
- Update the table - Steve
- Sign up for writing design patterns (everyone)
- Review
- Revit the terms used change
- themes concepts (objectives methodologies )
- Items - patents ?... 2.3 design patterns
- More details / apply this pattern
- (jamie make examples)
- Using similar wording in the guided
- User reconsable
A bit of reserch into animation and vidio (jamie0