UF June 2015
Where and When?
- Thanks for accessibility.nl for supporting us at their offices:
Christiaan Krammlaan 2
3571 AX Utrecht
General Plans
- Informal user feedback sessions
- Get feedback for the quick reference only
- Use Google Hangout to stream and record screen and voice of the participant
- Videos will be used for making the tool better only
- Participants may opt out of recording if they wish
- We try to not record any personal information
- Observers: Generally no observers
What to look for
- Intuitiveness of the User Interface
- Used navigation and filtering options
- How success criteria content works
- Do participants realize that they can collapse the columns?
Questions (for participants)
- What sources do you currently use for accessibility information? (HT Kevin)
- What are you looking for on those sites? (HT Kevin)
- When and in which situations do you access WCAG 2.0?
Possible tasks for participants:
- Imagine a designer would ask you for advice on accessibility, how would you use this tool to give advice to them?
- You’re required to conform to the levels A and AA.
- You have heard that captions are a good thing, how do you approach this?
E-mail to participants (DRAFT)
New WAI Tools Feedback
At the Automated WCAG Monitoring Community Group (Auto WCAG CG) meeting in Utrecht, you can help improve a new W3C WAI [1] tool for web developers, designers, and evaluators! We have a prototype that we'd love for you to try out and give us feedback on.
WAI staff will be in Room [TBD] on Tuesday, June 16th. If you have a spare 20 minutes, please sign up on this doodle page to take a look at the prototype.
W3C - World Wide Web Consortium <http://www.w3.org/Consortium/>
WAI - Web Accessibility Initiative <http://www.w3.org/WAI/about.html>
"Facilitation" tips
- Encourage them to "think out loud". Model it at the beginning, that's pretend you are looking at an interface and comment on what you're thinking.
- You ask them questions. You don't provide information or answer questions. E.g., if the participant asks, "What does this link do?" You respond, "What do you think it does?"
After you're done, then you can answer their questions and explain things they didn't understand. - Remember to get them to sign permission before you do any recording.
- Alternate which version you start with (so some people start with version 1, and some start with version 2).
- Consider starting out something like:
- This is a draft prototype. We're looking for ways we can improve on it. So if you find things that don't work well, that would be helpful for us!
- We'll start with you exploring the prototype and doing whatever you want. After a while, I might stop you and ask you to do a few specific things with the prototype.
- I'm going to just listen to what you think as you explore it, and I'm not going to talk at all for a while. (You might want to give them the option of thinking outloud in either English or German as they are more comfortable.) While doing this, it would really help me if you could talk aloud "stream of consciousness" with all your thoughts, including questions, problems, good things, and bad things. For example, [model "This is confusing. I don't understand what that button does. This section would be good for my manager... etc.].
- And later, before asking questions:
- I have a few questions for you. There are no right or wrong answers, it is just to understand how you might use this resource and how we can improve it.