IndieUI Requirements Review
IndieUI Requirements First Public Working Draft (e-mail announcement)
- by 6 May - draft comments available for EOWG review
- through 8 May - EOWG review comments
- 9 May - EOWG discuss
- revise comments to submit
- 16 May - EOWG approve
- by 23 May - submit comments
Comments to submit
Please make these clear and polished.
- ...
- Typos and minor copyediting:
- ...
Comments for EOWG Discussion
- (Liam) Just trying to review standard UI widgets available in Jquery UI and Kendo... here's my list so far.
- Accordion / Panel Bar
- Action Sheet / To Do List
- Autocomplete
- Barcode
- Button
- Button Group
- Calendar
- Captcha
- Chart
- Color Picker
- Combo Box (select)
- Date Picker
- Dialog
- Diagram
- Dockable Panel
- Drawer / Peek Menu
- Editor
- Expand / Collapse Panel
- Gauges
- Grid
- List View
- Map
- Menu
- Multi Select
- Nest Panel
- Numeric Text Box
- Popover
- Progress Bar
- QR Code
- Resizable Panel
- Scheduler
- Scroller
- Scroller infinite / lazy load
- Slider
- Spinner (for numbers/dates)
- Split Panel
- Stock Chart
- Tabs / Tab Strip
- Time Picker
- Tooltip
- Treeview
- Upload
And same again for interactions:
- Drag
- Drop
- Resize
- Select
- Sort
And again same for effects
- Add/remove class
- Colour animation
- Animation effect
- Show/Hide
- Switch class
- Toggle class
Can we match which are dealt with in IndieUI? Do we think that IndieUI needs to provide for all of these use cases/scenarios? Any more UI libs that people can think of offhand? I guess that this may be a bigger deal for IndieUI UserContext than for IndieUI Events.
"use cases" versus "scenarios"
Proposed EOWG comment:
EOWG suggests calling these "use cases" throughout, and not "scenarios". We can provide rationale if needed.
previous question & comment
The draft document uses both terms. Would you consider these one or the other? Is there reason to use just one term?
- (Wayne) I was thinking very technically. Use case is a term from the UML design process. This process generally is viewed from the point of view of an "actor", who is presented with a given situation. This abstract actor has choices and these are analyzed. Scenarios tend to me more story like. I don't know if the distinction is essential, but use case is more exact.