IndieUI Overview
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This is an outdated draft. The published version is at
Some notes throughout the development are at: IndieUI Overview Notes.
Example other intro pages: WAI-ARIA, WCAG
IndieUI Events
Draft at IndieUI Overview draft page
- comments in e-mail 4 Feb {Shawn}
- The graph is great, but I miss a representation of action using the keyboard. In the example can be: ⇧ Shift + PageDown. {Emmanuelle Gutiérrez y Restrepo} Good point! We need to confirm with IndieUI TF and add that to the text as well {Shawn} Update 6 Feb: Confirmed with IndieUI TF, added to text. AnnaBelle will add to diagram.
- Like very much {Vicki}
- The diagram is very good and I appreciate Emmanuelle's observation. Good to include and add to text as well. {Sharron}
- ...comment {name}
IndieUI User Context