WAI Outreach Planning
[Draft in progress - updated $Date: 2011/05/12 21:41:26 $]
Note: This is not EOWG deliverables planning, this is broader ideas for outreach.
EOWG deliverables info: EOWG Current Work, EOWG Deliverables Planning.
Prerequisite: Improve the relevance and approachability of WAI material for newbies
- [done!] Update WAI website IA (navigation) and develop new annotated nav pages
- Landing/traffic director pages:
- ? Develop an overall landing page for all our resources that's more inviting than WAI Resources
- ? Develop new front doors (maybe 5 steps or 5 key things) for specific roles, e.g., for procurers, for evaluators
- Beginner pages
- ? Promote Accessibility Principles as a starting point for now
- Develop top 10 things to do for web accessibility (old QuickTips)
- Develop Web Accessibility FAQ
- Update the current intro pages, esp. Intro to Accessibility in light of W3C-Accessibility page
- Update Participating in WAI [related to ACT & also Process 101]
- Develop WCAG 2.0 101/Basic/Dummies/on-the-street (and integrate with quick ref)
General awareness of WAI and of the broad range of WAI resources
- Handout material
- Update and distribute WAI Flyer
- Develop and distribute WCAG 2 at a Glance &/or QuickTips card(s). (multiple ideas)
- Develop other promo material (brainstorms)
- Update and develop more handouts.
- Develop & implement awareness campaign - write short articles & get them placed, ...
- SEO and clean up getting people to current documents (instead of old drafts) [high priority]
- Update About WAI info (mission and organization, overview slides)
- [wishlist] Reconsider WAI logo
Outreach to people with disabilities
- Complete Better Web Browsing
- Complete How PWDs Use Web (for awareness of other disabilities)
- Develop "What you can expect from an accessible website" (working title)
- Develop & implement outreach campaign - write short articles & get placed in disability org newsletters, ...
ATAG promotion
- [listed above] Develop good landing page - maybe update /intro/atag or something new
- Develop & implement promotion campaign (analysis)- write short articles & get placed, ...
- ? Update Selecting and Using Authoring Tools - include sample procurement wording
Engaging web developer/designer community
- Develop community contribution vehicle
- How to Meet WCAG 2.0 (Quick Reference) functionality & UI enhancements [related to ACT]
Getting accessibility into training and education
- Improve usability of WAI Presentations page from users' perspectives (annotated nav page)
- Complete Integrating Web Accessibility in Courses
- Develop & implement promotion campaign - write short articles & get placed, (maybe video such as Teach Digital Inclusion)...
- Develop more slide sets for instructors
- Complete Training Resource Suite [related to ACT]
- HTML5 Accessibility messaging
- Manage WAI-ARIA PR & Rec announcements & promotion (might need messaging around role of ARIA (bridge vs. core))
- Manage UAAG announcements & promotion (note becoming included in policies more)
- Promote updated Policies Relating to Web Accessibility list page