Analysis for [WCAG 2 Quick Reference|Checklist]
(redesigning How to Meet WCAG 2.0)
Page Contents
Purpose, Goals, Objectives
- Make it easier to use WCAG 2 to:
- Understand the basics of web accessibility
- Develop accessible web content
- Evaluate accessibility of web content
- ?@@ Have one place to send everybody - then they can customize it.
- Help clarify interrelationships between sufficient techniques
See also the use cases below.
- Developers (who are generally looking for instances of success, e.g., techniques)
- Evaluators (who are generally looking for instances of failures)
- Newbies
Proposed New Functionality (realistic and wish list)
- Progressive disclosure (UI enhancement)
- Default view is minimum info, probably just guidelines, then user can expand specific nodes. [down to what level?]
- Users can save that customized expanded view.
- Users can get a link to that view. eg, to email to colleagues.
- Users can print that view.
- Users can export that view to other formats (eg HTML, word processing, spreadsheet). [see also checklist below]
- notes: [draft playing around with that a bit] [see also Notes on Expand-Collapse Functionality for WAI Resources]
- Checklist format (UI enhancement)
- Users can create checklist with a column for Status and a column for Notes (e.g., for things like which techniques were used).
- Users can save customized checklist format.
- Users can get a link to that checklist. eg, to email to colleagues.
- Users can print that checklist.
- Users can export that checklist to other formats (eg HTML, word processing, spreadsheet).
- Users can include a technique used that is not in WCAG. (i.e., instead of just checking which existing WCAG technique is used, they can add their own technique)
- [@@ default example checklists, e.g., for mom & pop site vs for e-commerce site... customization wizard]
- note: caution about encouraging the checklist approach (more complex than yes, no, maybe - e.g., need to list techniques used)
- Basics first (content addition, and UI)
- Users can select to show simple informative notes on basically what each guideline and success criteria means, often with a common example. (so they grok the basic meaning -- then be able to drill down to the normative wording and technical details)
- [note: we don't currently have that content, but have been working on it in various places]
- Functionality/task filtering or highlighting (content tagging, and UI)
- Users can filter or highlight all the success criteria and techniques that particularly relate to a specific functionality or task, such as: designing a form, coding a table, etc.
- Role filtering or highlighting (content tagging, and UI)
- Users can filter or highlight all the success criteria and techniques that particularly relate to a specific role, such as: basic content authors, visual designers, programmers, evaluators
- note: some work already done on this
- Overlap highlighting (content addition, and UI)
- Users can select to have highlighted all the success criteria and techniques that particularly relate to one of more of:
- general usability
- older users
- design for mobile devices
- internationalization
- business case aspects
- ...
- Users can save, link to, print, and export this view as in above items.
- [see some of the Related documents]
- Users can select to have highlighted all the success criteria and techniques that particularly relate to one of more of:
- Real people aspect - Consider adding Read How PWDs Use the Web and Involving Users in Web Projects for Better, Easier Accessibility in the Introduction and as first items in the checklist :)
- Community input - ability to comment here or integrate with other platform.
Notes and Open Issues
- OPEN ISSUE: One tool pulls in info from Understanding & Techniques (rather than send you out to another document/page)?
- OPEN ISSUE: Maybe choose views by role, e.g., policy versus developer versus evaluator?
- NOTE: Can @@Liam's idea of nav in the understanding, techniques, etc. -- breadcrumb knowing where they came from?
- @@ relationship to WCAG 2 at a Glance ? maybe that's an alternative view for newbies, notes.
- @@ for checklist, some people would like SC level, others maybe Techniques level ?
- initial decision: One tool for developers and evaluators - maybe with filtering (described above). (rather than separate tools)
- Ideally this would work for ATAG & UAAG, as well. And perhaps in the future would integrate them all (WAI 3.0).
- EOWG asks: and possibility of retitling this? [Note: "How to Meet x.x.x" is used throughout]
- Need to do SEO so this comes up first for searches such as "WCAG checklist" and "WCAG 2.0 checklist"
No longer relevant notes are under Archive below.
WCAG 2.0 is still perceived as being too complicated by many. Some things that could help with this:
- Improving the UI of the "How to Meet" so users can get a short list and expand and collapse principles, guidelines, and SC
- Integrating simple explanations (some of which can be pulled from Understanding)
- Probably calling it a "checklist" and providing it in other formats (e.g., rtf, xls)
Additionally, need to look at better support for evaluators.
How to Meet WCAG 2.0: A customizable quick reference to Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 2.0 requirements (success criteria) and techniques is essentially a checklist, but is not titled nor formatted as one.
Use Cases & Tasks
WAI website task list (from 200x) includes some relevant tasks.
[@@ AIR developers as use case]]
1. Developer knows WCAG 1, Section 508, or other accessibility guidelines
I've worked with WCAG 1.0 (or other) and am fairly familiar with it and accessibility in general. I want to skim through the high-level requirements for WCAG 2.0, and then drill down to more details for specific points that I need more information on.
2. Just the basics, new to accessibility
I don't know anything about web accessibility and want to get a general idea of what is covered in WCAG 2.0. I don't need to know the technical details now, just to understand the basics. [is this met by WCAG at a Glance? or are we saying more info is needed?]
3. Simple site, medium skill level developers
I'm a student (or mom-and-pop shop web developer) doing a basic website using HTML and CSS. I don't have any video or scripting. I do have one form. I want to make the website meet WCAG 2.0. It's all soooo complex, though. I want to get rid of info for multimedia, etc. that I'm not using and get a simple checklist.
4. Checklist, complex site
We're redesigning our complex website and need to make it meet WCAG 2.0. We're working on a prototype. I want to have an interactive checklist where I can check off the things we've already done, and update it as we meet other SC.
5. Evaluating a website
I know WCAG 2.0 pretty well, and am using this as a checklist. @@
- @@...
6. Older user researcher or developers
7. Trainers
8. Policy, manager, procurement
... e.g., want to learn about difference between Level A and Level AA, and impact on a project.
[might fall out of scope to have such a high level view]
- Current one: How to Meet WCAG 2.0: A customizable quick reference to Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 2.0 requirements (success criteria) and techniques
- WCAG 2.0 CR evaluation tool (requires access permission)
- Related Notes on Expand-Collapse Functionality for WAI Resources
- What some other people have done:
(have NOFOLLOW in meta, but still better not to make below links)
- - material from our Quick Ref re-presented with all SC on one page and details in popup dialog box like
- [@@ links to relevant WCAG 2.0 comments &/or WCAG WG discussions]
- Some EOWG discussions: 2009 Oct 09, 2008 Jan 11,
- ...
Old notes, previous thoughts, etc.:
- ...
- expand-collapse proof-of-concept, playing with ideas - lines indicated with are clickable