This is an old draft. The published version of this document is at

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Sample Implementation Plans for Web Accessibility

This is an old draft. The published version of this document is at

Note: This document is an initial draft [see change log in progress] and should not be referenced or quoted under any circumstances. This document is under development by the Education and Outreach Working Group (EOWG), and will be offered to other W3C groups and the public for review.


Regardless of what kind of organization, there will be some similarities in implementation considerations for Web accessibility, for example: Is there an organization-wide policy in place on Web accessibility? Is training available? Should there be some quality control to ensure that published Web pages meet the organizational standard for Web accessibility?

This page outlines some generic implementation considerations, and provides links [coming] to sample implementation plans addressing those considerations in different contexts, including corporate, government, non-governmental organization, educational institution, and Web-design businesses. Many variations of implementation plans are possible; these sample plans should in no way be taken as prescriptive.

[Note to EOWG writers: Please use this skeleton implementation plan as a template to add to or diverge from in preparing the context-specific implementation plans we have discussed.]

[Reference note: -- also]

[Misc: institutionalizing a policy for new pages/sites, retrofitting pages/sites//capacity-building of internal expertise, external resources]

Implementation Considerations

Assess current situation

A first step may be assess the current situation within an organization with regard to Web accessibility. General answers to the questions below can often be obtained very quickly, and can provide sufficient information to shape priorities in an implementation plan.

Key questions include:

  1. How much awareness is there already in the organization regarding the need for Web accessibility?
  2. How accessible are the organization's current Web sites, including publicly visible sites as well as intranets?
  3. What is the current level of expertise of individuals producing content for and designing Web sites in the organization, with regard to Web accessibility?
  4. Do the authoring tools currently used in the organization support production of accessible Web sites?
  5. Is there a centralized policy regarding Web technologies, style, and content used on the organization's Web sites?
  6. Is the organization subject to external requirements regarding level of accessibility on its sites?

Develop an organization-wide policy on Web accessibility

An increasing number of organizations are developing organization-wide policies regarding their external and internal Web sites to ensure consistency and quality in design and function. Among other considerations, such policies can specify a given level of accessibility, and can do this by referencing W3C's Web Content Accessibility Guidelines, which have the advantage of being an internationally recognized W3C specification. [see also: benefits of using harmonized standard for Web accessibility]

Key considerations in setting such a policy include:

Promote awareness throughout the organization

Once a policy has been established, ensure that it is publicized throughout the organization.

Possible approaches include:

Establish a recommended approach for self-evaluation, or organizational monitoring of sites

Web masters need some way to review their Web pages for accessibility, and to know how their sites may be monitored or evaluated within an organization.

Evaluation process

There are many different types of evaluation tools for Web accessibility; they each have different strengths and weaknesses. It is best to use several different types of tools and approaches in combination, for instance:

Logo use

Once Web sites have been determined to be conformant to a given level of Web accessibility, an organization may or may not want to advise using a Web accessibility logo on conformant pages, or on the top page of a Web site. Before using a logo, note carefully the terms of use. For instance, the W3C logos for Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 1.0 indicate a self-declaration of conformance to a specific level of WCAG 1.0 (Level A, Double-A, or Triple-A), and must be linked back to information about the self-declaration statement and about WCAG 1.0 on the W3C Web site. Logos available from other organizations have different meanings and different terms of use.

How evaluation results are used

Consider contests, etc., or visibility of evaluation results, as motivators...@@ (for instance, a campaign)

Provide for training needs

Based on initial information about awareness of Web accessibility, and Web accessibility design skills, consider a range of training options which will enable Web masters in an organization to produce sites conformant with the organization's Web accessibility policy. One of the benefits of referencing the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines is the amount of training resources which have arisen around WCAG, and the amount of training resources currently in development by different organizations. [and benefit of providing feedback on common set of resources]

If initial awareness training is needed, see training resources and suggested curricula at....

If technical training is needed, see training resources and suggested curricula at... including resources available for online self-education including the "Curriculum for Web Content Accessibility Guidelines."


@@Choice of authoring tools

@@Provide feedback through involvement with other organizations

@@Consider future policy framework

[@@Some Places to Start -- integrate info from this section]

Last updated 30 April 2001 by Judy Brewer (

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