Media Queries Level 4
- 2016-01-27: Probably want to do something with this, but not sure what. ACTION-2005 Fred to review.
- 2016-02-03: During actions review Fred says we definitely have interest, question of high contrast mode in media query. Janina says question of using media queries to configure environment. Tzviya says this is huge for DPub, though it's ARIA supposed to work on meeting those use cases.
- 2016-02-10: Discussion in 10 Feb 2016 Actions Review "we need to note on the wiki that we have a huge interest in this spec". ACTION-2010 Michael to say so, so said.
- 2016-05-11: Moving to deferred for now.
- 2017-05-19: Wide review request received, so need to un-defer this.
- 2017-05-31: CSS TF Issue 16 filed to manage review.
- 2017-11-01 CSS WG issue 1925 filed with review, CSS TF Issue 16 closed.
- 2020-05-28: Wide review request.