ACTION-2014: Review micropub

Review micropub

Fred Esch
Due on:
July 6, 2016
Created on:
February 17, 2016
Associated Product:
Spec reviews
Related emails:
  1. Minutes APA Meeting: Wednesday, 10 August 2016 (from on 2016-08-10)
  2. minutes from 7 July 2016 APA meeting (from on 2016-07-06)
  3. Minutes from 6/29/16 (from on 2016-06-29)
  4. APA Minutes for March 3, 2016 (from on 2016-03-02)
  5. apa-ACTION-2014: Review micropub (from on 2016-02-17)

Related notes:

Document is in a very early stage, I suggest putting MicroPub on the re-review in a year list. The one thing to watch is when the uploading media (videos, audio, pictures) API matures, it would be nice to have a way to assign an alt text or a closed caption track. Since they don't have any server side implementations yet - it is too early to worry about it.

Fred Esch, 17 Feb 2016, 21:26:07

Reopening and setting a new deadline to come back.

Michael Cooper, 2 Mar 2016, 17:27:31

Micropub needs an accessibility section. Images and media should be able to be uploaded and downloaded with associated accessibility info. For instance, an image should be able to be uploaded and downloaded with the appropriate image element alt attribute or a description. Media should be able to be tied to a closed caption track.

You may be able to associate images/media with accessibility info, however there are no examples of how to do it and no accessibility section to explain how they should be linked. There are references to microformats 2, but without a close reading of microformats, my guess is if you use microformats for accessiblity information you will have an ad hoc solution - not a standards compliant implementation.

Fred Esch, 5 Jul 2016, 20:27:45


6 Jul 2016, 16:40:58

Display change log.

Janina Sajka <>, Matthew Atkinson <>, Chairs, Ruoxi Ran <>, Staff Contact
Tracker: documentation, (configuration for this group), originally developed by Dean Jackson, is developed and maintained by the Systems Team <>.
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