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Today we made public our beta of the redesigned W3C Web site. I am sure we will learn a lot now that it is live.

Last night, as I was thinking about what to highlight in this post, I concluded that a screencast tour might be more interesting. It is a bit long (10 minutes) but covers some of the key features of the redesign. There is also a page about the redesign with more details about features and known limitations.

I would like to thank the W3C Systems Team for their dedication to making this happen. We implemented the site using a combination of off-the-shelf tools and some home-grown glue. I look forward to blogging about those tools and the site itself over the next few weeks.

We need a lot more content for pages like the technology introductions. You can help. If you would like to write a few paragraphs about a technology that interests you, we will do our best to integrate the material into the site. Our page about the redesign explains more.

Let us know your thoughts, and enjoy the beta.

Update 2009-04-14: I have created a page to track comments.

Filed by Ian Jacobs on March 20, 2009 4:54 PM in Bugs Life, W3C Life
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Jordan Clark # 2009-03-23

Here's my 2 cents on the redesign:

At first glance, I say it's looking good! I haven't had a chance to have a good look at the markup etc., but visually, I think that it looks a lot more professional and authoritative - the way that the web's main authority should look - than its current form.

One thing I don't like, though, is the way that the recommendations have been integrated into the design (see the example of the HTML 4.01 Specification). Not that I think there's anything wrong with the way it looks; I just think that these type of documents would be best left in their current "standalone" format (that's merely my opinion, though!).

When I get a chance to have a good look, I will post some feedback over on my personal website.

Cindy Sue Causey # 2009-03-27

Same here on the just flipped a couple of quick pages to test drive it..

I'm one of the ones occasionally speaking about (accommodating) cognitive disabilities.. Speaking cognitively, I LIKE.. :grin:

Don't know if it's the font, colors, layout, or what, but.. Even though it appears you're providing near as much information as what is on the old site, this version is not as intimidating visually at first impression..

Additionally, I'm able to stay more focused on the meaty content instead of my Mind's attention constantly being dragged off to all the various other tidbits on the sidebars.. Huge help.. :grin:

As to the Rec pages design as Jordan highlighted, I understand what he's saying regarding his preference.. Personally, though, I like the additional access to other parts of the site included.. Even as long as I've been following you all, like since the later '90s, (cognitively again) I've always had a dickens of a time getting back to where I wished to be once on a recommendation landing page.. The new design is covering precisely the places I always regularly wished to access once on a Rec page..

Going to git.. Thank you all so much for ALL you do..

Cyber hugs from Talking Rock.. :)

Jordan Clark # 2009-03-27


Come to think of it, I am coming round to the idea of the additional navigation on the TR pages. I suppose it does make it easier to get to other parts of the site.

gosc # 2009-04-11

Older version is much simpler in use, everything is within reach. In beta I don't know what and where is. Where is html validator, css validator etc. I don't like it.

Coralie Mercier Author Profile Page # 2009-05-12

Hello gosc

I wonder if what you describe is related to your being used to the soon-to-be-former display. I hope so! There is a site map that has been added to the bottom footer. In case this still doesn't do it for you, would you mind elaborating on how you would like it better?

Elijah Grey # 2009-04-13

The "Search" button has a text foreground color that is very close to my system preference for the button background's general color so the button appears blank to me.

You should specify a background image for the button so it is readable no matter what the default color for ButtonFace is.

Ian Jacobs # 2009-05-26

To Elija's comment about button foreground text: I've removed the foreground specification so the user's preferences will take effect.

To the comment about finding the validator, a number of changes on the home page should make this easier, including: (1) link to validator in left column (2) link to A-Z list in left column (3) section on validators at bottom of home page.

Liam McGee # 2009-08-28

Hi there - I like - just one comment: in the right hand nav, the heading 'Current Status' could be improved.

How about 'Standards' or 'Current Standards'?

Anything that tells you what the things under the heading are, rather than just a ref to a process that non-w3c types are unlikely to understand?

Otherwise: good job!

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