W3C Jigsaw

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The directory resource is the basic resource to export file-system directories. It keeps track of all its children resources, create them dynamically if needed, and is also able to create negotiated resources on the fly (as needed).

This class should be used as the basic class to export file system directories.


The DirectoryResource class inherits from the following classes:

Attributes description

The DirectoryResource defines the following attributes:

The physical directory that this resource exports.
This attribute is a computed and not saved FileAttribute.
default value
This attribute value is computed by concatenating (in the appropriate file-system dependent way), the parent's resource directory value, with this directory identifier.

The name of the directory that handles this directory's icons. Each HTTPResource has an optional icon attribute. When a directory resource needs to produce a listing it will dereference each icons relative to its icon directory.
This attribute is an editable StringAttribute, giving the path of the URL to the icon directory.
default value
This attribute defaults to /icons.

The date at which the directory resource last checked its consistency against the underlying physical directory.
This attribute is a non-editable, computed DateAttribute.
default value
This attribute defaults to -1 (meaning it is undefined).

Should the directory resource automatically create NegotiatedResource ? When this flag is turned to true, the directory resource will automatically create negotiable resources on top of normal resources: each time a new resource is added to the directory, the resource looks up for a resource having the new child name, but possibly different extensions. If this succeeds, either the found resource is already a negotiated resource, in which case the new child is added as one of its variant resource; otherwise (the negotiated resource doesn't exist), the directory resource creates it with only one variant (the new child resource).
This attribute is an editable BooleanAttribute.
default value
This attribute defaults to false.

Jigsaw Team
$Id: w3c.jigsaw.resources.DirectoryResource.html,v 1.2 1996/04/11 20:36:40 abaird Exp $