W3C Jigsaw

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The StoreContainer resource is a virtual resource containers that provide support for  storing children resources in a SimpleResourceStore. It has no dependencies to the file system, and can (should) be used to implement virtual hierarchy of objects.

This class is an abstract class byt itself, you need to refine it with a way to create new children resources in order to instantiate it.


The StoreContainer class inherits from the following classes:

Attributes description

The StoreContainer defines the following attributes:

Should this directory automatically keep in sync with the underlying physical directory ? The directory resource maintains a cache of its list of children, which may be outdated if the directory is changed through direct file system access. When this flag is turned to true, the directory resource will make its best effort to keep in sync with it, by adopting the following lookup algorithm: first look up children in our cache list, if this fails, check if some appropriate file exists. If such a file exists, hand it to the ResourceIndexer and install the resulting resource (if any) as a new child of the directory resource.
This attribute is an editable BooleanAttribute.
default value
This attribute defaults to true.

The optional name of the directory child resource that is to be used as the directory index. This attribute should name an existing child resource, that will be used as the index resource of the directory (all accesses to the directory will be delegated to it).
This attribute is an editable StringAttribute.
default value
This attribute value is computed by concatenating (in the appropriate file-system dependant way), the parent's resource directory value, with this directory identifier.

Should the directory emit a relocation reply when accessed through an invalid URL. A common case of handling invalid directory access is to emit a relocation reply so that the browser gets access to the directory through a valid URL (e.g. http://www.w3.org/pub is invalid, because pub is a directory, the correct URL is http://www.w3.org/pub/). When this flag is set to true, the directory resource will emit the appropriate relocation reply.
This attribute is an editable and non-saved BooleanAttribute.
default value
This attribute value defaults to true.

The name of the file to be used as the resource store database in this directory.
This attribute is an editable and mandatory FilenameAttribute.
default value
This attribute value is computed by concatenating (in the appropriate file-system dependant way), the parent's resource directory value, with this directory identifier.

Jigsaw Team
$Id: w3c.jigsaw.resources.StoreContainer.html,v 1.2 1997/07/31 08:24:57 ylafon Exp $