Tracker summary for Tavmjong Bah

SVG Working Group Tracker

Open Actions

There are 44 open actions.

ID State Title Person Due Date Associated with
ACTION-2833 (edit) open Investigate Inkscape SVG on clipboard usage Tavmjong Bah 2010-09-10
ACTION-2847 (edit) open Draft report on Coons patches Tavmjong Bah 2010-09-13
ACTION-2852 (edit) open Extract the maths from Inkscape for path on path and write a report Tavmjong Bah 2010-09-13
ACTION-2903 (edit) open Work with Tab Atkins on gradient extensions use case and requirements Tavmjong Bah 2010-11-12
ACTION-2954 (edit) open To create table of results from Tav's test on Tavmjong Bah 2011-02-16
ACTION-2961 (edit) open Propose text to address issue with marker colours not matching colours of path Tavmjong Bah 2011-02-23
ACTION-3096 (edit) open Update the coon's mesh proposal to make it both a geometric primitive and a paint server. Tavmjong Bah 2011-08-05
ACTION-3121 (edit) open Edit the SVG 2.0 spec. and add the gradient mesh specification. Tavmjong Bah 2011-09-29
ACTION-3147 (edit) open Update the mesh gradients page with these resolutions Tavmjong Bah 2011-10-27
ACTION-3161 (edit) open Write up summary of inkscape's non-scaling features, as possible candidates for svg2 Tavmjong Bah 2011-11-04
ACTION-3187 (edit) open Ask Vincent for feedback on the spec styling Tavmjong Bah 2011-12-22
ACTION-3188 (edit) open Write up a brief summary of what a half toning feature would look like Tavmjong Bah 2011-12-22
ACTION-3189 (edit) open Get clarification from Olaf on what his advanced pattern request is Tavmjong Bah 2011-12-22
ACTION-3260 (edit) open Work with Chris to get test suite manifest scripts working Tavmjong Bah 2012-04-26
ACTION-3261 (edit) open Work with chris to create the test manifest Tavmjong Bah 2012-04-26
ACTION-3292 (edit) open Write a filter primitive proposal Tavmjong Bah 2012-05-15
ACTION-3309 (edit) open Update the svg2 test template to be in sync with the agreed format in Tavmjong Bah 2012-06-21
ACTION-3500 (edit) open Put multiple fills/strokes in SVG 2. Tavmjong Bah 2013-06-10
ACTION-3505 (edit) open Draft some wording for recommended scaling techniques in SVG 2 Tavmjong Bah 2013-06-11
ACTION-3509 (edit) open Make the text wrapping changes to the spec Tavmjong Bah 2013-07-04
ACTION-3524 (edit) open Discuss with doug and look at merging text from his connectors proposal in with doug's proposal Tavmjong Bah 2013-09-19
ACTION-3566 (edit) open Think of text to clarify whether transforms are taken into account with % objectboundingbox values in resource elements Tavmjong Bah 2014-02-06
ACTION-3615 (edit) open Write up proposal for clipping sections of path around markers Tavmjong Bah 2014-04-15 SVG 2
ACTION-3626 (edit) open Review css text decoration and css3 text and compare it with svg Tavmjong Bah 2014-05-29
ACTION-3642 (edit) open Ask inkscape vsw implementor to add catmull-rom interpolation to see what it's like Tavmjong Bah 2014-08-29
ACTION-3651 (edit) open Investigate blending for fill and stroke Tavmjong Bah 2014-09-01
ACTION-3661 (edit) open Look at algorithms for path offsetting to support stroke-position Tavmjong Bah 2014-09-02
ACTION-3666 (edit) open Take an action to check to make sure on the text layout. Tavmjong Bah 2014-09-11
ACTION-3667 (edit) open Clarify in the text that startoffset is an additional transform to any x or y Tavmjong Bah 2014-09-11
ACTION-3696 (edit) open Look at applying context-* outside of referenced things. Tavmjong Bah 2015-01-22
ACTION-3735 (edit) open Add line-join:miter-clip to svg 2. Tavmjong Bah 2015-02-19
ACTION-3736 (edit) open Add the new z behaviour. Tavmjong Bah 2015-02-20
ACTION-3737 (edit) open Update textpath for text on a shape. Tavmjong Bah 2015-02-20
ACTION-3738 (edit) open Mail www-svg about the symbol x/y/width/height issue and report back in two weeks Tavmjong Bah 2015-02-20
ACTION-3749 (edit) open Make miter-limit work on arc line caps in this way Tavmjong Bah 2015-02-20
ACTION-3750 (edit) open Make the text changes from today's meeting Tavmjong Bah 2015-02-20
ACTION-3757 (edit) open Add <patch type="smooth-bicubic"> to the spec. Tavmjong Bah 2015-02-21
ACTION-3774 (edit) open Come up with solution for issue 17 in co-ordinates and units Tavmjong Bah 2015-03-26
ACTION-3776 (edit) open Test browser-interoperability with respect to stroke dashing on basic shapes Tavmjong Bah 2015-04-16
ACTION-3795 (edit) open Make objectboundingbox on meshes cause the path syntax to be interpreted as 0..1 bounding box values Tavmjong Bah 2015-06-16
ACTION-3833 (edit) open Survey whether option 2 or 3 would be better for arcs fallback Tavmjong Bah 2016-02-10
ACTION-3850 (edit) open Update spec to reflect no transform on inline elements Tavmjong Bah 2016-07-28
ACTION-3851 (edit) open Review css fill and stroke to ensure it captures everything from svg Tavmjong Bah 2016-08-11
ACTION-3864 (edit) open Update text prose with text/textpath offset resolution Tavmjong Bah 2016-11-24

Open Issues

There are 3 open issues listed in the system.

ID State Title Raised on Product Open Actions
ISSUE-2351 (edit)
CSS Required Units
RAISED Last Call Comment: Clarify that units are required on <length>s in style attribute; fix examples in text. 2010-07-14 SVG 1.1 F2 Last Call 0
ISSUE-2353 (edit)
feImage coordinates
RAISED Last Call Comment: Clarify coordinates for feImage. 2010-07-16 SVG 1.1 F2 Last Call 0
ISSUE-2429 (edit) RAISED Errors in element/attribute lists. 2011-12-01 SVG Full 1.1 0

Tracker: documentation, , originally developed by Dean Jackson, is developed and maintained by the Systems Team <>.
$Id: 44925.html,v 1.1 2020/01/17 13:23:11 carcone Exp $