The archive has been started in April, 2002
The Euroweb 2002 Conference will be held at St Anne's College, Oxford, UK on the 17th and 18th December 2002. EuroWeb 2002 will be a major international forum at which research on the GRID, Web Services and the Semantic Web as the future computing infrastructure is presented. Invited speakers include Brian McBride of HP on the Semantic Web, Domenico Laforenza of CNR on the Grid, and John Ibbotson of IBM on Web Services. A draft program of all accepted papers is available on the web site. Early registration reduced fee ends on the 15th November.
16 October, 2002: the W3C Korean Office co-organizes a Workshop on Semantic Web and Knowledge Management System, hosted jointly by the Korean Office, KAIST, ICEC and ITRC. The workshop takes place in Seoul, on the 15th of November. For a detailed program (in Korean), see the office's program page.
5 September, 2002: registrations are opened for the W3C Day, run as part of the Evolve Conference on the 8th of October, 2002, in Sydney, Australia. The event is organized by the Australian Office of W3C. See more details at the Web site of the W3C Day.
6 September, 2002: W3C is pleased to announce the opening of the W3C Finnish Office in Tampere, Finland. The Office is hosted by the Digital Media Institute of the Tampere University of Technology.
Tarja Syst� is the manager of the W3C Finnish Office. She received Ph.D. in computer science in 2000 at the Tampere University of Technology (TUT), Finland. Tarja works as a professor at the Institute of Software Systems at TUT. Her research interests include software engineering, reverse engineering, UML, XML, and software architectures and interoperability.
Ossi Nyk�nen is the full-time co-ordinator of the W3C Finnish Office. He graduated with honours as a computer scientist at the University of Jyv�skyl�, Finland, in 1997. In 2001 he received the degree of Licentiate of technology in mathematics at the Tampere University of Technology, Finland. Before joining the W3C Office, Ossi worked as a researcher and a teacher of hypermedia at the Tampere University of Technology. He is interested in machine learning and inference, structured documents (XML in particular), single-sourcing, semantic systems, accessibility, and Web architectures.
The Office Opening ceremony will take place on the 11th of October, in Tampere.
23 August, 2002: the Hungarian Office has officially published the programme for its official Opening Event. The event will take place at the central building of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences on the 24th of September, 2002. The list of speakers inludes several W3C Team members, too. Registrations for the event are open.
11 July, 2002: Supported by the W3C UK and Ireland Office and IW3C2, the EuroWeb 2002 Conference will be held in Oxford, UK on 17-18 December 2002. The conference focus is "The Web and the GRID: from e-science to e-business." Research and position papers should be submitted by 27 September. For more information, please read the call for papers and consult the conference Web site.
30 July, 2002: just as in earlier years, the W3C Offices in Europe participate at the XML Days series in Europe by providing speakers from either the local Office Staff or the W3C Team and by being present at some of the events with booths and information on W3C. This year's list of speakers and topics include:
6 May 2002: As W3C increases its presence worldwide through its Office program, some of the Offices have been transformed into regional Offices. This means that they are not bound to national borders any more and that they act as regional outreach centers for countries that share common culture, history, or language. As a first step, the former W3C German Office is now the W3C Office in Germany and Austria, the former W3C UK Office is now the W3C Office in the UK and Ireland, and the former W3C Dutch Office is now the W3C Office in the Benelux (i.e., Belgium, the Netherlands, and Luxembourg).
19 April, 2002: The official opening of the W3C Korean Office has taken place on the 19th of April, in Daejeon. Steven R. Bratt, Chief Operating Officer of W3C, Seungtaik Yang, representing the Korean Ministry of Information and Communication, and Gilrok Oh, President of ETRI were among those attending the opening ceremonies. Marie-Claire Forgue, Ivan Herman, Kazuhiro Kitagawa, and Tatsuya Hagino, from W3C, and Yongwoon Kim, from INITECH, have also made a presentation at the event. For more details, see the the separate page of the event.
23 April, 2002: W3C is pleased to announce the opening of the W3C Hungarian Office in Budapest, Hungary. The Office is hosted by the Department of Distributed Systems of MTA SZTAKI (Computer and Automation Research Institute of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences). The Office Manager is L�szl� Kov�cs, the coordinator is �va Megyaszai. The date of the opening ceremony will be decided at a later time.
Gioacchino La Vecchia, Italian Office, holds a tutorial on Security at the WWW2002 Conference in Hawaii, on the 7th of May.
Michael Wilson, UK Office, makes a presentation on W3C standards as exploitation of University Research, Department of Trade and Industry, London, May 2nd.
Michael Wilson, UK Office, makes a presentation at the CEC FW6 Briefing in London, May 31, on "The Web in knowledge Management".
Brian Matthew, UK and Ireland Office, presents the European SWAD project at the Semantic Web Conference in Sardinia, Italy, 11th of June 2002.
Kangchan Lee, Korean Office, makes a presentation on Device Independence on the 25th of July at the KRNet2002 conference.
Kangchan Lee, Korean Office, makes a presentation on the Technical Trends and Perspective on XML on the 20th of August at the ICT Standardization Workshop.
Andrew Wood, representing the Australian Office, gives an Overview on Web Services in Brisbane, on August 27, at DSTC.
Brian Matthews, UK & Ireland office, gvies a keynote at the EuroCris Conference in Kassel, Germany, on August 31st, on Web Services and the Semantic Web.
Kangchan Lee, Korean Office, makes a presentation "Next Generation Web Technology" on the 11th of September at the Long-Term Planning Workshop for Information & Communication Standard at TTA(Telecommunation Technology Agency), Seoul.
Klaus Birkenbihl, Office for Germany and Austria, gives a presentation at the XML Days in Munich, on September 18, 2002: "XML f�r Alles? Die Fakten"
Oreste Signore, Italian Office, gives a presentation at the XML Days in Milano, on September 20, 2002: "Una panoramica delle tecnologie W3C".
Michael Wilson and Brian Matthew, UK & Ireland office, both make a presentation at the XML UK conference: Preparing for the Semantic Web, on the 9th of October 2002. Brian gives an introduction to the Semantic Web, Michael's presentation is "A thesaurus interchange format for migrating to the Semantic Web".
Kangchan Lee, Korean office, make a presentation at the workshop "Web Services vs. Integrated Enterprise Solutions: Friend or Foes", in Seoul, Korea, on the 30th of October. The title of his talk is "Technical Issues & Trends of Standardization on the Web Services". The talk is in Korean.
Oreste Signore, Italian Office, makes a presentation at the Knowledge Management Forum 2002, on the 6-7th of November in Rome, "Utilizzo delle tecnologie W3C nell' e-learning (Using W3C technologies in e-learning)".
Oreste Signore, Italian Office, makes a presentation at an event on Entreprise application in Milano, on November 14, on the Web Services Activities at W3C.
Kishik Park, Korean Office, makes a presentation at the Semantic Web and KMS Workshop, KAIST, Seoul, on the 15th of November, "The trends of W3C Technical Standardization and Semantic Web".
Michael Wilson, UK & Ireland Office, makes a presentation at a NESTA Futurelab event Opening Pandora's Box in Bradford, on the 6-7 November, "Harnessing the creative and educational potential of connectivity".
Michael Wilson, UK & Ireland Office, makes a presentation at the KM Europe Conference, London, 14th of November, "Future Web technology".
Gioacchino La Vecchia, Italian Office, makes a presentation at the " Sole 24 Ore Business Conference: "Garantire la sicurezza con la Firma Digitale" (Guarantee security with Digital Signature)", on the 3rd of December, "What XML introduction does mean for Digital Signature".
Michael Wilson, UK & Ireland Office, makes a presentation OxIT Annual Conference: on the 5th of December in Oxford, UK, "IT research, standards and the future".
Klaus Birkenbihl, Germany & Austria office, makes a presentation in Kassel, at the DIN-event "NormDOC 2002 - Technische Produktdokumentation und rechnergestützte Bearbeitung und Archivierung von Dokumenten", on Dec 04/05 2002. He will give the closing talk titled "Die XML-Sprachfamilie - ein SGML-Anwendungsprofil fürs Web".
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