How to Participate in WWW4


In order to attend, you must be registered. Registration has closed, but you can still add your name to the waiting list, and spaces will be made available on a first-come, first-serve basis.

Presenting Work and Discussing Issues

Opportunities to formally present work relating to the World Wide Web at this conference have already been filled, in the form of papers, panels, posters, workshops, and tutorials. Birds of a Feather Sessions (BOFs), which allow people with common interests to gather and discuss issues which may not be covered elsewhere in the conference, have already been scheduled.  However, additional BOF meetings may be solicited on the conference bulletin board starting on Monday; rooms will be assigned if available.

Please see the program for more information.

Getting to Boston and the Conference

Due to the season and other events in Boston, hotels are filling quickly, so we recommend making reservations as early as possible. Information is available on local hotels, airline discounts, and getting around in Boston.

Special participants

Special arrangements are possible for students, volunteers, and members of the press.

mbone Remote access through Mbone

If you cannot attend in person, portions of the conference will be available for remote access through the Mbone.

Last updated 11 Dec 1995