Accessibility Education and Outreach Working Group (EOWG) Teleconference

04 Aug 2023


BrianE, Laura, kakinney, Michele, jedi, shawn, Sharron, Kevin, Jade
kakinney, kevin, krisanne


<kakinney> scribe: kakinney

BrianE: new participant introductions.

New Participant Introductions

EOWG Priorities

BrianE: Want to brainstorm some priorities for EO, for people personally. We need to gather resources to include in the charter. Hoping to have a list by TPAC.

Jedi: WCAG EM and ARRM have a lot of potential for the work that I do.

current work : https://www.w3.org/WAI/EO/wiki/EOWG_Current_Projects

<jedi> WCAG-EM and ARRM

WAI Resources : https://www.w3.org/WAI/resources/

Jedi: using ARRM to show colleagues how accessibility all works together with everyone's roles.

<shawn> ARRM draft page with roles https://deploy-preview-3--wai-arrm.netlify.app/planning/arrm/roles/

<shawn> draft first apge: https://deploy-preview-3--wai-arrm.netlify.app/planning/arrm/

<shawn> wiki working main page https://www.w3.org/WAI/EO/wiki/ARRM_Project_-_Accessibility_Roles_and_Responsibilities_Mapping

<shawn> previous resource : https://www.w3.org/community/wai-engage/wiki/Accessibility_Responsibility_Breakdown

Jedi: I use role based training with agencies in my country. So I use the roles to see what the knowledge gaps are.

Jade: I have a few things on my to do list and it links to the fact that accessibility is maturing, What do the roles need to do.
... exploring how do we promote how we use WAI resources - can we officially link to them as the gold standard of resources.

<sharron> +1 to Jade's suggestion for downloadable attributes for WAI/EO

Jade: curricula for developers on accessible development.

<kevin> scribe: kevin

<jedi> +1 to Jade and like to know if EO is releasing resources under CC licenses or so?

<scribe> scribe: krisanne

<Zakim> shawn, you wanted to answer <jedi> +1 to Jade and like to know if EO is releasing resources under CC licenses or so?

<shawn> https://www.w3.org/WAI/about/using-wai-material/

<kakinney> Shawn: We do have some CC licenses. look for them in the footer of any page. Permission to use WAI Material as long as you attribute it to WAI and include link to source material

<kakinney> ... curricula is Creative Commons.

<kakinney> Jade: is there somewhere that we can capture our wish list?

<shawn> add to wishilist https://www.w3.org/WAI/EO/wiki/EOWG_2023#Deliverables_Brainstorming

<kakinney> Shawn: the wiki page is linked, so just add it to the wikipage.

<kakinney> Sharron: I will put them on the wiki for you if you don't want to add them.

<kakinney> Jade: I will be brave and put my ideas on the wiki

<kakinney> Sharron: are we thinking of updates or just new?

<kakinney> BrianE: its updates to existing resources that need to be updated, or it can be new resources.

<kakinney> Shawn: the spreadsheet has the list of resources, and what the priority to update them might be, level of effort to update them too.

<kakinney> Sharron: the thing I distribute to people is the Planning and Management guide - and it would be good to keep that one pretty current. Adding more about procurement may be good for that document.

<kakinney> Shawn: are you aware of the planning resource?

<shawn> planning resource https://www.w3.org/WAI/planning-and-managing/

<kakinney> Jedi: I know the resource but I haven't looked at it in depth yet.

<kakinney> BrianE: we also have the section of "Contributed to" to show the resources that we contributed to help them create the resource. for instance the In Briefs

<kakinney> Shawn: in the spreadsheet there is a column for EO and if it has an E its an EOWG resource. If its an I then its not our resource, we just contribute to it.

<Zakim> shawn, you wanted to note in spreadsheet EOWG and to note in spreadsheet EOWG "E" vs "i"

<shawn> any comments on questions on https://www.w3.org/WAI/EO/wiki/EOWG_Current_Projects#Current_Work?

<kakinney> short reading break

<kakinney> Jedi: WCAG EM is quite useful for me. the current report tool, does it have any translation ability?

<shawn> all translations https://www.w3.org/WAI/translations/

<shawn> to start on trsanslations https://www.w3.org/WAI/about/translating/

<Zakim> jedi, you wanted to ask about WCAG-EM Report Tool l10n posibility?

<Zakim> shawn, you wanted to note translations & course

<kakinney> Shawn: following on the translations, excellent news is that someone who did a lot of the French translations is going to do more for us, so we will have additional people resources for that.

<kakinney> ... we are going to update WCAG EM to include WCAG 2.2 as well.

<kakinney> ... new addition to the current work is the W3C Course. We are updating it and we will be getting started on that in the 3rd quarter of this year. We should allow for EO input on the course.

<kakinney> ... look forward to EO's perspective on that.

<kakinney> Jade: what do you mean when you say you're updating the course?

<kakinney> Shawn: We need to add WCAG 2.1 and 2.2. Throughout we need better test questions. Module 2, how people with disabilities use the web needs a redo.

<kakinney> Jade: will there be a subgroup for this work?

<kakinney> Shawn: yes, we will likely have a sub-group. (will look at other things too like if video quality is sufficent throughout)

<kakinney> BrianE: adding anything you think of to the wiki as part of Work for this Week.

Summary of Action Items

Summary of Resolutions

[End of minutes]

Minutes manually created (not a transcript), formatted by David Booth's scribe.perl version 1.200 (CVS log)
$Date: 2023/08/04 13:55:40 $

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This is scribe.perl Revision VERSION of 2020-12-31
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Guessing input format: Irssi_ISO8601_Log_Text_Format (score 1.00)

Succeeded: s/WCAG EM and AI/WCAG EM and ARRM/
Succeeded: s/as long as you attribute it to WAI./as long as you attribute it to WAI and include link to source material/
Succeeded: s/We may update Module 1, we need better test questions./Throughout we need better test questions./
Succeeded: s/yes, we will have a group that will look at other things too like the videos./yes, we will likely have a sub-group. (will look at other things too like if video quality is sufficent throughout)/
Default Present: BrianE, Laura, kakinney, Michele, jedi, shawn, Sharron, Kevin, Jade
Present: BrianE, Laura, kakinney, Michele, jedi, shawn, Sharron, Kevin, Jade
Found Scribe: kakinney
Inferring ScribeNick: kakinney
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ScribeNicks: kakinney, kevin

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