08 August 2022


jeanne, Kim_patch, maryjom, shawn

Meeting minutes

ag update

<shawn> Rachael: working towards 2.2 CR

Rachael: CFC for moving WCAG 2.2 to CR closes Thursday. AG goal for TPAC is to create an exploratory conformance model.

Michael: WCAG 2.2 will need to be in the charter since it won't be done.

Rachael: Would an extension of a month be easier?

Michael: may be.

Task force update and discussion

Kim: We just got some new people and are getting everyone going. We are concentrating on building resources.
… This summer we are meeting every other week. We now have enough people

<Zakim> shawn, you wanted to ask for pointer to resources and to remind supplementla guidance

Shawn: Can you provide a pointer to those resources?
… also we have supplemental guidance. Would any of the resources be publishable in supplemental guidance?

Kim: All in google docs resources and we are aiming for supp. guidance.
… One of the first links on our page is to the docs. Its well labeled.
… the resources are putting research together and existing resources in different ways.
… One of the next steps is figuring out how it fits into supplemental guidance. Use examples for COGA. what they did well and so something similar.

Shawn: In Low vision, we worked on a template for additional supplemental guidance.
… the template is linked from the low vision wiki page.
… we played around with a few different options. It is not finalized. Its an in progress suggestion. But lets coordinate so we do similar things where it makes sense. Similar to coga but a bit more.

Kim: Great.

Rachael: Would it make sense to review that in this meeting next time?

<shawn> https://www.w3.org/WAI/GL/low-vision-a11y-tf/wiki/Main_Page

low vision wiki above. Mobile wiki below.

Shawn: Low vision is still on hold pending enough people. The twitter thread that got me going Saturday was about the removal of visible controls. I hope the old understanding page will still be available. This stuff should be supplemental guidance. I want to check in with chairs. What would be the process and people on how to get the stuff that didn't make it into 2.2 into supplemental guidance.

<Kim_patch> Mobile wiki page: https://www.w3.org/WAI/GL/mobile-a11y-tf/wiki/Main_Page

Rachael: Will bring up with chairs. Visible controls came out of coga so may already be partially in supplemental guidance. We will roll all that work into 3.0 so work won't be lost but its a good question.

Shawn: Can help as much as I can. Let me know.

<shawn> [ possibility to take draft Understanding doc and edit it for Supplemental Guidance ? ]

Mary Jo: WCAG2ICT. I will be making an announcement to put out a plea for participants in the taskforce. I have several participants from industry. I will be putting it out there. I will have a survey made available. I need make sure the permissions are ok.
… I want to ask times and techniques so we can have good conversations about notes and caveats. I suspect we will get underway the last week of August/first week of September. People are still on vacation.
… Other question, I don't have a wiki. Should I have a wiki to keep track of work in progress and meeting minutes, scribe lists, etc.
… I don't think I have one.

<MichaelC> https://github.com/w3c/wcag2ict/wiki

MichaelC: I suggest using the wcag2itc wiki. W3C is avoiding.


Rachael: I like the wiki, using it for silver, happy to help.

<Zakim> shawn, you wanted to note soms can't access Google Docs and to ask for tips at end of this call?

KIm: Anyone aware of Scif? Documents instead of code. Similar service.

Shawn: Can we get tips or question on the github wiki?

Michael: The one real trick with the github wiki, is that it accepts multiple flavors of markdown. It uses github markdown by default but you do have to change it if you are used to media wiki.
… Philippe uses a tool called eitherpad (sp?). If people would like to try that we can try it.

Jeanne: We need to retest it.

Kim: We look for a tool that does everything. We like using a tool for writing and then doing the markup. If we can somehow divide the tools by process. Editing one tool, displaying final other tool
… There is a lot of time using a wiki. A lot of people are not able to do the markup part. Its a burden on top of editing.
… Its a big ask and people drop out.

+1 to that
… Especially if you are using any kind of accessibility tools. Its an extra thing so you don't get as much of the content if there is that layer on top all the time.

<jeanne> +1

<Zakim> shawn, you wanted to note above

<jeanne> It does auto generate TOC when I use MediaWIki markup

Shawn: Can edit a specific section.

<jeanne> https://github.com/w3c/silver/wiki/Equity-Framework

Jeanne: Silver taskforce just finished analyzing and categorizing WCAG 2 SC to migrate them to WCAG 3. We were looking at SC by user needs, functional needs, units that they addresses (component, process, entire web page, entire web site) and type of test.
… (Objective, manual judgement, process, protocol/process). It took 4 months to do it. It is done and we are starting to manipulate the data and we think it will help with the structure. We are now reviewing the Silver guideline writing process.
… AG approved but created maturity levels (Placeholder, exploratory, developmental, etc)

<Rachael> s/developmental, etc./developing, refining, maturing)

Jeanne: We want to make the writing process more agile and adapt it to the new levels. Hope to have it done by TPAC.

Discussion of strategies for helping new participants engage successfully

<shawn> [ shawn updates link to supplemental guidance template in LV TF wiki page. https://www.w3.org/WAI/GL/low-vision-a11y-tf/wiki/Main_Page#Current_Work ]

Kim: We have an agenda document that works well for people. The agenda document is something you can look at and see the date of the next meeting and what will be covered. I update it immediately after the next meeting. That document also has resources. I have an onboarding document. Both copied from COGA.
… Here are some key WCAG documents. I've heard from new people that there is a lot on teh website and they can't get a handle on the structure. Where does mobile fit? Its good to have a few links to refer them to.

That is what works for us. Having a place to go. Some people are truly new. Some people came with complaints about not being able to figure out the structure of W3C in general.
… didn't know where mobile fit it.

<shawn> [ in case it's helpful, MaryJo, for EOWG, here is our "weekly info" page: https://www.w3.org/WAI/EO/wiki/EOWG_Meetings . for new folks: https://www.w3.org/WAI/EO/wiki/EOWG_Participation_Info ]

Rachael: Community group seems to work for some groups

<Kim_patch> Mobile onboarding document: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1zCUxNC26pFILkfKfJQaYJaC8Y4Uzq5zCIua0_TLoCNY/edit#

Rachael: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1_caRiZaTQDmsd2Vq415sz4AIullNse-GeGtohUfg_5M/edit#

New business and action review

Github wiki

<Kim_patch> Here's the URL to the secure drive service Skiff which I mentioned earlier: https://skiff.com/drive

Kim: We should do a study or find a study on how efficient wikis are.

Rachael: We have taken an approach of using the wiki as a bookmarking place and allowing groups to use what they work best in

Kim: Efficiency matters even if we dont' hear complaints about it.

Mary Jo: Are you using html in media wiki?

Michael: There are help pages.
… my recommendation is to use github wiki syntax for a new wiki, .

Minutes manually created (not a transcript), formatted by scribe.perl version 192 (Tue Jun 28 16:55:30 2022 UTC).


Succeeded: s/preseent+//

Failed: s/developmental, etc./developing, refining, maturing)

Maybe present: Kim, Michael, MichaelC, Rachael