Accessibility Education and Outreach Working Group (EOWG) Teleconference

08 Apr 2022


shawn, krisanne, Leticia, Jade, Vera, shadi, Laura, Daniel, BrianE, MarkPalmer, Sylvie, Howard, Brent, Kevin, Michele, Carlos
Sharron, Estella, Vicki


<Brent> Scribe: Jade

Evaluation tools list redesign

<Vera> https://master--wai-evaluation-tools-list.netlify.app/list-of-evaluation-tools/

<Brent> Survey results: https://www.w3.org/2002/09/wbs/35532/EOweek3-25-22/results

Vera: Point 1 from the survey, grouping results into pages
... hiding/showing filter options

Decision to keep all filters shown based on user testing

Shawn: do we need more discussion about showing all filters? Perhaps the default is all shown and then people have the option to hide.

Vera: the uppermost categories are shown fully and the others are hidden/folded in. This worked well for users in testing.

Kevin: It feels overwhelming with so many shown options but would be keen to explore options of patterns with hidden filters.
... doesn't want to go against user testing findings but there are other design options to explore

Shadi: likes the filter assistant but is it clear to users that this is a simpler version of show/hiding filters?
... suggests an 'advanced' filter option in addition to a simple view.

Vera: in testing it was clear and intuitive to users that there were hidden filters which folded out.
... need further user input about simple and advanced.

Shadi: if it's clear, who feels overwhelmed? The users didn't feel this, the 'overwhelming' comment came from the survey results.

Vera: The users didn't feel this, the 'overwhelming' comment came from the survey results.
... preventing scope creep of the tools list

Need to keep the tools list focused on finding a tool, but then add links to resources, but this needs to be limited, e.g. for beginners on where to begin and how to select the right tool.

scribe: these links point to information which is already available where users can get more key information.

Vera: Level of difficulty/skill rating for tools, not sure how to implement this, focus instead on the filters for tasks/user goal

<shadi> [most of the features/categories i suggested are from the QuickRef]

<shawn> +1 that this page is not for beginners

Shadi: need to differentiate between tools which beginners can access and those for more advanced users

<kevin> +1

Shawn: agrees that this page shouldn't have a target audience for beginners/be optimised for beginner users.

Vera: filter preset a good solution for showing the different areas and uses of the tool

<shadi> +1 to Vera's points

Vera: it's also not a bad thing when beginner users land here and get redirected, allows them to see the further options available to explore later
... do we explore this more or make a decision now?

Should there be a set of these types of categories which they should move forward with the interface for?

<MarkPalmer> +1

<shadi> +1

Vote: would it be useful for the tools list to have filter presets for the types of tasks which are relevant for the user?

<Howard> 0

<BrianE> +1


<Sylvie> Abstain

<Laura> +1

<kevin> +1

<Michele> abstain

Carlos: what's the difference between this proposal and the existing wizard?

<Brent> -1

Vera: they're not separate from each other, but the filter preset would be an already pre-determined set of filters based on the user task

<CarlosD> -1

<dmontalvo> I like the idea, not sure how this would look like in context. Would be more comfortable waiting for a live preview to see this in context

<Howard> -1

Vera: you'd still keep the flexibility of choosing filters apart from those which are preset.

Shadi: What's the difference between going to the page and asking I want to find a tool which is automated vs I want a tool to help with design.

Vera: there's a difference between categories/filters, one is more task focused, the other is more specific.

Shadi: the two categories are really different, but they're treated the same in terms of being able to filter

Vera: the quick filter needs more exploration
... and how the categories overlap and then populate the presets

Shadi: previous comments about how users didn't like being locked into preset categories

Vera: this was because it wasn't implemented in a way in which it could be altered after the presets had been selected, which has now been changed

<shawn> shawn points to how we do exactly this with the quickref https://www.w3.org/WAI/WCAG21/quickref/?currentsidebar=%23col_customize

Brent: worried about the complexity of the categories, has something been filtered out with the filters that I wanted to see? Are we asking too much of the vendors and the specific detail needed to ensure presets are accurate?

Vera: advanced users will be able to scroll down and understand what additional filters they need to use.

Brent: it'll be useful to see how this works by testing it
... when a vendor submits a tool, won't they need to specify what it does? That'll have an impact on what is/isn't shown

Vera: we'll need to consider this more

<Zakim> shawn, you wanted to show quickref

Shawn: screensharing an example of the WCAG quick reference, and how certain categories with preset options have other alternatives which you can't then amend. ,

Vera: overlap of some of the categories for types of accessibility test which can be performed.
... can anyone help come up with this list?
... of the accessibility checks filter category
... we're still working on the way the tools will be submitted.

General agreement: thanks to Vera and the team for this work.

Outreach and Inreach

Kris Anne: We're trying to put together a page to support the work EO does and the need to have it continue with potential changes which will happen with W3C

scribe: We'd like to find out from the group what resources are being used, and how to find this out.

<krisanne> https://www.w3.org/WAI/EO/wiki/EOWG_Outreach#How_are_EO_resources_used.3F

scribe: We've thought of surveys, Twitter (but this needs to be managed and recorded) Started a page for people to submit where resources are being used.

Kris Anne: We need as a group to try to compile and populate this page.

<krisanne> https://www.w3.org/WAI/EO/wiki/Documenting_EOWG_Impact

Kris Anne: also thinking ahead to chartering next year.

scribe: we need to start recording this now so we can demonstrate the impact later on.

<Brent> Jade: Is there a way to ask on resource pages, if you use this resource let us know. Something like that.

<shadi> +1 to Jade -- not just "submit issues" but also "let us know how this works"

<Brent> Jade: People are using very quality resource for free, many would be happy to give back and share how and when they use them.

<Brent> Shadi: I like this idea by Jade. Maybe some simple change to the links at the bottom could collect this type of information from the WAI audience.

<shawn> https://www.w3.org/WAI/about/using-wai-material/#let-us-know

<Brent> Jade: If we need this evidence, I don't think there is anything wrong with directly asking for it on the resource pages.

Kris Anne: AccessU, session on EO resources upcoming

Jade: GAAD is coming up as well

Michele: people might not necessarily be on Twitter/etc. to share, do we know who uses the resources?
... perhaps surveying page visitors about how they're using the resource
... needs to be more prominent

+1 to Michele!

<Zakim> shawn, you wanted to say gaad promo planning

Shawn: promo planned for gaad around highlighting resources.

Brent: would it be appropriate to put something in those comms?

Shawn: what's the goal of finding this out? We need to ask that first

Shadi: inreach, opportunities for working with other working groups, building EO in more as an essential part of WAI work
... Also benefits to helping other groups with how they present their info (e.g. the silver group)

Kris Anne: definitely more scope for highlighting work we've done with other groups.

Kevin's unfrozen!

Kevin: using and understanding page analytics.

Shawn: we need to think about how much we publish in the way of testimony, case studies, examples.

<shawn> Sharron already moved the agenda. It's now here: https://www.w3.org/WAI/EO/wiki/EOWG_Meetings_2022#08_April_2022

Kris Anne: all ideas welcome so email.

EO 2022 face to face

Brent: not meeting in Austin, lack of participant availability. We're looking for options, e.g. TPAC in October. Thinking of options for 2023/outside US

WAI Adapt

<Brent> latest info in GitHub issue to add input:https://github.com/w3c/wai-personalization-standards/issues/9#issuecomment-1090814374

<Brent> Draft Adapt overview: https://deploy-preview-8--wai-personalization-standards.netlify.app/personalization/

ARIA authoring practices redesign

Shawn: pointed to the supplemental guidance template, this went off track when Hidde left, it's being brought together again now.
... the current design has a homepage, working on ways to give them feedback, putting this out for comment today

Kevin: this is one of his/the top referenced pages. Really likes the re-design, aligns with current design practice, some questions about the homepage, it could be useful if grouped around themes.

Shawn: should patterns and widgets be the first tab?

Kevin: home is a useful overview/starting point
... Which might be a better use for this homepage rather than what is currently on there.
... the principles might be a better starting point on the home page

Brent: would like to see an overview on the homepage, and what to expect on the rest of the site. And perhaps make it usable in an independent way for developers so they can self access the content.

Shawn: screensharing other examples of 'about' sections and where they are
... need to differentiate between new/repeat users and where to put 'about', question here, is this page different?
... should 'about' be placed elsewhere?

Kevin: not sure it's important which tab it's placed on. Tend to go straight to the url/bookmarks it. Not a bad idea to keep the principles visible.

Summary of Action Items

Summary of Resolutions

[End of minutes]

Minutes manually created (not a transcript), formatted by David Booth's scribe.perl version 1.200 (CVS log)
$Date: 2022/04/08 14:34:04 $

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Succeeded: s/Topic: WAI AdaptPersonalisation, the group has gone for WAI adapt, still questions around styling./Topic: WAI Adapt/
Present: shawn, krisanne, Leticia, Jade, Vera, shadi, Laura, Daniel, BrianE, MarkPalmer, Sylvie, Howard, Brent, Kevin, Michele, Carlos
Regrets: Sharron, Estella, Vicki
Found Scribe: Jade
Inferring ScribeNick: Jade
Found Date: 08 Apr 2022
People with action items: 

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