Meeting minutes
Agenda Review & Announcements
janina: Nothing to add.
TPAC Planning
janina: Reminding everyone of the URI in the agenda item itself. It will be more populated with relevant data as we near TPAC.
janina: Quick overview: of the page: the top is rather irrelevant as for now. Frist item lissts teh meetings for the first week.
janina: As the meetings get scheduled they will get reordered. There is data on the different meetings, key people we want to make sure are participating and so forth.
janina: There is also room for proposed agenda an dannotations. All is open to group participation.
janina: TF mfacilitators have been asked to arrange as appropriate. If you have something to add, please do.
janina: The first week's meetings tend to be 1h meetings: second week meetings tend to be half-days according to current thinking. We'#ll see how that goes.
janina: Last but not least, the section beyond the second week is proposed sessions for the deay of breakouts (Wed second week). You go as you're interested.
<Fazio> yay
janina: Topics iwll include: COGA Usable. Our remaining publications are in a second meeting. We'll see if a basic introduction will suffice.
janina: A proposed breakout on Remote Meetings is also in the running.
<Fazio> Maturity model
janina: Expect rearrangements, additions, subtractions.
janina: At the bottom are some generally useful links.
janina: There is crosslink to Silver/AGWG.
janina: Thanks to Irfan, there is a larger meeting in relation to speech in W3C being arranged as well.
Task Force Updates
janina: RQTF: we expect a CFC right about the start of September to publish SAUR *Sync Accessibility User Requirements( follolowed by up to two AURs before TPAC in WD status.
janina: We're close to a CR for personalization but Lionel can talk about that if he wishes.
janina: RQTF is busy, short and sweet.
Lionel_Wolberger: Personalization has good momentum towrads CR. Even next meeting or the one after we will be requesting CR.
irfan: We are moving forward with th feedback including the response from vendors (brosser and AT vendors).
janina: TPAC is really two different meetings at the same time. Technical Plannery and AC (Advisory Committee). The idea is, for the AC part, that W3C coordination should happen.
Fazio: I'm in Peru for the rest of the year, by the way.
Fazio: COGA> we're very focused on the mental health thing. We're working through some literary reviews. We did review some really intersting documents where mental health profesionals have reviewed documents like the WCAG and given comment. Their recommendation si to follow more standardized documents in the medaical sphere (DSM and so on).
janina: The wider community of disabillity advocacy, all the organizations *AFB, WID and so forth) have worked very hard to get out of the medical model as a way of discussing disability and disability accommodations. I don't think the DSM is going to be a popular suggestion at the moment.
janina: We can start with the word invalid...
Fazio: Not specifically using the DSM but the way we go about claiming Success Criteria should be done this or that way doesn't have much scientific research behind it and that it is hard for mental health situations to say that it does what it says it does if there is not scientific standing behind it. It wasn't suggesting using the DSM per se. That's just s
Fazio: They actually reviewed WCAG and actually attributed it to mental conditions that they do affect and how.
janina: Who are they here?
<JF> +1 to Janina
janina: It's a bit of a major change in authority here to say that we should lean more on the scientific material.
JF: The DSM is an attempt by professionals to quantify or qualify something. When it comes to a11y, I get nervous about stuff that demands additional expertise. We want to make it easier, not harder.
janina: Let's not stray into Silver here, but just a caution to COGA.
Fazio: We're basing the success criteria on experience rather than on scientific research. That might be a problem.
<Fazio> Chair for Public Health and Health Services Research, Research Unit for Biopsychosocial Health, Department of Medical Informatics, Biometry and Epidemiology, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München, Munich , D
janina: I've been in an exchange with Lisa and Rain. They're asking for a meeting with i18n about iconography. I'm not sure if that's in scope of what they do. If there is a basis to do some work around that, the classic APA pattern is to write an AUR documetn and it would be perfectly appropriate if COGA wants to take up such a document on iconography.
janina: I would however check around and see that this isn't in someone else's scope. I'm not aware that there has been any standardization of iconography in the W3C ever, for anyone.
JF: There is some work around emojis which is kinhd of an icon and around UTF8 and those kinds of things. The topic becomes complicated fairly quickly. It can stray into emojis or UTF8 characters and wingdings and so on.
janina: They want to standardize things that would be shown in a web page. It could be something that could be configured through CSS or the personalizations specs. I would start that with an AUR document, that's always a beginning point.
Joshue108: This has been very fascinating for a host of reasons.
<Fazio> Mental Health Article https://
FAST Update
Joshue108: Brifely: Michael was away, we didn't meet last Friday. We will jsut continue to discuss Jake's proposal on the functional needs committee. I want to discuss some kind of plans for deliverables or milestones and see what we can deliver over the next few months. I want to projectize the FAST work.
janina: Projected timelines and deliverables wouldn't be bad.
New Charters Review
A11y Review Comment Tracker
becky: It seems that there is nothing new here. Michael is away, again...
new on TR
becky: HTML Accessibility API mappings 1.0.
janina: I think we defer to ARIA on that.
becky: Teh Working Draft for pesonalization appeared on this page. Just FYI.
Dangling Spec Review Cleanup:
becky: Michael is off, again...
Actions Checkin (Specs)
<PaulG> https://
PaulG: Do you want a report now on the CSS scrolbars_
PaulG: Reads the comment out loud.
PaulG: Fro accessibility, scrollbars should react to zoom and so on, CSS WG doesn't see the need for this. I might be misunderstanding here.
becky: Think is there and that is author controlled, so why not wide?
PaulG: Thin may have been a mistake, it's already there.
becky: It is a poor argument, but even so.
PaulG: I didn't respond in order to wait for comments from the group. Are we saying that the CSS WGs reasoning is flawed?
<Lionel> a?
<Lionel> a?
janina: I don't know that we need to beat them up over the reasoning. The question is what makes the browsersmake it available tousers, that's a good one.
PaulG: I'll work on a response.
Lionel: I wasn't fully aware of thin.
becky: It's in the issue that Paqul put in.
Other Business
JF: This is a question, mostly. Janina, you have mentioned somewhere that the W3C has introduced the new calendaring feature. I'm really impressed with it. Some groups I'm involved with have been using it. When you go to your user page on, you can export all your meetings through iCal.
janina: In the last week or so it has gone out of beta and is now considered for primetime use.
janina: Soemgroups are using it, others are not.
janina: I like that part about populating the calednar. One of the thigns we tested last year was a Google calendar for all of our TPAC sessions. I found that particularly useful.
janina: At some point we need the time to deal with thlearning curve.
janina: We are aware of it and expecting the move there at some point.
becky: I thought it was interesting that it does have an instruction so I pulled that up. I could use better instructions, but I'll look them through and see what I can do.
janina: Like everythign else, the existing template is the exxisting tenmplate and we know how to deal with it. Switching to a new tool, there is always a learning curve. There may be a glitch or two by the switch.
janina: Can't promise you it'll happen this or next week, but soon.