<scribe> scribe: sajkaj
sl: FYI: Working to bring overall conformance models to AGWG to help narrow candidates in time for FPWD in about two months
js: Can we do details of timeline?
ca: First proposal to AGWG next week, then week following
js: Point is next 3 weeks AGWG
are joint mtgs with Silver for conformance model candidates
... August 11 will be a virtual daylong with AGWG
rm: Expect some tweaks as the plan evolves
ca: Specifics ... Announcing in
AGWG today for upcoming weeks re Silver
... Next week Rachael will present her proposal
... Following week will be John Foliot's proposed model
... Then week following will be focussed on a deep dive of the
alternatives; what to keep from either; etc.
mc: Just opened telecon page ...
<MichaelC> AG telecon info
sl: Asks if any questions?
<Lauriat> https://www.w3.org/WAI/GL/task-forces/silver/wiki/Main_Page#Sub_Groups
js: Please provide an assessment of how far along your group will be in 4 weeks ...
makoto: Just starting writeup;
<Makoto> https://www.w3.org/WAI/GL/task-forces/silver/wiki/Alt_Text_Subgroup#Current
js: Any idea of where in 4 weeks?
makoto: Would like other tabs; will also try to write another method
js: Yes
... Would be good to capture all the 2.2 updates somehow --
though not fully done, work on techniques would be good to
... Let's talk off meeting
... It's very good work
sl: visual contrast ...
chris: lots of movement,
components also full page --
... 4 weeks both granular table and methods off that
js: fontweight and size method?
chris: can develop what we have further by then
<Jan> presnt+ jan
sl: clear lang
<Jan> We did not meet last week
<Jan> due to the NFB conference
<Jan> We are meeting again this week.
js: need a 4 week estimate when possible
sl: XR
js: Did not meet this week; Mike
working on first draft re captioning method for end
... Also working on functional outcomes
... To all subgroups: Please prioritize functional outcomes; we
need that for conformance work
sl: Maturity Model
df: Moving next mtg to the 29th
... Believe we will have at least an outline in 4 weeks
... We'll need to figure how functional outcomes fit in
js: Asks David not to overworry
functional outcomes in maturity model
... an outline would be awesome if possible
<Zakim> JF, you wanted to request a definition from David
df: Should be able if we can get agreement!
js: If there is disagreement;
please work for the higher lievel where you do have
... Functional Needs
mc: Meeting weekly Thursdays;
will talk intersection with maturity model next mtg; and will
start paring down massive collected outcomes
... Working both outcomes and needs; could produce something in
4 weeks but not at the detail we want
js: We really need the high level categories in order to support breakdown by group for conformance model
mc: Not sure we've determined what categorization is correct, but will try
js: concerned over two groups working on outcomes --
mc: understood; believe we can work that out
<bruce_bailey> https://section508.gov/content/mapping-wcag-to-fpc
mc: we're trying to capture everything; so we'll need a plan to synbc
bb: Pasted list of 508's
categories used to map to 2.x A and AA
... Mostly aligns with EN -- but there are some
js: Yes, the discrepencies put onto this task!
rm: Believe there's great value
to approach from both bottom up and from top down, then resolve
any issues
... We shouldn't sidestep either
sj: May not need final list of categories for AGWG
mc: Yes, but should not risk "you're leaving my group out'"
js: So, we'd publish a note with Silver draft?
mc: No, into the draft
js: Headings
... Should discuss our plan here ...
... It's one of our most complete guidelines, but also sketchy
because we use it as our prototype
... We've used it to check whether other aspects work
... Asks Sherie ...
Sherie: Yes; notes VMware working on AI to help with headings
js: Conformance Architecture
... Notes Jake has been making progress on how to test
functional outcomes when there are no methods, or when
new/proprietary tech
... While Jake on holliday, we'll write up a testing model with
<Fazio> does it include accessible authentication SC?
js: Plan is to setup an example
with login incl the sublogin pieces, "forgot," etc
... Hope to have something to show Friday
df: Asks about keeping COGA in this work
js: Trying to start with
unarguably bad login, and show what needs fixing
... COGA nuances would come later
... Before we release something we recommend, we want to do
validity testing
js: Discussed template last
Friday ...
... Confirmed definition of functional needs
... Moving on how to setup functional outcomes -- still
discussion on how to structure them
<MichaelC> https://www.w3.org/2020/07/17-silver-minutes#item02
js: Following from Friday's minutes ...
<jeanne> Last Friday's resolved: A functional need is A statement that describes a specific gap in one’s ability, or a specific mismatch between ability and the designed environment or context.
jf: What if gap is tech gap?
js: Resolved--rather not reopen just now
df: We made distinction between functional need and user need
js: Next step is functional
... These are for our content -- so very specific to a
<jeanne> Examples:
<jeanne> “Organizes text into logical chunks to make locating information easier and faster.”
<jeanne> “Uses visually distinct headings so sighted readers can determine the structure.”
<jeanne> “Provides semantic structure to support assistive technology-- headings are coded as headings.”
<jeanne> “Conveys a sense of hierarchy that helps the user explore and navigate the text material.”
<Chuck> js: What I think I was discussing was "present perfect".
<Chuck> sajkaj: That's not quite right here.
<Chuck> s /js/sajkaj/
js: Wanted to have present tense active verbs so would be clear what to do
rm: Example was "users percieved
... Eager to understand distinction
js: Certainly need to get them
into plain lang
... Each outcome had test, and we organized by test then
averaged ...
... In an attempt to keep things fair across groups
rm: Not sure about rolling these to headings
js: Also Jake concerned
rm: Agree this orgnizes the
... Believe level above this is more something else
<Lauriat> +1 to Rachael, but I can't put it any better than that either.
js: Notes Jake doesn't consider headings a good guideline -- but if stated as structuring text, could apply better
rm: Believe it's to become more user need focussed, not tech
<JF> +1 to Rachael - W3C is a technical standards org
<Lauriat> +1 to Rachael, exactly.
rm: Should not mix "user percieve, programatically determinable"
<Zakim> ChrisLoiselle, you wanted to comment on guidelines / functional needs etc.
<ChrisLoiselle> https://www.ucdenver.edu/faculty_staff/faculty/center-for-faculty-development/Documents/tutorials/Assessment/module3/good_objectives.htm
chris: toward defining our objective per condition, e.g. screen reader, coga, etc as per user behavior
jf: plus one to RM about distinguishing between programatically determinable and user perception
<Lauriat> -1, I think we can do better than programmatically determinable.
jf: But it's the programatically mesaurable that we can define
<jeanne> -1 Writing guideline
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