Form for W3C Advisory Committee to vote | Advisory Board public page
This is the list of nominees for the 2018 Election to the W3C Advisory Board (AB). Each person has been nominated by at least one W3C Member according to the AB election process.
The W3C Membership elects the AB. For this election W3C will fill five seats. W3C will announce the results the first week of June 2018.
Note: The deadline for votes is 23:59 ET, 30 May 2018.
The following statements were sent about the nominees (in alphabetical order by nominee family name):
An asterisk (*) indicates that the nominee is a current participant. All individuals were nominated by the AC Representatives of their organizations unless otherwise indicated below.
Tantek Çelik is Mozilla's web standards lead, has been on the Advisory Board since July 2013, recently co-chaired the Social Web Working Group (2014-2018, 7 Recommendations produced), and a 20 year participant & editor in various other W3C working groups, contributing to producing several key Recommendations for the open web platform including: CSS 2.1, CSS3 Color, CSS Style Attributes, Selectors, and Media Queries.
During his previous terms on the AB, Tantek improved both the Advisory Board and W3C as a whole through changes for more openness, more open licensing, making W3C more attractive for community standards contributions, and helping facilitate cross-standards-organization collaboration with the WHATWG.
Tantek established several open AB resources and an increased culture of working in the open, from the informal @W3CAB Twitter to the AB's wiki home page where nearly all AB projects are now documented, encouraging increased transparency, public review, and contributions.
Tantek's contribution to open web standards began with leading the implementation of the Tasman rendering engine in Microsoft Internet Explorer 5 for Macintosh, a watershed achievement of solid CSS1, HTML4, and PNG 1.0 support in the year 2000.
In addition to W3C activities, Tantek co-founded the standards community and the personal website empowerment community, participated in the development of vCard4 at IETF, and contributes to the WHATWG.
If re-elected, Tantek will continue to bring practical experience working with (and helping evolve) a variety of standards organization models and processes in the Advisory Board, encouraging W3C to focus its resources on where it can have the most positive impact on the future of the web.
Tantek holds B.S. & M.S. degrees in Computer Science from Stanford University and shares his thoughts on his personal website.
Jay (Junichi) Kishigami, in his multiple years of service on the W3C Advisory Board, has continued to bring a unique set of insights that comes from having been involved in senior leadership positions in the industry and in academia (as a university professor in both Japan and Malaysia) - as well as from being, along with Takeshi Natsuno, one of the pioneering members of the AB from Asia. He has helped to broaden the diversity of the W3C organizational leadership, lighting the way for closer involvement in the W3C from more participants throughout Asia - particularly from Japan,China, and Korea.
Jay has served on the AB for nearly four years now - initially elected in 2014 and then re-elected for a second term in 2016 (the same year the W3C celebrated the 20th anniversary of Keio University as the first W3C host established in Asia).
Jay was formerly Executive Director of NTT Cyber Solution Laboratories, as well as Vice President of NTT's Strategic Business Development Division and NTT America's IP (Internet Protocol) Headquarters, and is currently a senior adviser for standardization strategy at NTT, a Professor of Muroran Institute of Technology, and a Senior Visiting Researcher at Keio University.
Jay has been involved in a very wide range of technologies as a researcher at NTT, including work on innovative technologies for high-capacity information storage, IPTV, RFID (IoT), and interdisciplinary regions between privacy or security issues, business issues, and technology. He continues to work to maintain expertise in still-rapidly evolving technology areas - such as applications of IPFS, blockchain technologies, and data-mining technologies (just to mention a few specific fields where some of his current university activity is concentrated).
[Florian Rivoal's statement is also available in 日本語, 中文, 한국어, français.]
Florian Rivoal is nominated by Disruptive Innovations.
Many aspects contribute to making W3C a great venue to work on standardisation, but we should not rest on our laurels. The world does not sit still, and we need to constantly work at making W3C better, so that existing projects and working groups have the best working conditions possible, and so that we get a healthy inflow of new projects choosing the W3C as the best host for their standardization efforts.
I have had the opportunity to wear many hats at the W3C: representative of a browser vendor (Opera) to the CSS Working Group, invited expert to the same CSS-WG and a few other WGs, AC Rep of a small company (Vivliostyle), co-chair of a Community Group... I have edited specifications through the whole life cycle, from incubation (in a WG & in WICG) to REC. All that to say that I know how things work at W3C, and also how they sometimes don't.
I'm from France, live in Japan, lived in Norway and China before, have business relations with Korea... Diversity and global participation are important to me. In particular, I intend to make sure that Asian members get their voices and concerns heard. Other aspects of diversity are not lost on me, and I will support all efforts to make W3C an inclusive and welcoming place to all.
Topics I am particularly interested in for the AB:
PS: I am independent, but my expenses for this role will be covered by Kodansha (One of the largest Japanese publishing company).
PPS: By the way, I'm not only a techie, I also hold a MBA from INSEAD (often ranked #1 MBA world-wide); you can read my full resume at:
I am Tzviya Siegman, the Information Standards Lead at John Wiley & Sons, a publisher of academic and scientific books and journals. I focus on open source, standards, accessibility, and linked data.
I first encountered the W3C in 2013, when the Digital Publishing Interest Group was launched. I found an organization with a remarkable spirit, a strong culture, an important mission, and fascinating people. There was work to be done, and I dived in, soon becoming the chair of that interest group. I now chair the Publishing Working Group, and am a member of the Verifiable Claims Working Group and ARIA Working Group. I've had previous standards experience, chairing the EPUB Working Group and being on the board of directors of the IDPF.
I have a keen interest in making the W3C more welcoming, more efficient, more diverse—not just "Web for all" but "W3C for all." Standards are written by those who show up, and we need to make it easier to show up. So many voices are missing—entire industries, entire cultures, entire continents. We need these perspectives and experiences to make the web better. We need to hear the voices of individual web users and developers, small companies, groups marginalized by language or geography or simply a lack of money.
As a working group chair, I've tried to gently introduce new participants to the W3C, and encourage everyone to participate. As an Advisory Board member, I hope to help expand not only our membership but the participation of our members. We need to do a better job of welcoming people to W3C. We need to do more to support invited experts and those with limited resources. We need to partner with others in the open source world. We need to re-examine our funding model, and figure out how to create a sustainable and diverse consortium.
I'm deeply committed to the W3C and its mission. With my background and skills, I can help lead the web to its full potential.
Please don’t hesitate to contact me at tsiegman at wiley dot com.
Apple is pleased to nominate David Singer for re-election to the Advisory Board.
I am the manager for standards activities in the software engineering group at Apple, with more than 15 years of experience in standards and the governance of standards bodies. This experience includes working in the W3C (Advisory Committee, Advisory Board, and various working and community groups), MPEG (ISO), and on the board of the Unicode Consortium.
I believe that infrastructure – tools, process, policies etc. – exist to enable us to do our best work. In my time on the AB so far, I have helped address some long-standing problems and modernization needs — maintenance, the handling of long-lived Recommendations (one aspect of ‘supergroups’), the 'liberal license' issue, the invited expert agreement, and so on. I want to see the W3C continue to modernize and liberalize — more flexible processes and procedures, using the best tooling we can find or build. I am passionate about making the web work for all – accessibility and internationalization, privacy and security. (I am currently getting my teeth in continuously-revised documents, sometimes called Living Standards, and Repositories and Registries.)
If re-elected, I will continue to address areas where the infrastructure is not enabling our best work – improved tooling, process improvements, and in general addressing 'governance' questions – so that the W3C can continue to be a place where the industry as a whole can congregate, debate, and build the specifications that advance the web to the benefit of all.
[Léonie Watson's statement is also available in 中文版, Français, 日本語, Português, Español.]
I am Director of Developer Communications and a Principal Engineer at The Paciello Group (TPG). I believe the web is better and stronger when we work together, and that the W3C is better and stronger when we work together; if I am re-elected to the AB I will continue to champion this philosophy at every level.
I joined the Protocols and Formats WG (now called the Accessible Platform Architectures WG) in 2010, as a self-funded Invited Expert (IE). I was then responsible for my employer at the time joining the W3C and was their Advisory Committee (AC) representative until 2013 (Nomensa remains a W3C member). I became TPG's first AC representative in 2014, and was elected to the Advisory Board (AB) in 2016.
I participate in several groups including the Accessible Platform Architectures WG, and the Accessibility Guidelines WG (formerly known as the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines WG), making sure that the needs of TPG's customers are given a fair hearing in the development of standards that affect their work and life. I have been Co-Chair of the Web Platform WG since 2015, where I make sure that all participants are given that same opportunity, whilst making sure that we release standards on a regular timetable. I also participate in the SVG WG, and I am working with members of the WebVR IG to propose a W3C workshop on inclusive design for VR on the web.
During my first term on the AB, I focused on activities to help people participate at the W3C. For example:
I believe in the spirit and values of the W3C, but I also recognise that the W3C must evolve if it is to remain relevant. If I am re-elected to the AB I will:
If you have any questions, please write to me at
Google is nominating Chris Wilson for re-election to the Advisory Board. Chris Wilson is a Developer Advocate at Google, and has served two terms plus a partial term on the Advisory Board previously (2013-present), helping improve the W3C's strategy in openness and agility and charting the path for good standards production in the future.
He's had a 25-year long career in the Web, from engineering the early NCSA Mosaic browser for Windows through a 15-year career at Microsoft working on Internet Explorer, to his current role at Google advocating for web developers and the open web platform. He's been involved with the W3C nearly since its inception; was a founding member of the CSS Working Group, and has participated in and chaired a number of Working Groups and other efforts over the past couple of decades. His statement follows:
During my previous terms, I've joined my colleagues in advocating for more openness, more open licensing, and making W3C work better with the web developer community, and I believe we've made great progress. For example, in order to make the web more agile for everyone, I helped create and currently co-chair the Web Incubation Community Group, which has helped rationalize developing standards. Despite my employment by Google, I believe my core affiliation has always been to an openly, collaboratively developed web platform, free for all to implement. My motivation in running for another term on the AB is to continue make the W3C more effective by making it easier to engage developers and vendors, and I plan to continue to bring my pragmatic bent and practical experience to the Advisory Board to focus the W3C's resources to make more impactful standards that shape the web platform.