07 March 2018

Meeting Minutes

<SimonCox> https://‌www.w3.org/‌2017/‌dxwg/‌wiki/‌Meetings:DCAT-Telecon2018.03.07

<SimonCox> scribenick DaveBrowning

confirm agenda

approve minutes last meeting https://‌www.w3.org/‌2018/‌02/‌28-dxwgdcat-minutes

<AndreaPerego> +1

<SimonCox> +1

<Jaroslav_Pullmann> +1

<alejandra> +1


Resolved: minutes approved

<Stijn_Goedertier_AIV> +1

meeting times

<SimonCox> https://‌doodle.com/‌poll/‌cvuzxnqan8s8utbc

SimonCox: doodle poll published. Majority looks to be for the same UTC time.
… Most regulars have already replied.
… poll will close in the next few hours
… WebEx booking is following US time - getting it changed is being followed up with DaveR

FPWD https://‌w3c.github.io/‌dxwg/‌dcat/

Progress around linking document to github issues. Others encouraged to take action

<alejandra> to add to the agenda: to look at the actions we created last time (I created them manually in the Action tracker)

SimonCox: placeholder for DCAT Profile and negotiation in place, but not clear if the relevent subgroups will add to that or publish separately
… but marking it in the FPWD is good either way
… chairs have been asked - what the process is

alejandra: do we vote in this group first or just in plenary?

<alejandra> https://‌www.w3.org/‌2017/‌dxwg/‌track/‌actions

SimonCox: vote here that we’re happy to take something to the plenary

action items https://‌www.w3.org/‌2017/‌dxwg/‌track/‌actions

SimonCox: Digression to current actions -
… Discussion with Rob on what the next steps are, including following through with DaveR, but most of these need profiles subgroup actions

DCAT Modules

Jaroslav_Pullmann: will follow through on his use case (is a github issue)

<SimonCox> https://‌github.com/‌w3c/‌dxwg/‌tree/‌gh-pages/‌dcat/‌rdf

<AndreaPerego> About my actions, I have yet to start working on them.

SimonCox: couple of DCAT modules in repository at above link
… main DCAT one including a couple of changes. Two other modules - one includes prov-o and DCAT, onecovering schema.org, using schemaincludes etc

<SimonCox> AndreaPerego: look at https://‌github.com/‌w3c/‌dxwg/‌pull/‌146

<SimonCox> re https://‌www.w3.org/‌2017/‌dxwg/‌wiki/‌Main_Page#Mappings_to.2Ffrom_DCAT_.28and_DCAT_application_profiles.29

<AndreaPerego> Thanks, SimonCox. In case we would like to complement this with the corresponding SPARQL queries, we can start from: https://‌webgate.ec.europa.eu/‌CITnet/‌stash/‌projects/‌ODCKAN/‌repos/‌dcat-ap-to-schema.org/‌browse/‌sparql

SimonCox: above link has links relevent to DCAT, these were copied into the modules, Andrea asked to look at these

<SimonCox> DCAT 1.0 profile https://‌github.com/‌w3c/‌dxwg/‌blob/‌simon-dcat-v1.0-profile/‌dcat/‌rdf/‌dcat10.ttl

SimonCox: this file follows through on suggestions that a backward compatible profile should be provided
… this file imports anything we delete in the new version of DCAT
… as an experiment

<Zakim> alejandra, you wanted to comment on the mapping

<AndreaPerego> Thanks, alejandra. I'll do.

<SimonCox> Andrea to look at https://‌github.com/‌w3c/‌dxwg/‌pull/‌146

alejandra: pull req 146 would benefit from Andrea opinion

<SimonCox> https://‌github.com/‌w3c/‌dxwg/‌pull/‌146/‌files/‌f378ad358c84ed4cccda8855baa7eef41531a9bd

Action: AndreaPerego to look at https://‌github.com/‌w3c/‌dxwg/‌pull/‌146

<trackbot> Sorry, but no Tracker is associated with this channel.

AndreaPerego: if we intend to complement the links - there is some work on sparql available too
… question - are we including a change log?

SimonCox: yes - we’ll add at the bottom of the doc

Action: AndreaPerego to add changelog section in DCAT+ draft

<trackbot> Sorry, but no Tracker is associated with this channel.

<alejandra> I can add the actions to the tracker

roba: apologies - joined after the start. Profile group don’t intend to add to the DCAT standard

Action: created: https://‌www.w3.org/‌2017/‌dxwg/‌track/‌actions/‌92

<trackbot> Sorry, but no Tracker is associated with this channel.

SimonCox: we’ll cover that shortly

license and rights

<SimonCox> https://‌github.com/‌w3c/‌dxwg/‌issues/‌114

SimonCox: much conversation on the github issue, but not all participants are in this meeting.

NicholasCar: initial suggestion started a discussion on which type was more appropriate, but the suggestion is now to use the dort


...approach since it is more general

... but augmented by clear discussion or rationale in specification

<alejandra> a contact to the ODRL group is pending (see action https://‌www.w3.org/‌2017/‌dxwg/‌track/‌actions/‌84)

... not quite ready to make a decision - needs more discussion, though not quite nailed yet. Needs specific proposal

<SimonCox> q/

RobA: does the decision to adopt ODRL imply we adopt other ODRL approaches.

NicholasCar: likely to be the case - will make that clear in the proposal

RobA: suggest that if we adopt a vocab in one place then we should check whether it is useful on other issues

SimonCox: ODRL is pretty narrow in its scope, but in general this might be a good approach

AndreaPerego: ODRL has value if not using a standard licence, and perhaps we should encourage use of the standard ones

NicholasCar: will cover this in proposal to make it clear when it’s appropriate to use the simpler approach via dc:rights and standard licences

<Jaroslav_Pullmann> https://‌w3c.github.io/‌dxwg/‌ucr/

Jaroslav_Pullmann: similar example in uc25
… for the metadata of the catalog itself may have restrictions

NicholasCar: does it sound like our approach would apply there too?

Jaroslav_Pullmann: Most likely. These have different communities participating
… is there any ontologies on expressing licence info in a standard way?

AndreaPerego: re licence for metadata. When this has been discussed it had a different angle, to my mind

Jaroslav_Pullmann: there are examples of companies providing high quality metadata and wanting to protect it in some way.

<Zakim> alejandra, you wanted to mention CC work

Jaroslav_Pullmann: so want to make sure that the proposal is written to apply in that case

<alejandra> https://‌creativecommons.org/‌ns

<AndreaPerego> There's also ODRS which might be worth looking at: http://‌schema.theodi.org/‌odrs/

alejandra: re vocab for licences - examples in Creative Commons

<AndreaPerego> Jaroslav_Pullmann, I think ODRL is more flexible for this purpose.

NicholasCar: Im actually doing this now.... should have something comparatively shortly for the top few licences

<alejandra> +1 I look forward to seeing that NicholasCar

<roba> ok - link to strawe man is here: https://‌github.com/‌w3c/‌dxwg/‌tree/‌roba-profile/‌dcat/‌rdf

<Jaroslav_Pullmann> thanks for your references Alejandra, Andrea & Nick

SimonCox: re: profiles aspects in DCAT


<SimonCox> andrea to send links re SPARQL profiles to roba

<AndreaPerego> https://‌webgate.ec.europa.eu/‌CITnet/‌stash/‌projects/‌ODCKAN/‌repos/‌dcat-ap-to-schema.org/‌browse/‌sparql

<roba> preferably by committing change to examples :-)

<AndreaPerego> Thanks, and bye!

<Stijn_Goedertier_AIV> thanks all

<Jaroslav_Pullmann> thanks all, bye!

<alejandra> thanks, and bye!

<SimonCox> rrsagent generate minutes

Summary of Action Items

  1. AndreaPerego to look at https://‌github.com/‌w3c/‌dxwg/‌pull/‌146
  2. AndreaPerego to add changelog section in DCAT+ draft
  3. created: https://‌www.w3.org/‌2017/‌dxwg/‌track/‌actions/‌92

Summary of Resolutions

  1. minutes approved
Minutes formatted by Bert Bos's scribe.perl version 2.37 (2017/11/06 19:13:35), a reimplementation of David Booth's scribe.perl. See CVS log.


Succeeded: s/this the corresponding/this with the corresponding/

Succeeded: s/sprawl/sparql/

Succeeded: s/right/rights/

Succeeded: s/application/scope/

No scribenick or scribe found. Guessed: davebrowning