Verifiable Credentials Working Group Telco — Minutes

Date: 2023-03-01

See also the Agenda and the IRC Log


Present: Brent Zundel, Sten Reijers, Kristina Yasuda, Orie Steele, Manu Sporny, Dave Longley, Chris Abernethy, Shigeya Suzuki, Tobias Looker, Gabe Cohen, Ted Thibodeau Jr., Kerri Lemoie, Todd Snyder, Andres Uribe, Samuel Smith, Dmitri Zagidulin, Joe Andrieu, Steve McCown, Markus Sabadello, Brian Campbell, Kevin Dean, Juan Caballero, Paul Dietrich, Andrew Whitehead


Guests: Kevin Griffin, Phil Feairheller


Scribe(s): Kevin Griffin, Manu Sporny


Manu Sporny: chairs asked editors to prepare FPWDs.

Kristina Yasuda: to probably bring up next week.

1. F2F Recap.

Kristina Yasuda: face-to-face recap details and minutes are available.
… content type discussion for vc datamodel and vc jwt prs have been merged and review continues.
… holder bindings conversation, no official resolution but there is PR from Oliver - plrease review.
… extension points, there are a lot, we need to make sure they are functional, the conversation is on going and we need to start looking toward feature freeze, no scope expansion after this point.
… day 2 vc data integrity there was wording approved “stop working on vc-jws2020 and merge part of that work into vc-di-eddsa”.

Orie Steele: technically the eddsa-2020 work item decisions wrt JCS are orthogonal to vc-jws-2020 decision.

Kristina Yasuda: day 2 continuation on vc-jwt media types.
… bringing clarity on pr44.
… day 3 @context optional conversation, resolution was three steps, base data model agreement credential+ld+json.
… second step other documents may supply other wording.

Phil Feairheller: Phil-T3 has joined #vcwg.

Kristina Yasuda: q?.

Sten Reijers: vc face to face agenda… identified topics interest to working group, those topics were prioritized.

Kristina Yasuda: @context resolution that passed was base media type is credential+ld+json, @context is required in that base media type.
… other media types must be able to tranform the base media type.
… transformation must specifiy uni/bi directional, those transformation might not fall under this WG.

Manu Sporny: kgriffin-gleif: Coming out of the F2F in Miami, there was discussion around VC-JWT around external proof format..

Manu Sporny: kgriffin-gleif: There was a desire from GLEIF for ACDC that felt analogous to that. The request from the room was concrete proposal and three additional supporters and add item before feature freeze..

Manu Sporny: kgriffin-gleif: We obtained 3 additional sponsors, where in the process would this go?.

Kristina Yasuda: Please socialize that on the mailing list, we can put it on agenda in next WG call..

Kevin Griffin:

Kristina Yasuda: There are other work item proposals being circulated, we should take time during next call or special topic call for all of those proposals. Please socialize your proposal on mailing list..

2. VC Specifications Directory.

Kristina Yasuda: are we readiy to talk about specification directories.

Manu Sporny: Verifiable Credential Specifications Directory:

Manu Sporny: yes, we have been talking about registries, some concerns over registries being too centralized.
… there is a proposal out there link above around VC specifications directory.
… many months of arguements around what goes into, or how it goes into a directory.
… this proposal is more light weight.
… to get into the directory you PR to add to the regsitry.
… provide (the right set) of fields, syntax checking fundamentally you can get into the directory by providing extensions or if you extend any of the properties, or if you.
… implement new credentials.
… if you have a spec and it works with VCs this is a good place to be.
… if this becomes a work item, there would be a process for entering the directory, to remove extreme bad usage of the directory.
… open to including as many as we can, omitting anything that would cause direct harm.

See github issue vc-data-model#909.

Manu Sporny: concrete proposal, adopt this as a work item so we can aggrerate specifications.

Joe Andrieu: Question, around control mechanisms, are there any? once an entry is in, who owns it, who updates it.

Manu Sporny: the author would.

Joe Andrieu: prefer to formalize authorization in the specification.
… second question to provide mechanism to avoid gaming of the directory (get their spec to the top).
… concrete ask, how do we provide control and ordering.

Brent Zundel: does this addition of ordering and control need to happen before the work item is adopted?.

Kristina Yasuda: clarification around how you get into the directory.

Orie Steele: thanks for preparing the docuemnt, background on other spec registries.
… no concrete proposal but plus one to manu’s comment on registries, we talked about relationship around registries with other groups ccg etc.
… question would ccg be a home for this document vs this working group.
… are we sure this is a work item for this group, could it be maintained by another group, is there a strategic advantage for this group to do it.

Manu Sporny: first point, what happens to the cryptro suite in the ccg, should shut down, it was not maintained like it should have been.
… there are benefits to doing wgvc vs ccg so we’re making progess doing it here.
… second item shut down the cyrpto suite in ccg.
… third item is missing in manu’s mind :(.

Orie Steele: Thanks Manu, thats what I was hoping to hear..

Samuel Smith: experiencing disputes with with did:keri+1. if we are having a registry that is name squattable the request is to have concrete procedures, look toward IANA.

Kristina Yasuda: can you please indicate if you want to accept this work item.

Brent Zundel: hear concerns around how we go about doing this, this should perhaps be a work item first as a proposal and bring it in.
… then raise issues.

Joe Andrieu: +1 adopting it….
… short version, if we hand over to ccg….

Joe Andrieu: the right to change the rules.

Joe Andrieu: I’ll say it here..

Joe Andrieu: +1 to adopting this work item, and fixing the control and ordering questions through consensus.

Manu Sporny: can we convert the conversation to issues on the proposal.

Joe Andrieu: +1 to keeping it in VCWG because handing it to CCG also hands control over the directory rules, which would allow, IMO, too much flexibility to a different consensus process..

Brent Zundel: add “using the shortname vc-spec-dir”.

Kevin Griffin: .. draft proposal adopt this as a work item (this being VC speccs directory).

Sten Reijers: question on this, how to deal with collisions.
… just add it to the list?.

Manu Sporny: suggestion is you just add it to the list, post finger wagging.

Joe Andrieu: A book store can readily sell different books with the same name..

Kristina Yasuda: any changes want to see to the proposal in irc.

Manu Sporny: brent suggestion of short name can be worked on before FPWD.
… we don’t have to make a short name decision now.

Ted Thibodeau Jr.: “tentatively using the shortname vc-spec-dir”.

Manu Sporny: we’ll do it before FPWD.

Brent Zundel: short name, we’ll work it out.

Samuel Smith:

Proposed resolution: Adopt as the “VC Specs Directory” work item in the VCWG tentatively using the shortname vc-spec-dir, converting all concerns raised during the call to issues in the Github repository.. (Kristina Yasuda)

Manu Sporny: +1.

Brent Zundel: +1.

Sten Reijers: +1.

Joe Andrieu: +1.

Todd Snyder: +1.

Phil Feairheller: +1 to the creating VC Specs Directory proposal.

Andres Uribe: +1.

Dave Longley: +1.

Shigeya Suzuki: +1.

Tobias Looker: +1.

Ted Thibodeau Jr.: +1.

Kerri Lemoie: +1.

Kevin Griffin: +1.

Samuel Smith: See RFC 8126 section 9.5. Contact Person vs Assignee or Owner.

Gabe Cohen: +1.

Steve McCown: +1.

Samuel Smith: +1.

Orie Steele: +1.

Dmitri Zagidulin: +1.

Kristina Yasuda: last call.
… the proposoal is resolved, there are no objections.

Resolution #1: Adopt as the “VC Specs Directory” work item in the VCWG tentatively using the shortname vc-spec-dir, converting all concerns raised during the call to issues in the Github repository..

Kristina Yasuda: do we need to run a propsoal around retiring the crypto suite at ccg.

Manu Sporny: will draft, he needs a minute.

Sten Reijers: Looking at, right?.

Kristina Yasuda: and we make the propsoal more specific with regard to reregsitering.

Orie Steele: Also

Kristina Yasuda: anything that is duplicative can it only reside in the new directory.

Manu Sporny: no duplication, we will be redirecting.

Kristina Yasuda: can we migrate?.

Orie Steele: typically we do a “client side redirect” or a server side one if is used..

Manu Sporny: we’ll redirect the whole registry, if they had an old one, they can register.

Manu Sporny: yes, Orie is correct… we’re talking about BOTH of those registries..

Orie Steele: noting that there are two registries vc extenstion and crypto suite, are we retiring both.

Kristina Yasuda: draft proposal: The W3C VCWG requests that the Credentials Community Group redirect the entire existing Cryptosuites Registry and the Verifiable Credential Extension Registries to the newly adopted VC Specs Directory..

Proposed resolution: The W3C VCWG requests that the Credentials Community Group redirect the entire existing Cryptosuites Registry and the Verifiable Credential Extension Registries to the newly adopted VC Specs Directory.. (Kristina Yasuda)

Orie Steele: +1.

Sten Reijers: +1.

Manu Sporny: +1.

Dave Longley: +1.

Phil Feairheller: +1.

Joe Andrieu: +1.

Andres Uribe: +1.

Todd Snyder: +1.

Shigeya Suzuki: +1.

Kevin Griffin: +1.

Tobias Looker: +1.

Gabe Cohen: +1.

Kerri Lemoie: +1.

Steve McCown: +1.

Brent Zundel: +1.

Dmitri Zagidulin: +1.

Ted Thibodeau Jr.: +1.

Paul Dietrich: +1.

Resolution #2: The W3C VCWG requests that the Credentials Community Group redirect the entire existing Cryptosuites Registry and the Verifiable Credential Extension Registries to the newly adopted VC Specs Directory..

Manu Sporny: \o/ \o/.

Kristina Yasuda: no minus ones - proposal is resolved.
… thank manu for the document.
… please raise issues if you’re worried about collisions etc.
… and an editor give an update on which PRs more attention or special topic call.

3. PR Processing.

Kristina Yasuda:

Kristina Yasuda:

Kristina Yasuda:

Manu Sporny: vc dm has 17 prs open, please look at the top eight or more.
… there are a number with do not merge, special call require.
… start processing prs this weekend if the PR is older than seven days.

Kristina Yasuda: can we have more than a week.

Manu Sporny: fourteen days had been given, what do we want additional.

Kristina Yasuda: if people are OK with the warning on the call (seven days).

Manu Sporny: if there are old PRs with no objections, it will be moved, recent ones with not much review, will not be merged.

Kristina Yasuda: a lot of work items proposed, please exercise rational judgment!.

4. Resolutions