Agenda Tuesday 12 March 2019 21:00 UTC (in your time zone)
regrets+ Nick, Andrea
Reminding attendees to put Present+ <nickname>
Reminding chairs to put Regrets+
I. Appoint Scribe
II. Approve March 5th meeting minutes
III. Check who is on IRC and WebEx
- Do we need an extension? To re-charter some deliverables?
- DCAT and conneg are close
- PROF has a FPWD but many substantive issues
- Profile Guidance is still to be written (in progress)
- Related: TPAC 16-20 September, Fukuoka, Japan
- Do we need to reserve a room for a f2f? (We should be done by then)
Checking Open Action items
Assessment of Current Position
- DCAT - final draft? List of deferred changes?
- PROF - next draft date?
- What is already included?
- add: roles, definitions
- Conneg -
- Guidance -
Closing issues
- how can we close more issues? e.g. can we chip away at some older issues and close them?
Discussed Feb 26, not closed.
- judicious use of votes in github: propose votes to Karen and Peter
- chairs will organize votes
- votes will be recorded in next minutes
- github issues will be closed when votes resolve the issue
- Possible topics
- Coordination among WG deliverables
- ESWC, 2-6 June, Slovenia
Joining instructions: (official participants and invited guests only)
WebEx Details
For text discussions, minutes, joining the speaker queue, actions & issues IRC channel: #dxwg on IRC on port 6667
Please be sure to join both IRC and WebEx and use the same nick in both (or it gets very confusing)
When you join the IRC channel, please immediately type 'present+ {yourname}' (this adds your name to the participants list in the minutes)
- Telecon
- reports on sprints; Project Status; Extension
- 2019-03-12
- Annette