
From Dataset Exchange Working Group

Agenda Tuesday 12 June 2018 20:00 UTC (in your time zone)


Chair: Peter Winstanley

Regrets: Adam Sisco, Ixchel Faniel

Reminding attendees to put Present+ <nickname>

I. Appoint Scribe

II. Approve June 5 meeting minutes

III. Check who is on IRC and WebEx

Checking Open Action items


Requirements must be approved for Conneg and Profiles

From last week:

  • antoine to re-write requirement from ID46 "Profiles can have rules for data value validation, including pick lists [ID46] (5.46) [profile]" DONE:
    • Requirement: Profiles may provide lists of values to pick from in order to populate data elements [ID46] (5.46)
  • kcoyle re-write Requirement: Profiles should be able to indicate what external standards are expected to be applied to the data provided. [ID42, ID43] (5.42, 5.43) [profile] DONE:
    • Requirement: There needs to be a property in the profile where the rules for the descriptive content can be provided. This would apply to the entire profile. [ID42] (5.42)
    • Requirement: Profiles should be able to indicate which external standards are expected to be applied to values of individual properties. [ID43] (5.43)

For Approval (Profiles):

Representation and distribution

  • Requirement: Profiles may be written in or may link to a validation language (ShEx, SHACL, XMLschema). [ID41] (5.41) [profile]
  • Requirement: Profiles may be coordinated with validation schemas. [ID48] (5.48) [profile]

Querying and discovery

  • Requirement: Clients should be able to determine which profiles are supported by a server, and with which content types. [ID2] (5.2) [conneg]
  • Requirement: There should be a way for a client to look up additional information about a profile. (What kinds of information? Can we clarify this?) [ID2] (5.2) [conneg]
  • Requirement: Profiles offered by a service must be discoverable through a machine-readable graph of metadata that describes what is offered and how to invoke the offered profiles. [ID5] (5.5) [conneg]
  • Requirement: Profiles must support discoverability via search engines (UC 5.40) #222 (Github discussion) [ID40] (5.40) [profile]

Identification, versioning, linking and resolution

  • Requirement: profiles must have identifiers that can be served with a response to an API or http request. [ID2] (5.2) [conneg]

Reuse, composition, and compatibility

  • Requirement: Profiles can be modular, with a given response made up of more than one module. Servers can indicate that a response conforms to multiple, modular profiles. [ID3] (5.3) [conneg] [profile]
  • Requirement: Need a way to express compatibility between profiles [ID37] (5.37) [profile]

Inheritance, conflict resolution and evaluation Requirements dealing with the inheritance behaviour of composite profiles including rule precedence, conflict resolution and evaluation of defaults and user configurations. Depending on the representation of the profile this might be an explanatory document or an algorithm.

  • Requirement: "Profiles may add to or specialise clauses from one or more base specifications. Such profiles inherit all the constraints from base specifications.” [ID37] [ID39] #238

Note: Conneg group should review conneg requirements; see if profileDesc functionality and conneg are adequately covered

In the queue


  • Subgroup report
    • Responses to FPWD?

Profile Guidance group

  • subgroup report

Profile Negotiation

  • subgroup report

Joining instructions: (official participants and invited guests only)

WebEx Details

For text discussions, minutes, joining the speaker queue, actions & issues IRC channel: #dxwg on IRC on port 6667

Please be sure to join both IRC and WebEx and use the same nick in both (or it gets very confusing)

When you join the IRC channel, please immediately type 'present+ {yourname}' (this adds your name to the participants list in the minutes)
