
From Dataset Exchange Working Group

Agenda Tuesday 05 June 2018 20:00 UTC (in your time zone)


Chair: Karen Coyle

Regrets: Makx, Lars, Simon, Andrea, Ixchel, Alejandra

Reminding attendees to put Present+ <nickname>

I. Appoint Scribe

II. Approve May 29 meeting minutes

III. Check who is on IRC and WebEx

Checking Open Action items


Requirements must be approved for Conneg and Profiles

Partial list of requirements for approval:

General purpose

  • Requirement: Profiles are "named collections of properties" or metadata terms (if not RDF) [ID41] (5.41) [profile]
  • Requirement: Profiles can have human-readable definitions of terms and input instructions [ID46] (5.46) [profile]

Data creation and maintenance

  • Requirement: Profiles can have what is needed to drive forms for data input or for user display. [ID46] (5.46) [profile]

Expressing data constraints

  • Requirement: Profiles may provide rules on cardinality of terms (including “recommended”) [ID41] (5.41) [profile]
  • Requirement: Profiles may provide rules governing value validity [ID41] (5.41) [profile]
  • Requirement: Profiles may express dependencies between elements of the vocabulary (if A then not B, etc.) [ID41] (5.41) [profile]
  • Requirement: Profiles can have rules for data value validation, including pick lists [ID46] (5.46) [profile]

Expressing standards compliance

  • Requirement: Profiles should be able to indicate what external standards are expected to be applied to the data provided. [ID42, ID43] (5.42, 5.43) [profile]

Note: Conneg group should review conneg requirements; see if profileDesc functionality and conneg are adequately covered

In the queue


  • Subgroup report
    • Responses to FPWD?

Profile Guidance group

  • subgroup report

Profile Negotiation

  • subgroup report

Joining instructions: (official participants and invited guests only)

WebEx Details

For text discussions, minutes, joining the speaker queue, actions & issues IRC channel: #dxwg on IRC on port 6667

Please be sure to join both IRC and WebEx and use the same nick in both (or it gets very confusing)

When you join the IRC channel, please immediately type 'present+ {yourname}' (this adds your name to the participants list in the minutes)
