Joint Web of Things IG/WG teleconference

22 Mar 2017

See also: IRC log


McCool, Kaz_Ashimura, Michael_McCool, Fent_Zhang, Michael_Koster, Samantha_Menters, Sebastian_Kaebisch, Yingying_Chen, Yongjing_Zhang, Zoltan_Kis, dsr, Darko_Anicic, Daniel_Peintner, Taki_Kamiya, Keiichi_Tokuyama, Uday_Davuluru, Katsuyoshi_Naka, Wonsuk_Lee, DarkoAnicic, Kazuaki_Nimura, Masato_Ohura
Matthias, Johannes
Michael McCool


Michael asks if there are any additions to the agenda, anyone with a presentation?

[none heard]


Security TF update

Michael: I’ve found someone at Intel to help with our work on security, more information next week


Michael: attended the OCF event and half of the IRTF T2TRF meeting

<McCool> https://github.com/t2trg/2017-03-ocf T2TRG and OCF joint meeting

That has some information from the OCF meeting with the T2TRG

Logistics for Next Face to Face in Osaka

<kaz> registration results

Michael: please register, as so far very few of you have, and we need this for logistical planning.

Kaz: the script task force met on Monday and discussed some issues (issue 2, 3 and 6).

<kaz> linked data minutes

Zoltan: we have an open problem with the ability to upload apps and their updates. We need to get this right from a security perspective

Michael: I think that this may not be in scope in the charter and we should check on that

Zoltan: this is not really device management, but more about security

Michael: do we want to take on device management or is this out of band?

Zoltan: on boarding is one thing, but at run time we need a way to support dynamic services where we need to update the thing description and the underlying code

Michael: we also need to clarify the status of materials from the IG that we want to bring over to the WG

Kaz asks about the collaboration with the security task force …

Michael: the intel security expert will be able to devote 20% of her time to this activity

Zoltan: we need to clarify the scope of the work on security, what is out of scope is especially critical to determine

Michael: we can debate and prioritize things that are in scope

Zoltan: sometimes you can’t do security is the scope is too narrow

Michael: any task force status reports for this week?

Kaz the TD task force will meet this Friday. There was a meeting for the LD TF last Friday.

Darko: we had a call for the Linked data and semantic processing TF, we discussed the scope, and Michael K. informed us about the iot.schema.org initiative

In our next call we will discuss the IETF linking work

<DarkoAnicic> TF-LD: https://www.w3.org/WoT/IG/wiki/IG_Linked_Data_and_Semantic_Processing_WebConf

<kaz> LD minutes

The above page contains a link to the TF minutes

Michael: any new topics for the next main teleconference

It would be good to schedule some topics of interest

I would like to get some presentations on security, e.g. including OAuth.

Any other business for today?


Michael invites Kaz to give us the list of upcoming calls

Darko: the Linked Data TF meets every two weeks, no meeting this week.

Kaz: Thing description call this Friday at 07:30 UTC

<kaz> TD wiki

Sebastian: we will discuss the data model, and hear from Maria about the work by UPM

Michael: the next main meeting will be chaired by Matthias.
... end of meeting …

<kaz> [ adjourned ]