See also: IRC log
<jemmaKu> hi does anyone know pw to webex?
<clown> jemmaKu: for this meeting - the AAPI meeting?
<jemmaKu> yes
<clown> it's the same as the Thu aria meeting. I('m reluctant to type it into a channel that is being logged publicly)
<jemmaKu> that is enough hint. thanks
<clown> good, jemmaKu. You're welcome.
<clown> agenda: this
<scribe> scribe: joanie
<clown> action-2102
<trackbot> action-2102 -- Richard Schwerdtfeger to Create mappings based on features in html 5.1 spec. -- due 2016-08-04 -- OPEN
JS: Rich took on an action last week.
<clown> issue-1038
<trackbot> issue-1038 -- Need mappings for role="feed" for all AAPIs -- open
JS: Last Thursday, I did a gap analysis between the ARIA spec and the mapping spec.
<clown> issue-1039
<trackbot> issue-1039 -- Need mapping for role="figure" for all AAPIs -- open
<clown> issue-1040
<trackbot> issue-1040 -- Need mappings for role="term" for all AAPIs -- open
JS: I found three roles (feed, figure, and term) which need mappings on all platforms.
<clown> issue-1041
<trackbot> issue-1041 -- Need mappings of aria-colcount, aria-colindex, aria-colspan, aria-rowcount, aria-rowindex, and aria-rowspan for all AAPIs -- open
JS: There's also a bunch of table-oriented properties which need mappings.
<clown> issue-1042
<trackbot> issue-1042 -- Need mappings for aria-details for all AAPIs -- open
JS: And there's also ARIA
... I've created issues for all these things.
... Rich said that some of these are are probably covered in
HTML 5.1.
... I think that's the case for many, but not for
... Is it enough that I've told you that we need mappings? Or
do I need to create actions for everyone.
CS: I'm more likely to do it if there is an action.
JD: Should we look to see what is already covered by HTML 5.1?
<clown> action-2102
<trackbot> action-2102 -- Richard Schwerdtfeger to Create mappings based on features in html 5.1 spec. -- due 2016-08-04 -- OPEN
JS: When Rich goes to do this,
and finds something he cannot do, we can then create actions
for just those.
... How does that sound?
CS: We could do that, though this week would be better for me.
JS: One action for all of it?
CS: That's fine.
<clown> ACTION: Cynthia to provide UIA mappings for roles feed, figure, and term; and aria-colcount, aria-colspan, aria-colindex, aria-rowcount, aria-rowindex, aria-rowspan, and aria-details. [recorded in]
<trackbot> Created ACTION-2103 - Provide uia mappings for roles feed, figure, and term; and aria-colcount, aria-colspan, aria-colindex, aria-rowcount, aria-rowindex, aria-rowspan, and aria-details. [on Cynthia Shelly - due 2016-08-09].
<clown> action-2103
<trackbot> action-2103 -- Cynthia Shelly to Provide uia mappings for roles feed, figure, and term; and aria-colcount, aria-colspan, aria-colindex, aria-rowcount, aria-rowindex, aria-rowspan, and aria-details. -- due 2016-08-09 -- OPEN
<trackbot> Sorry, but issue-980 does not exist.
<trackbot> action-980 -- Cynthia Shelly to Describe/define managed aria related states: aria-setsize, aria-posinset, aria-level, focused, focusable with reference to section 5.5 bullet 1 of the UAIG. -- due 2016-07-19 -- OPEN
JS: I've created
... There's a note in there that lists all the items.
... Is that sufficient?
CS: That's fine.
<clown> issue-706
<trackbot> issue-706 -- Describe/define AAPI managed states -- open
CS: I don't know if we can do
anything on this topic without Rich.
... I even found documentation on the various platforms and
still don't know the answer.
JS: I will put this on the
... This is action-980
... This was open initially in 2014.
... No. 2012.
<clown> action-2083?
<trackbot> action-2083 -- Joseph Scheuhammer to Review and update ATK/AT-SPI2 states in Core AAM -- due 2016-06-21 -- OPEN
JS: There's an issue that Jason
Kiss brought up a while ago.
... Last week, Joanie pointed out a note she'd written in the
action as to what the different states were.
... But she was confused as to where it belonged.
... I responded the states and properties table.
... So I went through that table and compared what was there to
what Joanie said.
... Most of the time they did.
... In some cases, the existing table was more thorough.
... I created a note on the action for Joanie to review.
JS + JD: (Looks over table and proposed mappings and needs work comments and discusses)
JS: Readonly is now cleared
... I think I need to do something with aria-hidden
... aria-hidden="true" says don't expose; aria-hidden="false"
says not mapped.
JD: That will have to change.
JS: Some of the ATK states for
the true/false, it says "set the state"/"clear the
... But on others, it says "not mapped".
... I would prefer it say "clear the state."
JD: Example?
JS: aria-haspopup
JD: Actually in that case, I think "not mapped" is correct because clearing the state implies state-changed events; not a simple lack of exposure.
JS: Could you go through these, then?
JD: Reassign it back to me please. With a comment.
JS: Done.
<clown> issue-645?
<trackbot> issue-645 -- remove 'checkable' object attribute requirement from aria-pressed mapping requirements -- open
JS: I think this is one I did a
long time ago.
... It's a request from Alex to remove "checkable" object
attribute from aria-pressed.
... It used to be the case that checkable was also supposed to
be exposed.
JS: I've removed the exposure and would like to close this issue.
JS: The above URL is for aria-pressed="true". And there's no mention of "checkable" any longer.
<jemmaKu> no objection
<jemmaKu> for removing 'checkable' object
JS: All I have done is remove the
object attribute.
... The mappings are otherwise unchanged.
JD: Fine with me.
JS: Closed!
JS: Rich is not here.
<clown> issue-663?
<trackbot> issue-663 -- Presentational children of some widgets have doclick actions if make presentational who handles the click -- open
JS: He opened this issue back in
... I think he handled this as part of his changes related to
presentaional overrides.
... But I'd like to check with Rich to be sure.
<clown> issue-627?
<trackbot> issue-627 -- Conflict between aria-autocomplete and HTML5 autocomplete. -- open
JS: This is a tough one.
... To explain.
... HTML 5 introduced an autocomplete attribute which is on by
default for inputs of type text
<clown> <input type="text" …>
JS: The above gets
... Which is exposed as state supports-autocomplete.
<clown> <input type="text" role="spinbutton">
CS: The values are supplied by the browser.
JS: Correct.
<clown> <input type="text" role="spinbutton" autocomplete="off">
JS: But in the case of spinbutton, which doesn't functionally have an autocomplete, the mappings expose supports autocomplete.
CS: The above, I think, will
still have an autocomplete from the browser.
... And you'd have to do other work to make the above example
work without an autocomplete.
JS: Dojo used to do something
like the above because at that time we didn't have the "number"
input type.
... The test page is above.
... It's type="text" still.
... But they also have autocomplete="off".
CS: Having the autocomplete in this particular case is not that weird.
<clown> <input type='text' role='combobox' aria-autocomplete='none' ...>.
JS: Back to the issue....
... If you do the above (with combo box), you'll get
supports-autocomplete exposed.
CS: Again, the browser autocompleting is going to work.
<clown> <input type='text' role='combobox' aria-autocomplete='none' autocomplete="off">.
JS: If you set it to none?
... Does that mean you need to set both the ARIA property and
the HTML property?
CS: They are two different things.
JS + CS: This is an authoring-practices issue; not mapping issue.
Jemma: We made a combobox example
in the APG.
... But I don't recall what was done.
JS: Bryan, how do you feel about this?
CS: I don't think there's a conflict; just naming confusion.
BG: We have several examples (one
that matches ARIA 1.0 and one that matches ARIA 1.1).
... So we can do this in the APG.
JS: I'm going to retitle it to reflect naming confusion and re-assign it to APG.
Jemma: The above URL has Jon's example.
CS: It's actually time.
JS: True. Let's close the meeting.
This is scribe.perl Revision: 1.144 of Date: 2015/11/17 08:39:34 Check for newer version at Guessing input format: RRSAgent_Text_Format (score 1.00) Succeeded: s/is correct./is correct because clearing the state implies state-changed events; not a simple lack of exposure./ Succeeded: s/Zakim, previous item// Succeeded: s/Josephy/Joseph/ Found embedded ScribeOptions: -final *** RESTARTING DUE TO EMBEDDED OPTIONS *** Found Scribe: joanie Inferring ScribeNick: joanie Default Present: JemmaJaeunKu, Joseph_Scheuhammer, Joanmarie_Diggs Present: JemmaJaeunKu Joseph_Scheuhammer Joanmarie_Diggs Bryan_Garaventa Cynthia_Shelly Regrets: Richard_Schwerdtfeger Found Date: 02 Aug 2016 Guessing minutes URL: People with action items: cynthia WARNING: Input appears to use implicit continuation lines. You may need the "-implicitContinuations" option.[End of scribe.perl diagnostic output]