IRC log of aapi on 2016-08-02

Timestamps are in UTC.

18:48:17 [RRSAgent]
RRSAgent has joined #aapi
18:48:17 [RRSAgent]
logging to
18:48:19 [trackbot]
RRSAgent, make logs world
18:48:19 [Zakim]
Zakim has joined #aapi
18:48:21 [trackbot]
Zakim, this will be
18:48:21 [Zakim]
I don't understand 'this will be', trackbot
18:48:22 [trackbot]
Meeting: Accessible Rich Internet Applications Working Group Teleconference
18:48:22 [trackbot]
Date: 02 August 2016
18:48:24 [jemmaKu]
jemmaKu has joined #aapi
18:48:46 [jemmaKu]
hi does anyone know pw to webex?
18:49:45 [clown]
jemmaKu: for this meeting - the AAPI meeting?
18:49:49 [jemmaKu]
18:50:25 [clown]
it's the same as the Thu aria meeting. I('m reluctant to type it into a channel that is being logged publicly)
18:50:55 [jemmaKu]
that is enough hint. thanks
18:50:59 [clown]
chair: Josephy_Scheuhammer.
18:51:25 [clown]
good, jemmaKu. You're welcome.
18:51:48 [clown]
agenda: this
18:51:57 [clown]
agenda+ ACTION-2102: (Rich) Create mappings based on features in html 5.1 spec.
18:52:01 [jemmaKu]
present+ JemmaJaeunKu
18:52:07 [clown]
agenda+ ISSUE-676/ACTION-2083: (Joseph) Review ATK/AT-SPI states for aria states and properties.
18:52:14 [clown]
agenda+ ISSUE-645: (All) remove 'checkable' object attribute requirement from aria-pressed mapping requirements.
18:52:22 [clown]
agenda+ ISSUE-663: (Rich) Presentational children of some widgets have doclick actions if make presentational who handles the click
18:52:31 [clown]
agenda+ ISSUE-627: (All) Conflict between aria-autocomplete and HTML5.2 autocomplete.
18:52:35 [clown]
agenda+ Triage issues/actions:
18:52:42 [clown]
agenda+ Triage core-aam bugzillas:
18:52:48 [clown]
agenda+ Triage accname-aam bugzillas:
18:52:53 [clown]
agenda+ Triage accname actions:
18:52:58 [clown]
agenda+ be done.
18:58:43 [clown]
clown has changed the topic to: WebEx Access Code 641 707 405 (Next meeting 09-Aug-2016, 20:00 UTC)
19:02:20 [clown]
present+ Joseph_Scheuhammer
19:05:45 [cyns]
cyns has joined #aapi
19:06:09 [joanie]
scribe: joanie
19:06:15 [joanie]
present+ Joanmarie_Diggs
19:06:19 [joanie]
Zakim, take up item 1
19:06:19 [Zakim]
agendum 1. "ACTION-2102: (Rich) Create mappings based on features in html 5.1 spec." taken up [from clown]
19:06:26 [clown]
19:06:26 [trackbot]
action-2102 -- Richard Schwerdtfeger to Create mappings based on features in html 5.1 spec. -- due 2016-08-04 -- OPEN
19:06:26 [trackbot]
19:06:46 [joanie]
JS: Rich took on an action last week.
19:06:56 [clown]
19:06:56 [trackbot]
issue-1038 -- Need mappings for role="feed" for all AAPIs -- open
19:06:56 [trackbot]
19:07:01 [joanie]
JS: Last Thursday, I did a gap analysis between the ARIA spec and the mapping spec.
19:07:08 [clown]
19:07:08 [trackbot]
issue-1039 -- Need mapping for role="figure" for all AAPIs -- open
19:07:08 [trackbot]
19:07:16 [clown]
19:07:16 [trackbot]
issue-1040 -- Need mappings for role="term" for all AAPIs -- open
19:07:16 [trackbot]
19:07:20 [joanie]
JS: I found three roles (feed, figure, and term) which need mappings on all platforms.
19:07:27 [clown]
19:07:27 [trackbot]
issue-1041 -- Need mappings of aria-colcount, aria-colindex, aria-colspan, aria-rowcount, aria-rowindex, and aria-rowspan for all AAPIs -- open
19:07:27 [trackbot]
19:07:38 [joanie]
JS: There's also a bunch of table-oriented properties which need mappings.
19:07:41 [clown]
19:07:41 [trackbot]
issue-1042 -- Need mappings for aria-details for all AAPIs -- open
19:07:41 [trackbot]
19:07:45 [joanie]
JS: And there's also ARIA details.
19:07:52 [joanie]
JS: I've created issues for all these things.
19:08:10 [joanie]
JS: Rich said that some of these are are probably covered in HTML 5.1.
19:08:20 [joanie]
JS: I think that's the case for many, but not for aria-details.
19:08:37 [joanie]
JS: Is it enough that I've told you that we need mappings? Or do I need to create actions for everyone.
19:08:44 [joanie]
CS: I'm more likely to do it if there is an action.
19:09:34 [joanie]
JD: Should we look to see what is already covered by HTML 5.1?
19:09:44 [clown]
19:09:44 [trackbot]
action-2102 -- Richard Schwerdtfeger to Create mappings based on features in html 5.1 spec. -- due 2016-08-04 -- OPEN
19:09:44 [trackbot]
19:10:22 [joanie]
JS: When Rich goes to do this, and finds something he cannot do, we can then create actions for just those.
19:10:28 [joanie]
JS: How does that sound?
19:10:39 [joanie]
CS: We could do that, though this week would be better for me.
19:10:50 [joanie]
JS: One action for all of it?
19:10:53 [joanie]
CS: That's fine.
19:11:38 [clown]
action: Cynthia to provide UIA mappings for roles feed, figure, and term; and aria-colcount, aria-colspan, aria-colindex, aria-rowcount, aria-rowindex, aria-rowspan, and aria-details.
19:11:39 [trackbot]
Created ACTION-2103 - Provide uia mappings for roles feed, figure, and term; and aria-colcount, aria-colspan, aria-colindex, aria-rowcount, aria-rowindex, aria-rowspan, and aria-details. [on Cynthia Shelly - due 2016-08-09].
19:11:49 [clown]
19:11:49 [trackbot]
action-2103 -- Cynthia Shelly to Provide uia mappings for roles feed, figure, and term; and aria-colcount, aria-colspan, aria-colindex, aria-rowcount, aria-rowindex, aria-rowspan, and aria-details. -- due 2016-08-09 -- OPEN
19:11:49 [trackbot]
19:13:51 [joanie]
19:13:51 [trackbot]
Sorry, but issue-980 does not exist.
19:14:44 [joanie]
19:14:44 [trackbot]
action-980 -- Cynthia Shelly to Describe/define managed aria related states: aria-setsize, aria-posinset, aria-level, focused, focusable with reference to section 5.5 bullet 1 of the UAIG. -- due 2016-07-19 -- OPEN
19:14:44 [trackbot]
19:15:29 [joanie]
JS: I've created action-2103.
19:15:41 [joanie]
JS: There's a note in there that lists all the items.
19:15:47 [joanie]
JS: Is that sufficient?
19:15:54 [joanie]
CS: That's fine.
19:16:14 [clown]
19:16:14 [trackbot]
issue-706 -- Describe/define AAPI managed states -- open
19:16:14 [trackbot]
19:16:29 [joanie]
Topic: Managed States
19:16:43 [joanie]
CS: I don't know if we can do anything on this topic without Rich.
19:16:58 [joanie]
CS: I even found documentation on the various platforms and still don't know the answer.
19:17:04 [joanie]
JS: I will put this on the agenda.
19:17:23 [joanie]
JS: This is action-980
19:17:41 [joanie]
JS: This was open initially in 2014.
19:17:46 [joanie]
JS: No. 2012.
19:17:57 [joanie]
Zakim, next item
19:17:57 [Zakim]
agendum 2. "ISSUE-676/ACTION-2083: (Joseph) Review ATK/AT-SPI states for aria states and properties." taken up [from clown]
19:18:05 [clown]
19:18:05 [trackbot]
action-2083 -- Joseph Scheuhammer to Review and update ATK/AT-SPI2 states in Core AAM -- due 2016-06-21 -- OPEN
19:18:05 [trackbot]
19:18:17 [joanie]
JS: There's an issue that Jason Kiss brought up a while ago.
19:18:38 [joanie]
JS: Last week, Joanie pointed out a note she'd written in the action as to what the different states were.
19:18:49 [joanie]
JS: But she was confused as to where it belonged.
19:18:56 [joanie]
JS: I responded the states and properties table.
19:19:15 [joanie]
JS: So I went through that table and compared what was there to what Joanie said.
19:19:20 [joanie]
JS: Most of the time they did.
19:19:33 [joanie]
JS: In some cases, the existing table was more thorough.
19:19:55 [joanie]
JS: I created a note on the action for Joanie to review.
19:25:05 [clown]
19:25:29 [clown]
19:25:42 [clown]
19:30:14 [joanie]
JS + JD: (Looks over table and proposed mappings and needs work comments and discusses)
19:30:29 [joanie]
JS: Readonly is now cleared up.
19:30:47 [joanie]
JS: I think I need to do something with aria-hidden still.
19:32:02 [joanie]
JS: aria-hidden="true" says don't expose; aria-hidden="false" says not mapped.
19:32:08 [joanie]
JD: That will have to change.
19:32:45 [joanie]
JS: Some of the ATK states for the true/false, it says "set the state"/"clear the state".
19:32:53 [joanie]
JS: But on others, it says "not mapped".
19:33:08 [joanie]
JS: I would prefer it say "clear the state."
19:33:21 [joanie]
JD: Example?
19:33:26 [clown]
19:33:28 [joanie]
JS: aria-haspopup
19:34:20 [joanie]
JD: Actually in that case, I think "not mapped" is correct.
19:34:29 [joanie]
JS: Could you go through these, then?
19:34:57 [joanie]
JD: Reassign it back to me please. With a comment.
19:35:45 [joanie]
s/is correct./is correct because clearing the state implies state-changed events; not a simple lack of exposure./
19:35:49 [joanie]
JS: Done.
19:35:52 [joanie]
Zakim, next item
19:35:52 [Zakim]
agendum 3. "ISSUE-645: (All) remove 'checkable' object attribute requirement from aria-pressed mapping requirements." taken up [from clown]
19:36:20 [clown]
19:36:20 [trackbot]
issue-645 -- remove 'checkable' object attribute requirement from aria-pressed mapping requirements -- open
19:36:20 [trackbot]
19:36:28 [joanie]
JS: I think this is one I did a long time ago.
19:36:51 [joanie]
JS: It's a request from Alex to remove "checkable" object attribute from aria-pressed.
19:37:11 [joanie]
JS: It used to be the case that checkable was also supposed to be exposed.
19:37:28 [clown]
19:37:30 [joanie]
JS: I've removed the exposure and would like to close this issue.
19:37:55 [clown]
19:37:57 [joanie]
JS: The above URL is for aria-pressed="true". And there's no mention of "checkable" any longer.
19:38:09 [clown]
19:38:15 [jemmaKu]
no objection
19:40:21 [jemmaKu]
for removing 'checkable' object
19:40:33 [joanie]
JS: All I have done is remove the object attribute.
19:40:50 [joanie]
JS: The mappings are otherwise unchanged.
19:40:56 [joanie]
JD: Fine with me.
19:41:00 [joanie]
JS: Closed!
19:41:33 [joanie]
Zakim, next item
19:41:33 [Zakim]
agendum 4. "ISSUE-663: (Rich) Presentational children of some widgets have doclick actions if make presentational who handles the click" taken up [from clown]
19:41:40 [joanie]
JS: Rich is not here.
19:41:41 [clown]
19:41:41 [trackbot]
issue-663 -- Presentational children of some widgets have doclick actions if make presentational who handles the click -- open
19:41:41 [trackbot]
19:41:50 [joanie]
JS: He opened this issue back in 2014.
19:42:25 [joanie]
JS: I think he handled this as part of his changes related to presentaional overrides.
19:42:32 [joanie]
JS: But I'd like to check with Rich to be sure.
19:42:48 [joanie]
Zakim, next item.
19:42:49 [Zakim]
agendum 5. "ISSUE-627: (All) Conflict between aria-autocomplete and HTML5.2 autocomplete." taken up [from clown]
19:42:56 [clown]
19:42:56 [trackbot]
issue-627 -- Conflict between aria-autocomplete and HTML5 autocomplete. -- open
19:42:56 [trackbot]
19:43:07 [joanie]
JS: This is a tough one.
19:43:12 [joanie]
JS: To explain.
19:43:39 [joanie]
JS: HTML 5 introduced an autocomplete attribute which is on by default for inputs of type text
19:43:41 [clown]
<input type="text" …>
19:44:02 [joanie]
JS: The above gets autocomplete="true".
19:44:20 [joanie]
JS: Which is exposed as state supports-autocomplete.
19:44:23 [clown]
<input type="text" role="spinbutton">
19:44:38 [joanie]
CS: The values are supplied by the browser.
19:44:41 [joanie]
JS: Correct.
19:45:12 [clown]
<input type="text" role="spinbutton" autocomplete="off">
19:45:17 [joanie]
JS: But in the case of spinbutton, which doesn't functionally have an autocomplete, the mappings expose supports autocomplete.
19:46:25 [joanie]
CS: The above, I think, will still have an autocomplete from the browser.
19:46:54 [joanie]
CS: And you'd have to do other work to make the above example work without an autocomplete.
19:47:24 [clown]
19:47:26 [joanie]
JS: Dojo used to do something like the above because at that time we didn't have the "number" input type.
19:47:34 [joanie]
JS: The test page is above.
19:47:42 [joanie]
JS: It's type="text" still.
19:49:27 [clown]
clown has left #aapi
19:49:37 [clown]
clown has joined #aapi
19:49:48 [joanie]
JS: But they also have autocomplete="off".
19:50:29 [joanie]
CS: Having the autocomplete in this particular case is not that weird.
19:51:52 [clown]
<input type='text' role='combobox' aria-autocomplete='none' ...>.
19:51:52 [joanie]
JS: Back to the issue....
19:52:23 [joanie]
JS: If you do the above (with combo box), you'll get supports-autocomplete exposed.
19:52:40 [joanie]
CS: Again, the browser autocompleting is going to work.
19:52:43 [clown]
<input type='text' role='combobox' aria-autocomplete='none' autocomplete="off">.
19:52:54 [joanie]
JS: If you set it to none?
19:53:28 [joanie]
JS: Does that mean you need to set both the ARIA property and the HTML property?
19:53:42 [joanie]
CS: They are two different things.
19:54:04 [joanie]
JS + CS: This is an authoring-practices issue; not mapping issue.
19:54:28 [joanie]
Jemma: We made a combobox example in the APG.
19:54:38 [joanie]
Jemma: But I don't recall what was done.
19:54:52 [joanie]
JS: Bryan, how do you feel about this?
19:55:04 [joanie]
CS: I don't think there's a conflict; just naming confusion.
19:55:33 [joanie]
BG: We have several examples (one that matches ARIA 1.0 and one that matches ARIA 1.1).
19:55:42 [joanie]
BG: So we can do this in the APG.
19:56:06 [joanie]
JS: I'm going to retitle it to reflect naming confusion and re-assign it to APG.
19:56:30 [joanie]
Zakim, next item
19:56:30 [Zakim]
agendum 6. "Triage issues/actions:" taken up [from clown]
19:56:57 [joanie]
Zakim, previous item
19:56:57 [Zakim]
I don't understand 'previous item', joanie
19:57:06 [joanie]
Zakim, take up item 5
19:57:06 [Zakim]
agendum 5. "ISSUE-627: (All) Conflict between aria-autocomplete and HTML5.2 autocomplete." taken up [from clown]
19:57:23 [joanie]
Jemma: The above URL has Jon's example.
19:57:35 [joanie]
s/Zakim, previous item//
19:57:48 [joanie]
Zakim, next item
19:57:48 [Zakim]
agendum 5 was just opened, joanie
19:57:55 [joanie]
Zakim, close this item
19:57:55 [Zakim]
agendum 5 closed
19:57:56 [Zakim]
I see 5 items remaining on the agenda; the next one is
19:57:56 [Zakim]
6. Triage issues/actions: [from clown]
19:57:58 [joanie]
Zakim, next item
19:57:58 [Zakim]
agendum 6. "Triage issues/actions:" taken up [from clown]
19:58:38 [joanie]
CS: It's actually time.
19:58:46 [joanie]
JS: True. Let's close the meeting.
19:59:41 [joanie]
Zakim, part
19:59:41 [Zakim]
leaving. As of this point the attendees have been JemmaJaeunKu, Joseph_Scheuhammer, Joanmarie_Diggs
19:59:41 [Zakim]
Zakim has left #aapi
19:59:50 [joanie]
scribeOptions: -final
19:59:55 [joanie]
RRSAgent, stop
20:00:43 [joanie]
present+ Bryan_Garaventa, Cynthia_Shelly
20:00:56 [joanie]
regrets: Richard_Schwerdtfeger
20:01:03 [joanie]
RRSAgent, make minutes
20:01:03 [RRSAgent]
I have made the request to generate joanie
20:01:54 [joanie]
20:02:00 [joanie]
RRSAgent, make minutes
20:02:00 [RRSAgent]
I have made the request to generate joanie
20:02:20 [joanie]
RRSAgent, stop