See also: IRC log
<Lisa_Seeman> agenda: this
<Lisa_Seeman> next item
<Lisa_Seeman> scribe: JohnRochford
<Lisa_Seeman> chaals are you going to call in on the webex
Lisa: Reviewing action
... Will have to bug Steve about graded-help issue paper
Tony: I'm half-way through second
draft of distraction issue paper.
... Will get to other stuff after that.
Debbie: I still need to redo gap analysis on Voice ML. Will get to it this week.
EA: Waiting for another review of latest version of symbols gap analysis.
Lisa: I will ping EA once I verify I have the latest version.
<Lisa_Seeman> Perform gap analisis on graded help when we have a copy and how it fits into with in
<Lisa_Seeman> next item
Lisa: Anyone interested in metadata point and personalization point Liddy raised?
Lisa: Found summarizing content
is not reliable at this point, so a simplified version is
... Personalization vs. meta-data approach.
... Is meta-data approach overlapping personalization, such as
EA: Raises issue of Jason scripts vs. RDFa.
Lisa: Wants small website users to be able to use JSON scripts.
Janina: User-context deliverable
sent to ARIA working group. Implementability is a key component
of W3C specification.
... Best conversation about this to make sure Andy and Rich are
on the call, and possibly Liddy.
<EA> +1
Lisa: Will work on a call with Andy and Rich and Liddy for this topic.
<Zakim> janina, you wanted to mention this is of interest to post IndieUI work now in ARIA
<Lisa_Seeman> acj m
Lisa: Will table this
conversation because we don't have the right people on this
... Can't expect a user agent to simplify text correctly.
... ARIA alt type could be used for a simple version.
<Lisa_Seeman> <span aria-easylang=” some text that is hard to read”> some convoluted obtuse text</span>
Lisa: Simpler alternative is to use ARIA-easylang.
Rich: Whatever we do, we have to be presecriptive to developers.
John: I'm working with IBM on an automatic text summarization and simplification project using Watson.
<Tony_Doran> John - very interested in that!
<EA> what are the common 500 words - do you mean core vocabulary as in the most frequently used words which contain virtually no fringe vocabulary - nouns appropriate to the setting?
Rich: We have to keep smaller screens in mind whatever we recommend.
Lisa: There are open issues: Do we want to have ARIA distractions? Everyone will say no.
Ayelet, can you take over for me?
<Lisa_Seeman> scribe: ayelet
EA: Concerned about vocab:500
<Tony_Doran> Agree EA
<ayelet_s> sure john
Thank you. I have to go now.
<ayelet_s> bye
<Tony_Doran> The more difficult it is the less likely to be widely adopted
<ayelet_s> LS: suggests having a vocab500 of the 500 most commonly used words, with any additional words having a tooltip
<ayelet_s> EA: too large a cognitive overload
<Tony_Doran> Sorry I need to drop off.
<ayelet_s> EA: suggests taking it forward - it needs people to take time and work only on it
<ayelet_s> LS: we need to move forward with things, so the options available are: 1. discuss this with additional experts E.A. recommends; 2. extra call for anyone interested in this specific topic; 3. put it in as is, and add a note that we want to give this ftf time
<ayelet_s> DD: which experts do we need?
<ayelet_s> EA: more technical experts
<ayelet_s> LS: would it be resolved if we pass it on with a commitment for best practices, etc.?
<ddahl> sorry, I will have to drop off.
This is scribe.perl Revision: 1.140 of Date: 2014-11-06 18:16:30 Check for newer version at Guessing input format: RRSAgent_Text_Format (score 1.00) Succeeded: s/scribe JohnRochford/scribe: JohnRochford/ Succeeded: s/proscriptive/presecriptive/ Found Scribe: JohnRochford Inferring ScribeNick: JohnRochford Found Scribe: ayelet Scribes: JohnRochford, ayelet WARNING: No "Topic:" lines found. Present: Janina Ayelet_S Debbie_Dahl E.A._Draffan Lisa_Seeman Michael_Cooper Mary_Jo_Mueller Mike_Pluke Tony_Doran John_Rochford Regrets: Chaohai_Ding Steve_Lee Neil_Milliken Got date from IRC log name: 20 Jul 2015 Guessing minutes URL: People with action items: WARNING: Input appears to use implicit continuation lines. You may need the "-implicitContinuations" option. WARNING: No "Topic: ..." lines found! Resulting HTML may have an empty (invalid) <ol>...</ol>. Explanation: "Topic: ..." lines are used to indicate the start of new discussion topics or agenda items, such as: <dbooth> Topic: Review of Amy's report[End of scribe.perl diagnostic output]