See also: IRC log
<trackbot> Date: 08 January 2015
<scribe> Meeting: LD4LT Phone call, 08 01 2015
<scribe> scribe: jorge
<Sebastian> and Sebastian
r1 Distribution Rightsholder very important, not initially in marta's veriosn
odrl used for licenses
templates important, is what people will use
close collaboration with rights expert person in Metashare
explained difference between ms:distributionRightsHolder and ms:iprRightsHolder
R1 to be clarified
important output will be specifying the odrl extensions in a document
open issue: namespace to be decide
penny: let's avoid collision with UPF namespace
Victor: not strong opinion,, but uris have to be dereferenceable
<scribe> ACTION: Penny to update google doc with licenses [recorded in]
<trackbot> Created ACTION-13 - Update google doc with licenses [on Penny Labropoulou - due 2015-01-15].
jorge: is it desirable a Metashare namespace for the model?
Victor: a LD4LT based would be also possible
<scribe> ACTION: jorge to send email around about preferences and possibilities for namespace of the model [recorded in]
<trackbot> Created ACTION-14 - Send email around about preferences and possibilities for namespace of the model [on Jorge Gracia - due 2015-01-15].
8 examples for the moment
<scribe> ACTION: victor to send to the list a call for further examples [recorded in]
<trackbot> Error finding 'victor'. You can review and register nicknames at <>.
these actions will be input for next telco
<scribe> ACTION: vroddon to contact john for getting statistics on the use of licenses to select more relevant eamples [recorded in]
<trackbot> Created ACTION-15 - Contact john for getting statistics on the use of licenses to select more relevant eamples [on Víctor Rodríguez-Doncel - due 2015-01-15].
<scribe> ACTION: vroddon to send to the list a call for further examples [recorded in]
<trackbot> Created ACTION-16 - Send to the list a call for further examples [on Víctor Rodríguez-Doncel - due 2015-01-15].
<daveL> another license example is that used by the EU open data portal, relevant for the DG-T TM and EurVoc
Penny: most of MS specific licenses already covered by the examples odrl:inheritFrom
<Sebastian> rdfs:label of odrl:inheritfrom
<Sebastian> specify an algorithm
<Sebastian> should we have a lider telco?
you mean tomorrow?
<Sebastian> actually we agreed to have a LIDER follow up telco, 30 min after each LD4LT call
hummm I did not remembered that
<Sebastian> it wasn't announced properly
<Sebastian> we will do it next time