IRC log of ld4lt on 2015-01-08
Timestamps are in UTC.
- 14:12:33 [RRSAgent]
- RRSAgent has joined #ld4lt
- 14:12:33 [RRSAgent]
- logging to
- 14:12:35 [trackbot]
- RRSAgent, make logs 385
- 14:12:35 [Zakim]
- Zakim has joined #ld4lt
- 14:12:37 [trackbot]
- Zakim, this will be
- 14:12:37 [Zakim]
- I don't understand 'this will be', trackbot
- 14:12:38 [trackbot]
- Meeting: Linked Data for Language Technology Community Group Teleconference
- 14:12:38 [trackbot]
- Date: 08 January 2015
- 14:12:44 [pennyl67]
- pennyl67 has joined #ld4lt
- 14:13:06 [jgracia]
- Meeting: LD4LT Phone call, 08 01 2015
- 14:13:43 [jgracia]
- scribe: jorge
- 14:16:10 [jgracia]
- present+ Jorge, Lupe, Víctor, Penny
- 14:16:47 [Sebastian]
- and Sebastian
- 14:17:28 [jgracia]
- present+ Sebastian
- 14:17:37 [jgracia]
- topic: Requirements document
- 14:17:48 [jgracia]
- 14:18:51 [jgracia]
- r1 Distribution Rightsholder very important, not initially in marta's veriosn
- 14:19:27 [jgracia]
- odrl used for licenses
- 14:20:40 [jgracia]
- templates important, is what people will use
- 14:23:07 [jgracia]
- close collaboration with rights expert person in Metashare
- 14:25:53 [jgracia]
- explained difference between ms:distributionRightsHolder and ms:iprRightsHolder
- 14:26:00 [jgracia]
- R1 to be clarified
- 14:27:25 [jgracia]
- important output will be specifying the odrl extensions in a document
- 14:29:11 [jgracia]
- open issue: namespace to be decide
- 14:30:29 [jgracia]
- penny: let's avoid collision with UPF namespace
- 14:31:03 [daveL]
- daveL has joined #ld4lt
- 14:31:34 [daveL]
- present+ DaveLewis
- 14:31:45 [jgracia]
- Victor: not strong opinion,, but uris have to be dereferenceable
- 14:33:50 [jgracia]
- ACTIOn: Penny to update google doc with licenses
- 14:33:50 [trackbot]
- Created ACTION-13 - Update google doc with licenses [on Penny Labropoulou - due 2015-01-15].
- 14:34:36 [jgracia]
- jorge: is it desirable a Metashare namespace for the model?
- 14:35:00 [jgracia]
- Victor : a LD4LT based would be also possible
- 14:39:22 [jgracia]
- ACTION: jorge to send email around about preferences and possibilities for namespace of the model
- 14:39:22 [trackbot]
- Created ACTION-14 - Send email around about preferences and possibilities for namespace of the model [on Jorge Gracia - due 2015-01-15].
- 14:40:21 [jgracia]
- topic: Examples
- 14:40:31 [jgracia]
- 14:42:06 [jgracia]
- 8 examples for the moment
- 14:42:32 [jgracia]
- action: victor to send to the list a call for further examples
- 14:42:32 [trackbot]
- Error finding 'victor'. You can review and register nicknames at <>.
- 14:43:13 [Sebastian]
- 14:43:50 [jgracia]
- 14:46:30 [jgracia]
- these actions will be input for next telco
- 14:50:33 [jgracia]
- action: vroddon to contact john for getting statistics on the use of licenses to select more relevant eamples
- 14:50:33 [trackbot]
- Created ACTION-15 - Contact john for getting statistics on the use of licenses to select more relevant eamples [on Víctor Rodríguez-Doncel - due 2015-01-15].
- 14:50:43 [jgracia]
- action: vroddon to send to the list a call for further examples
- 14:50:44 [trackbot]
- Created ACTION-16 - Send to the list a call for further examples [on Víctor Rodríguez-Doncel - due 2015-01-15].
- 14:51:12 [daveL]
- another license example is that used by the EU open data portal, relevant for the DG-T TM and EurVoc
- 14:51:15 [daveL]
- 14:53:46 [jgracia]
- Penny: most of MS specific licenses already covered by the examples
- 14:57:07 [jgracia]
- zakim, who's here ?
- 14:57:07 [Zakim]
- sorry, jgracia, I don't know what conference this is
- 14:57:09 [Zakim]
- On IRC I see daveL, pennyl67, Zakim, RRSAgent, Sebastian, jgracia, trackbot
- 14:58:05 [jgracia]
- odrl:inheritFrom
- 14:59:51 [Sebastian]
- rdfs:label of odrl:inheritfrom
- 14:59:57 [Sebastian]
- specify an algorithm
- 15:05:04 [jgracia]
- rrsagent, generate minutes
- 15:05:04 [RRSAgent]
- I have made the request to generate jgracia
- 15:05:18 [Sebastian]
- should we have a lider telco?
- 15:05:46 [jgracia]
- you mean tomorrow?
- 15:06:09 [Sebastian]
- actually we agreed to have a LIDER follow up telco, 30 min after each LD4LT call
- 15:07:23 [jgracia]
- hummm I did not remembered that
- 15:07:47 [Sebastian]
- it wasn't announced properly
- 15:08:06 [Sebastian]
- we will do it next time
- 15:08:16 [jgracia]
- sure
- 15:08:23 [jgracia]
- rrsagent, make logs public
- 15:08:29 [jgracia]
- rrsagent, generate minutes
- 15:08:29 [RRSAgent]
- I have made the request to generate jgracia
- 17:01:56 [Zakim]
- Zakim has left #ld4lt