W3C gratefully acknowledges Deutsche Telekom, for hosting this workshop.
Thanks also to the Mozilla Foundation for their Support
W3C also thankfully acknowledges the STREWS project and the Practice projectfor supporting this workshop
Important dates
Registration is open until 18 November: Please register using the registration form
7 November 2014:
Program and position papers posted on the workshop website
Logistics: The logistics page is now available
20-21 November 2014:
How to Participate
Participation is free but requires either an expression of interest or a longer position paper. W3C membership is not required to participate in this workshop.
Please send expressions of interest and position papers to
The Workshop Program Committee will review the submissions to determine who to invite to attend the workshop, and who will be asked to give presentations or appear on panel sessions, etc. There is likely to be no limit for how many people can attend from each organization. Though at least one position paper or expression of interest from every organization attending is required.
Registration is open until 18 November: Everybody who has submitted a position paper or an expression of interest, Please Register using the registration form
Expressions of Interest
A person that wishes to attend but not present must submit an expression of Interest. These must be submitted by email to by 31th October 2014.
Expressions of interest should briefly explain the participant's interest in the workshop in a few sentences.
NB: All Expressions of Interest will be made public on a dedicated workshop page together with the names of the author, their affiliation and an abstract.
Position Papers
Position papers help frame the discussion at the workshop and are presented. Authors should describe a topic in depth and list challenges, risks, standards, issues, and possible solutions. You might want to review a few samples of past workshop position papers, e.g. those from the W3C Workshop on Privacy for Advanced Web APIs.
Your paper must meet the following criteria:
- aligned with the workshop's stated goals.
- 1 to 5 pages long, although they may be linked to longer versions or appendixes.
- formatted in (valid) HTML/XHTML, PDF, or plain text
Submit papers to
NB: All papers will be made public on a dedicated workshop page along with the names of the authors, their affiliation and an abstract.
All authors that produce on-topic papers will be invited to participate in the workshop (subject to seating constraints). From among all accepted papers, the program committee will choose a small number of papers judged most appropriate for fostering discussion, and ask the authors of those papers to give short presentations about them at the workshop. After the workshop, all papers will then be published on the workshop home page, with authors having the option to publish their slides.
Note: Priority will be given to proposals for incremental steps for realising the goals of the workshop.
Questions? Rigo Wenning <>