See also: IRC log
<aphillip> close action-149
<trackbot> Closed action-149.
<aphillip> close action-329
<trackbot> Closed action-329.
<aphillip> close action-330
<trackbot> Closed action-330.
<David> I need to give late apologies, sorry..
<aphillip> JcK: mentioned tz distribution work at IETF
JcK: timezone workgroup started
r12a: TPAC is running out of space, register soon
<JcK> TZ distrib charter is at
r12a: received Indic layout
... will share doc with wg soon
... went to mtg APAC TLD in Oman, planning another one, are we
interested in attending?
aphillip is interested in attending
No new last call items
r12a: reviewed Screen orientation
spec, nothing i18n related there
... also read longdesc spec
<aphillip> richard: (summarizes)
r12a and jCk think latest description is OK
<aphillip> ACTION: richard: close bug 21678 on html longdesc with comment that we are satisfied [recorded in]
<trackbot> Created ACTION-331 - Close bug 21678 on html longdesc with comment that we are satisfied [on Richard Ishida - due 2014-08-21].
aphillip to add leandro's proposal for conflict resolution rule
<aphillip> action-328?
<trackbot> action-328 -- Addison Phillips to Reply to encoding false statement with proposed text mentioning that we discussed with anne -- due 2014-08-14 -- OPEN
<aphillip> close: action-328
<scribe> ACTION: aphillip : review list of people on Encoding LC thread, ensure they're copied on reply [recorded in]
<trackbot> Created ACTION-332 - : review list of people on encoding lc thread, ensure they're copied on reply [on Addison Phillips - due 2014-08-21].
<aphillip> close action-328
<trackbot> Closed action-328.
aphillip: need to get fresh copy from anne for next steps
r12a will prepare these docs for publication, which will take place next week (Thu at the latest)
<aphillip> chair: resolve to publish?
<aphillip> addison: yes
<r12a> yes
<JcK> publish - yes
<matial> +1
<Jan> +1
<aphillip> chair: resolved to publish predefined counter styles as a note