Feedback was received about the mime-type application. Stephan to draft a response. The issue on JAXB is not resolved yet, but the editors propose to try a solution, and share it with the group early next week. The plan is to have the document ready for internal review by Thursday (04/04).
Document is out for review. Stian and Sam will review the document. Any other volunteer? Reviews due by next call on (04/04).
Editors are still making a few changes. Document is planned to be out tomorrow. Paul and Craig to review prov-primer. Any other volunteer? Reviews due by the next teleconference (04/04).
Daniel to finalize the document by tomorrow. Paul and Simon to review. Any other volunteer? Reviews due by the next teleconference (04/04(.
Sam and Tom finalizing the document. It should be ready tomorrow. Simon and Luc to review the document. Any other volunteer? Reviews due by next teleconference.
Suggestions were due by today. Document will be ready for review at the next teleconference.
Document is out for review. Simon and Tom will review it, Graham just completed a review. Any other volunteer? Reviews due in by next teleconference on 04/04.
Updates to FAQ / posts / other
We spent some time reminding group members to get their Ac Rep to vote for prov recommendations. Stian, Daniel and Paolo drafted some blogs. Paul is happy to post them (or a link to them) on the W3C Semantic Web blog. Daniel made a suggestion for the FAQ entry. Membership invited to think about good topics to add to the FAQ.
14:50:52 <RRSAgent> logging to
RRSAgent IRC Bot: logging to ←
14:50:54 <trackbot> RRSAgent, make logs world
Trackbot IRC Bot: RRSAgent, make logs world ←
14:50:56 <trackbot> Zakim, this will be PROV
Trackbot IRC Bot: Zakim, this will be PROV ←
14:50:56 <Zakim> ok, trackbot; I see SW_(PROV)11:00AM scheduled to start in 10 minutes
Zakim IRC Bot: ok, trackbot; I see SW_(PROV)11:00AM scheduled to start in 10 minutes ←
14:50:56 <Luc> zakim, this will be PROV
Luc Moreau: zakim, this will be PROV ←
14:50:57 <trackbot> Meeting: Provenance Working Group Teleconference
14:50:57 <trackbot> Date: 28 March 2013
14:50:58 <Zakim> ok, Luc; I see SW_(PROV)11:00AM scheduled to start in 10 minutes
Zakim IRC Bot: ok, Luc; I see SW_(PROV)11:00AM scheduled to start in 10 minutes ←
14:51:07 <Luc> Agenda:
14:51:22 <Luc> Chair: Luc Moreau
14:52:00 <Luc> Scribe: dgarijo
(Scribe set to Daniel Garijo)
14:52:23 <Luc> rrsagent, make logs public
Luc Moreau: rrsagent, make logs public ←
14:55:35 <dgarijo> Agenda:
14:56:39 <Luc> Hi daniel, are you OK to scribe?
Luc Moreau: Hi daniel, are you OK to scribe? ←
14:57:55 <Zakim> SW_(PROV)11:00AM has now started
Zakim IRC Bot: SW_(PROV)11:00AM has now started ←
14:58:03 <Zakim> + +44.238.059.aaaa
Zakim IRC Bot: + +44.238.059.aaaa ←
14:58:32 <Zakim> +??P2
Zakim IRC Bot: +??P2 ←
14:58:53 <Luc> zakim, +44.238.059.aaaa is me
Luc Moreau: zakim, +44.238.059.aaaa is me ←
14:58:54 <Zakim> +Luc; got it
Zakim IRC Bot: +Luc; got it ←
14:59:08 <Luc> Hi daniel, are you OK to scribe?
Luc Moreau: Hi daniel, are you OK to scribe? ←
14:59:12 <Zakim> +[IPcaller]
Zakim IRC Bot: +[IPcaller] ←
14:59:15 <GK> zakim, ??p2 is me
Graham Klyne: zakim, ??p2 is me ←
14:59:15 <Zakim> +GK; got it
Zakim IRC Bot: +GK; got it ←
14:59:34 <dgarijo> Hi Luc, yes, I'm ok.
Hi Luc, yes, I'm ok. ←
15:00:03 <Zakim> +??P13
Zakim IRC Bot: +??P13 ←
15:00:09 <dgarijo> Zakim, ??P13 is me
Zakim, ??P13 is me ←
15:00:10 <Zakim> +dgarijo; got it
Zakim IRC Bot: +dgarijo; got it ←
15:00:55 <Zakim> + +1.818.731.aabb
Zakim IRC Bot: + +1.818.731.aabb ←
15:01:24 <Zakim> - +1.818.731.aabb
Zakim IRC Bot: - +1.818.731.aabb ←
15:01:47 <Zakim> + +1.818.731.aacc
Zakim IRC Bot: + +1.818.731.aacc ←
15:01:59 <dgarijo> scribe: dgarijo
15:02:23 <dgarijo> Luc: today we are going to Luc at the documents we are going to release+ organize reviews.
Luc Moreau: today we are going to Luc at the documents we are going to release+ organize reviews. ←
15:02:25 <Luc>
Luc Moreau: ←
15:02:26 <GK>
Graham Klyne: ←
15:02:34 <Luc> Proposed: approved last week's minutes
PROPOSED: approved last week's minutes ←
15:02:43 <Zakim> +jcheney
Zakim IRC Bot: +jcheney ←
15:02:46 <dgarijo> dgarijo:+0 (I wasn't)
Daniel Garijo: +0 (I wasn't) ←
15:02:51 <Luc> zakim, who is here?
Luc Moreau: zakim, who is here? ←
15:02:51 <Zakim> On the phone I see Luc, GK, [IPcaller], dgarijo, +1.818.731.aacc, jcheney
Zakim IRC Bot: On the phone I see Luc, GK, [IPcaller], dgarijo, +1.818.731.aacc, jcheney ←
15:02:54 <Zakim> On IRC I see christine, hook, jcheney, Paolo, zednik, GK, khalidBelhajjame, dgarijo, Zakim, RRSAgent, Luc, GK-alt, TallTed, ivan, stain, trackbot
Zakim IRC Bot: On IRC I see christine, hook, jcheney, Paolo, zednik, GK, khalidBelhajjame, dgarijo, Zakim, RRSAgent, Luc, GK-alt, TallTed, ivan, stain, trackbot ←
15:02:58 <Zakim> +[IPcaller.a]
Zakim IRC Bot: +[IPcaller.a] ←
15:03:06 <GK> I'm here
Graham Klyne: I'm here ←
15:03:08 <dgarijo> me :)
me :) ←
15:03:10 <jcheney> here
James Cheney: here ←
15:03:16 <hook> here
15:03:16 <christine> Zakim, [IPcaller.a] is christine
Christine Runnegar: Zakim, [IPcaller.a] is christine ←
15:03:16 <Zakim> +christine; got it
Zakim IRC Bot: +christine; got it ←
15:03:18 <jcheney> +1
James Cheney: +1 ←
15:03:19 <Zakim> +SamCoppens
Zakim IRC Bot: +SamCoppens ←
15:03:19 <GK> Wasn't present last week meeting.
Graham Klyne: Wasn't present last week meeting. ←
15:03:21 <hook> +1
15:03:23 <dgarijo> +0
+0 ←
15:03:35 <khalidBelhajjame> +0
Khalid Belhajjame: +0 ←
15:03:35 <ivan> zakim, code?
Ivan Herman: zakim, code? ←
15:03:35 <Zakim> the conference code is 7768 (tel:+1.617.761.6200, ivan
Zakim IRC Bot: the conference code is 7768 (tel:+1.617.761.6200, ivan ←
15:03:36 <Luc> RESOLVED: last week's minutes
RESOLVED: last week's minutes ←
15:03:39 <Paolo> 0 (not present)
Paolo Missier: 0 (not present) ←
15:03:51 <dgarijo> Luc:a few open actions left
Luc Moreau: a few open actions left ←
15:03:57 <Zakim> +ivan
Zakim IRC Bot: +ivan ←
15:04:00 <dgarijo> ... Paul -> prov overview document
... Paul -> prov overview document ←
15:04:07 <Zakim> +[IPcaller.a]
Zakim IRC Bot: +[IPcaller.a] ←
15:04:14 <dgarijo> ... another one for Graham. Is it done (about PAQ).
... another one for Graham. Is it done (about PAQ). ←
15:04:25 <TomDN> Zakim, who is on the phone?
Tom De Nies: Zakim, who is on the phone? ←
15:04:25 <Zakim> On the phone I see Luc, GK, [IPcaller], dgarijo, +1.818.731.aacc, jcheney, christine, SamCoppens, ivan, [IPcaller.a]
Zakim IRC Bot: On the phone I see Luc, GK, [IPcaller], dgarijo, +1.818.731.aacc, jcheney, christine, SamCoppens, ivan, [IPcaller.a] ←
15:04:34 <Luc> actuib0-166?
Luc Moreau: actuib0-166? ←
15:04:39 <GK> Looking...
Graham Klyne: Looking... ←
15:04:40 <Luc> action-166?
15:04:40 <trackbot> ACTION-166 -- Graham Klyne to add a bit of text explaining the inconsistency between html/rdf and http -- due 2013-03-21 -- OPEN
Trackbot IRC Bot: ACTION-166 -- Graham Klyne to add a bit of text explaining the inconsistency between html/rdf and http -- due 2013-03-21 -- OPEN ←
15:04:40 <trackbot>
Trackbot IRC Bot: ←
15:04:44 <TomDN> Zakim, tomDN is with SamCoppens
Tom De Nies: Zakim, tomDN is with SamCoppens ←
15:04:44 <Zakim> +tomDN; got it
Zakim IRC Bot: +tomDN; got it ←
15:04:51 <GK> Yes, did it.
Graham Klyne: Yes, did it. ←
15:04:58 <TomDN> Zakim, tomDN is me
Tom De Nies: Zakim, tomDN is me ←
15:04:58 <Zakim> sorry, TomDN, I do not recognize a party named 'tomDN'
Zakim IRC Bot: sorry, TomDN, I do not recognize a party named 'tomDN' ←
15:05:01 <dgarijo> GK: (can't understand).
Graham Klyne: (can't understand). ←
15:05:08 <GK> I'm going to re-connect
Graham Klyne: I'm going to re-connect ←
15:05:10 <TomDN> Zakim, mute me
Tom De Nies: Zakim, mute me ←
15:05:10 <Zakim> sorry, TomDN, I do not know which phone connection belongs to you
Zakim IRC Bot: sorry, TomDN, I do not know which phone connection belongs to you ←
15:05:12 <Zakim> -GK
Zakim IRC Bot: -GK ←
15:05:22 <TomDN> Zakim, TomDN is with SamCoppens
Tom De Nies: Zakim, TomDN is with SamCoppens ←
15:05:22 <Zakim> tomDN was already listed in SamCoppens, TomDN
Zakim IRC Bot: tomDN was already listed in SamCoppens, TomDN ←
15:05:41 <Zakim> +??P32
Zakim IRC Bot: +??P32 ←
15:05:47 <dgarijo> Luc: Action to Paul to talk to james about reviewing xml
Luc Moreau: Action to Paul to talk to james about reviewing xml ←
15:05:51 <smiles> zakim, ??P32 is smiles
Simon Miles: zakim, ??P32 is smiles ←
15:05:53 <Zakim> +smiles; got it
Zakim IRC Bot: +smiles; got it ←
15:05:59 <Zakim> +??P1
Zakim IRC Bot: +??P1 ←
15:06:02 <Luc> q?
Luc Moreau: q? ←
15:06:06 <GK> zakim, ??p1 is me
Graham Klyne: zakim, ??p1 is me ←
15:06:06 <Zakim> +GK; got it
Zakim IRC Bot: +GK; got it ←
15:06:37 <dgarijo> jcheney: ran across Henry Thompson, who is willing in principle o take a look, but not sure. Will try to ask other people
James Cheney: ran across Henry Thompson, who is willing in principle o take a look, but not sure. Will try to ask other people ←
15:06:45 <dgarijo> Luc: Action is now closed.
Luc Moreau: Action is now closed. ←
15:06:48 <Luc> topic: prov-xml
Summary: Feedback was received about the mime-type application. Stephan to draft a response. The issue on JAXB is not resolved yet, but the editors propose to try a solution, and share it with the group early next week. The plan is to have the document ready for internal review by Thursday (04/04).
<luc>Summary: Feedback was received about the mime-type application. Stephan to draft a response. The issue on JAXB is not resolved yet, but the editors propose to try a solution, and share it with the group early next week. The plan is to have the document ready for internal review by Thursday (04/04).
15:06:50 <dgarijo> ... PROV-XML
... PROV-XML ←
15:07:07 <dgarijo> ... we had a few issues. The first one is about the media type
... we had a few issues. The first one is about the media type ←
15:07:21 <dgarijo> ... we have received some feedback this morning
... we have received some feedback this morning ←
15:07:33 <dgarijo> ... stephan, have you had a chance to look at it?
... stephan, have you had a chance to look at it? ←
15:07:54 <dgarijo> zednik:will read it and provide a response before the end of the day
Stephan Zednik: will read it and provide a response before the end of the day ←
15:08:12 <Luc> q?
Luc Moreau: q? ←
15:08:25 <dgarijo> Luc: next item is the jaxb issue
Luc Moreau: next item is the jaxb issue ←
15:08:53 <dgarijo> hook: we may have a potential candidate solution.
Hook Hua: we may have a potential candidate solution. ←
15:09:27 <dgarijo> ... it may be depending the jaxb implementation.
... it may be depending the jaxb implementation. ←
15:10:44 <Luc> zakim, who is noisy?
Luc Moreau: zakim, who is noisy? ←
15:10:50 <dgarijo> ... One possible solution is to remove the sequence inside to ??? (I'm getting a lot of noise).
... One possible solution is to remove the sequence inside to ??? (I'm getting a lot of noise). ←
15:10:55 <Zakim> Luc, listening for 10 seconds I heard sound from the following: Luc (8%), GK (18%), +1.818.731.aacc (94%), ivan (43%)
Zakim IRC Bot: Luc, listening for 10 seconds I heard sound from the following: Luc (8%), GK (18%), +1.818.731.aacc (94%), ivan (43%) ←
15:11:09 <GK> That\'s odd - I'm muted.
Graham Klyne: That\'s odd - I'm muted. ←
15:11:18 <GK> Reconnecting again.
Graham Klyne: Reconnecting again. ←
15:11:21 <Zakim> -GK
Zakim IRC Bot: -GK ←
15:11:23 <ivan> I muted myself
Ivan Herman: I muted myself ←
15:11:26 <ivan> is it better?
Ivan Herman: is it better? ←
15:11:29 <Zakim> +Satya_Sahoo
Zakim IRC Bot: +Satya_Sahoo ←
15:12:00 <Zakim> +??P1
Zakim IRC Bot: +??P1 ←
15:12:08 <GK> zakim, ??p1 is me
Graham Klyne: zakim, ??p1 is me ←
15:12:08 <Zakim> +GK; got it
Zakim IRC Bot: +GK; got it ←
15:12:17 <dgarijo> Luc: what is the timetable, was it today? How are you planning to move towards a decission.
Luc Moreau: what is the timetable, was it today? How are you planning to move towards a decission. ←
15:12:26 <zednik> q+
Stephan Zednik: q+ ←
15:12:59 <Luc> ack z
Luc Moreau: ack z ←
15:13:02 <dgarijo> hook: we may need to get some confirmation. The possible solution requires one edit, but that will be the only change (adding the document bundling class).
Hook Hua: we may need to get some confirmation. The possible solution requires one edit, but that will be the only change (adding the document bundling class). ←
15:13:10 <Zakim> +CraigTrim
Zakim IRC Bot: +CraigTrim ←
15:13:48 <Luc>
Luc Moreau: ←
15:13:55 <dgarijo> zednik: We are going to add a level of indirection to the xml serialization. I was not aware that we were going to release something today.
Stephan Zednik: We are going to add a level of indirection to the xml serialization. I was not aware that we were going to release something today. ←
15:14:41 <dgarijo> Luc: somebody said that in the current timetable. If that's not the case then we should correct it. This will be the final internal review.
Luc Moreau: somebody said that in the current timetable. If that's not the case then we should correct it. This will be the final internal review. ←
15:14:49 <Luc> q?
Luc Moreau: q? ←
15:15:05 <dgarijo> Luc: when could we hope to have a proposal to the group.
Luc Moreau: when could we hope to have a proposal to the group. ←
15:15:08 <dgarijo> ... ?
... ? ←
15:15:27 <Luc> q?
Luc Moreau: q? ←
15:16:26 <dgarijo> hook: it will be a very small edit change. It can be done shortly after we get confirmation to the solution.
Hook Hua: it will be a very small edit change. It can be done shortly after we get confirmation to the solution. ←
15:16:37 <dgarijo> zednik: by next thursday would be good?
Stephan Zednik: by next thursday would be good? ←
15:16:52 <dgarijo> Luc: we need to have the document staged by the 23 of April.
Luc Moreau: we need to have the document staged by the 23 of April. ←
15:17:23 <dgarijo> ... If there is a vote on the 4th and a release on the 11th then we are tight on time.
... If there is a vote on the 4th and a release on the 11th then we are tight on time. ←
15:17:37 <dgarijo> zednik: ok, we will have it by tuesday.
Stephan Zednik: ok, we will have it by tuesday. ←
15:17:39 <dgarijo> Luc: ok
Luc Moreau: ok ←
15:18:07 <dgarijo> ... the we don't need to set up reviewers yet.
... the we don't need to set up reviewers yet. ←
15:18:16 <Luc> q?
Luc Moreau: q? ←
15:18:17 <dgarijo> zednik: ok. I'll stage the document as well.
Stephan Zednik: ok. I'll stage the document as well. ←
15:18:21 <dgarijo> Luc: thanks.
Luc Moreau: thanks. ←
15:18:27 <Luc> topic: prov-aq
Summary: Document is out for review. Stian and Sam will review the document. Any other volunteer? Reviews due by next call on (04/04).
<luc>Summary: Document is out for review. Stian and Sam will review the document. Any other volunteer? Reviews due by next call on (04/04).
15:18:41 <dgarijo> Luc: Is the doc ready for review?
Luc Moreau: Is the doc ready for review? ←
15:18:54 <GK> Yes, dpocument is ready
Graham Klyne: Yes, dpocument is ready ←
15:19:00 <dgarijo> GK: I'll write down my responses
Graham Klyne: I'll write down my responses ←
15:19:03 <GK> See
Graham Klyne: See ←
15:19:18 <TomDN> Sam volunteers
Tom De Nies: Sam volunteers ←
15:19:24 <dgarijo> Luc: reviewers for PROV-AQ?
Luc Moreau: reviewers for PROV-AQ? ←
15:20:07 <Zakim> +[IPcaller.aa]
Zakim IRC Bot: +[IPcaller.aa] ←
15:20:08 <dgarijo> Luc: it would be nice to have Tim's input as well.
Luc Moreau: it would be nice to have Tim's input as well. ←
15:20:16 <stain> Zakim, IPcaller.aa is me
Stian Soiland-Reyes: Zakim, IPcaller.aa is me ←
15:20:16 <Zakim> +stain; got it
Zakim IRC Bot: +stain; got it ←
15:20:31 <TomDN> (I'll take a look at it as well, but will integrate my comments in Sam's review)
Tom De Nies: (I'll take a look at it as well, but will integrate my comments in Sam's review) ←
15:20:35 <dgarijo> Luc: stian?
Luc Moreau: stian? ←
15:20:58 <dgarijo> stain: ok, I'll do a quick one
Stian Soiland-Reyes: ok, I'll do a quick one ←
15:21:06 <stain> log that Stian won't do an evil review this time
Stian Soiland-Reyes: log that Stian won't do an evil review this time ←
15:21:17 <dgarijo> :D
:D ←
15:21:21 <GK> For reviewers, the comments in the tracker may help you locate the chamnges
Graham Klyne: For reviewers, the comments in the tracker may help you locate the chamnges ←
15:21:30 <dgarijo> Luc: anything else?
Luc Moreau: anything else? ←
15:21:38 <GK>
Graham Klyne: ←
15:21:48 <GK> Also change log in document.
Graham Klyne: Also change log in document. ←
15:22:02 <dgarijo> ... the intent is that we'd like to have the reviews complete by the 4th of April.
... the intent is that we'd like to have the reviews complete by the 4th of April. ←
15:22:06 <GK> Mercurial can provide diffs if required.
Graham Klyne: Mercurial can provide diffs if required. ←
15:22:08 <Luc> q?
Luc Moreau: q? ←
15:22:22 <dgarijo> Luc: prov-primer
Luc Moreau: prov-primer ←
15:22:24 <Luc> topic: prov-primer
Summary: Editors are still making a few changes. Document is planned to be out tomorrow. Paul and Craig to review prov-primer. Any other volunteer? Reviews due by the next teleconference (04/04).
<luc>Summary: Editors are still making a few changes. Document is planned to be out tomorrow. Paul and Craig to review prov-primer. Any other volunteer? Reviews due by the next teleconference (04/04).
15:22:46 <dgarijo> Luc: status?
Luc Moreau: status? ←
15:23:04 <dgarijo> smiles: I thiyght that it was going to be easy, but I'm struggling a bit.
Simon Miles: I thiyght that it was going to be easy, but I'm struggling a bit. ←
15:23:18 <dgarijo> r/thiyght/thought
r/thiyght/thought ←
15:23:27 <dgarijo> ... I'm aiming to finish tomorrow
... I'm aiming to finish tomorrow ←
15:23:29 <dgarijo> Luc: ok
Luc Moreau: ok ←
15:23:43 <dgarijo> ... will the document be staged tomorrow?
... will the document be staged tomorrow? ←
15:23:49 <dgarijo> smiles: I don't know.
Simon Miles: I don't know. ←
15:24:00 <dgarijo> ... working as fast as I can
... working as fast as I can ←
15:24:23 <dgarijo> Luc: ok, as soon as you can stage the document
Luc Moreau: ok, as soon as you can stage the document ←
15:24:30 <dgarijo> smiles: sure.
Simon Miles: sure. ←
15:24:59 <stain> zakim, who is noisy?
Stian Soiland-Reyes: zakim, who is noisy? ←
15:25:09 <dgarijo> I can have a look at the primer
I can have a look at the primer ←
15:25:10 <Zakim> stain, listening for 10 seconds I could not identify any sounds
Zakim IRC Bot: stain, listening for 10 seconds I could not identify any sounds ←
15:25:22 <stain> zakim, who is noisy?
Stian Soiland-Reyes: zakim, who is noisy? ←
15:25:33 <Zakim> stain, listening for 10 seconds I heard sound from the following: Luc (36%), smiles (91%)
Zakim IRC Bot: stain, listening for 10 seconds I heard sound from the following: Luc (36%), smiles (91%) ←
15:26:02 <dgarijo> smiles: influence relationship. Should that be included in the primer?
Simon Miles: influence relationship. Should that be included in the primer? ←
15:26:13 <Luc> +1
Luc Moreau: +1 ←
15:26:20 <Luc> q?
Luc Moreau: q? ←
15:26:51 <Luc> q?
Luc Moreau: q? ←
15:27:27 <Luc> q+
Luc Moreau: q+ ←
15:27:30 <dgarijo> smiles: I have the feeling that it might not be that important. Is there any objection to include bundles and collections?
Simon Miles: I have the feeling that it might not be that important. Is there any objection to include bundles and collections? ←
15:27:31 <stain> +1 - it could also be used for "other provenance" we don't quite cover - like I've used wasInfluencedBy as a superproperty of
Stian Soiland-Reyes: +1 - it could also be used for "other provenance" we don't quite cover - like I've used wasInfluencedBy as a superproperty of ←
15:28:01 <dgarijo> Luc: you can include a small section for provenance of provenance.
Luc Moreau: you can include a small section for provenance of provenance. ←
15:28:06 <Luc> q?
Luc Moreau: q? ←
15:28:13 <Luc> ack Luc
Luc Moreau: ack Luc ←
15:28:20 <dgarijo> +1 for provenance of provenance section
+1 for provenance of provenance section ←
15:28:40 <Luc>
Luc Moreau: ←
15:28:44 <dgarijo> Luc: Simon, please update the timetable.
Luc Moreau: Simon, please update the timetable. ←
15:29:24 <dgarijo> smiles: sure. The timetable should be left as it is.
Simon Miles: sure. The timetable should be left as it is. ←
15:29:32 <Luc> topic: prov-dc
Summary: Daniel to finalize the document by tomorrow. Paul and Simon to review. Any other volunteer? Reviews due by the next teleconference (04/04(.
<luc>Summary: Daniel to finalize the document by tomorrow. Paul and Simon to review. Any other volunteer? Reviews due by the next teleconference (04/04(.
15:29:34 <pgroth> i'm not on the call
Paul Groth: i'm not on the call ←
15:29:39 <pgroth> but will follow irc
Paul Groth: but will follow irc ←
15:31:39 <Luc> q?
Luc Moreau: q? ←
15:32:06 <Luc> q?
Luc Moreau: q? ←
15:32:23 <stain> I can volunteer as I've been doing something similar mapping with dcterms recently
Stian Soiland-Reyes: I can volunteer as I've been doing something similar mapping with dcterms recently ←
15:32:40 <pgroth> i'm already going to read it
Paul Groth: i'm already going to read it ←
15:32:47 <stain> what is the deadline for the review?
Stian Soiland-Reyes: what is the deadline for the review? ←
15:32:49 <pgroth> assuming we're talking about prov-dc
Paul Groth: assuming we're talking about prov-dc ←
15:32:58 <stain> and the URI for what to review
Stian Soiland-Reyes: and the URI for what to review ←
15:33:05 <stain> ?
Stian Soiland-Reyes: ? ←
15:33:34 <Luc> q?
Luc Moreau: q? ←
15:33:37 <dgarijo> Paul and Stian will review prov-dc
Paul and Stian will review prov-dc ←
15:33:45 <Luc> topic: prov-dictionary
Summary: Sam and Tom finalizing the document. It should be ready tomorrow. Simon and Luc to review the document. Any other volunteer? Reviews due by next teleconference.
<luc>Summary: Sam and Tom finalizing the document. It should be ready tomorrow. Simon and Luc to review the document. Any other volunteer? Reviews due by next teleconference.
15:33:47 <dgarijo> dgarijo: 2 issues remain to be added to tghe document: 1- finish the dc:references debate. 2) add something about prov:hasProvenance.
Daniel Garijo: 2 issues remain to be added to tghe document: 1- finish the dc:references debate. 2) add something about prov:hasProvenance. ←
15:34:00 <Luc>
Luc Moreau: ←
15:34:03 <dgarijo> Reviews complete by: 2013-04-04
Reviews complete by: 2013-04-04 ←
15:34:20 <dgarijo> dgarijo: Will finish and stage the document tomorrow for internal reviw.
Daniel Garijo: Will finish and stage the document tomorrow for internal reviw. ←
15:34:21 <TomDN>
Tom De Nies: ←
15:35:02 <dgarijo> Tom: we are running a bit behind but it will be done by the end of today/tomorrow morning.
Tom De Nies: we are running a bit behind but it will be done by the end of today/tomorrow morning. ←
15:35:16 <stain> dgarijo, is it just the default/dc-note/dc-note.html in mercurial?
Stian Soiland-Reyes: dgarijo, is it just the default/dc-note/dc-note.html in mercurial? ←
15:35:31 <dgarijo> @stian: yes.
@stian: yes. ←
15:35:34 <stain> great
Stian Soiland-Reyes: great ←
15:36:01 <TomDN> changed prov:KeyValuePair to prov:KeyEntityPair; prov:keyValuePair to prov:keyEntityPair; prov:pairValue to prov:pairEntity.
Tom De Nies: changed prov:KeyValuePair to prov:KeyEntityPair; prov:keyValuePair to prov:keyEntityPair; prov:pairValue to prov:pairEntity. ←
15:36:04 <dgarijo> Tom: I have done a little change to key entity pair in order to make it less ambiguous.
Tom De Nies: I have done a little change to key entity pair in order to make it less ambiguous. ←
15:36:34 <dgarijo> ... makes things a lot more consistent
... makes things a lot more consistent ←
15:36:44 <stain> +1
Stian Soiland-Reyes: +1 ←
15:36:44 <Luc> +1 to this change
Luc Moreau: +1 to this change ←
15:36:52 <dgarijo> ... if there are objections I can change it back
... if there are objections I can change it back ←
15:36:53 <Luc> q+
Luc Moreau: q+ ←
15:37:22 <Luc> ack L
Luc Moreau: ack L ←
15:37:24 <Zakim> - +1.818.731.aacc
Zakim IRC Bot: - +1.818.731.aacc ←
15:37:56 <Luc> q?
Luc Moreau: q? ←
15:38:00 <dgarijo> Tom: we don't want to touch the definition of influence, so the proposal is to leave things as they are.
Tom De Nies: we don't want to touch the definition of influence, so the proposal is to leave things as they are. ←
15:38:09 <dgarijo> Luc: what is the implication for the owl file?
Luc Moreau: what is the implication for the owl file? ←
15:38:15 <pgroth> +1 for not touching influence
Paul Groth: +1 for not touching influence ←
15:38:23 <dgarijo> Tom: it still needs to be updated. And the xml schema.
Tom De Nies: it still needs to be updated. And the xml schema. ←
15:38:51 <dgarijo> Luc: once you've completed the doc it will be fine to inform Tim and Stephan about the latest changes
Luc Moreau: once you've completed the doc it will be fine to inform Tim and Stephan about the latest changes ←
15:39:21 <Luc> q?
Luc Moreau: q? ←
15:39:26 <dgarijo> Luc: we had identified some reviewer: Luc, Simon. Anybody else?
Luc Moreau: we had identified some reviewer: Luc, Simon. Anybody else? ←
15:40:03 <Luc> q?
Luc Moreau: q? ←
15:40:06 <dgarijo> ... the reviews are due by next week.
... the reviews are due by next week. ←
15:40:10 <dgarijo> ... anything else?
... anything else? ←
15:40:13 <Luc> topic: prov-overview
Summary: Suggestions were due by today. Document will be ready for review at the next teleconference.
<luc>Summary: Suggestions were due by today. Document will be ready for review at the next teleconference.
15:40:44 <pgroth> suggestions due today
Paul Groth: suggestions due today ←
15:40:57 <dgarijo> Luc: There was a call for suggestions and the deadline was today. Paul was going to produce the next version for next week
Luc Moreau: There was a call for suggestions and the deadline was today. Paul was going to produce the next version for next week ←
15:41:03 <Luc> document ready for review next week?
Luc Moreau: document ready for review next week? ←
15:41:09 <pgroth> I had some from Tim, Graham, and also outside
Paul Groth: I had some from Tim, Graham, and also outside ←
15:41:16 <pgroth> it will be ready for review next week
Paul Groth: it will be ready for review next week ←
15:41:17 <pgroth> yes
Paul Groth: yes ←
15:41:26 <Luc> thanks
Luc Moreau: thanks ←
15:41:48 <dgarijo> We have craig also. Anybody else?
We have craig also. Anybody else? ←
15:41:58 <pgroth> it's not long :-)
Paul Groth: it's not long :-) ←
15:42:11 <dgarijo> Ivan, it would be nice if you could have a look with your w3c hat.
Ivan, it would be nice if you could have a look with your w3c hat. ←
15:42:26 <Luc> q?
Luc Moreau: q? ←
15:42:32 <dgarijo> Ivan: I have to go to China, I don't think I'll be able.
Ivan Herman: I have to go to China, I don't think I'll be able. ←
15:42:42 <Luc> q?
Luc Moreau: q? ←
15:42:58 <dgarijo> ... if the doc is ready at the beggining of next week, I'll do it.
... if the doc is ready at the beggining of next week, I'll do it. ←
15:43:08 <pgroth> ok
Paul Groth: ok ←
15:43:11 <TomDN> (Small note on prov-dictionary: there is a small change in the prov-n grammar: the production rules keyValuePairs and keyValuePair changed to keyEntityPairs and keyEntityPair. Will update the grammar file and notify Luc, sorry)
Tom De Nies: (Small note on prov-dictionary: there is a small change in the prov-n grammar: the production rules keyValuePairs and keyValuePair changed to keyEntityPairs and keyEntityPair. Will update the grammar file and notify Luc, sorry) ←
15:43:14 <pgroth> i'll try and make sure it's up-to-date
Paul Groth: i'll try and make sure it's up-to-date ←
15:43:18 <pgroth> before then
Paul Groth: before then ←
15:43:20 <Luc> topic: prov-links
Summary: Document is out for review. Simon and Tom will review it, Graham just completed a review. Any other volunteer? Reviews due in by next teleconference on 04/04.
<luc>Summary: Document is out for review. Simon and Tom will review it, Graham just completed a review. Any other volunteer? Reviews due in by next teleconference on 04/04.
15:43:29 <dgarijo> Luc: PROV-Links is ready for review.
Luc Moreau: PROV-Links is ready for review. ←
15:43:45 <smiles> Yes
Simon Miles: Yes ←
15:43:46 <GK> I just sent a brief review of prov-links to the mailing list
Graham Klyne: I just sent a brief review of prov-links to the mailing list ←
15:43:53 <dgarijo> ... I sent an email earlier today. smiles had volunteeres. Is it still the case?
... I sent an email earlier today. smiles had volunteeres. Is it still the case? ←
15:43:59 <TomDN> I volunteer for prov-links as well
Tom De Nies: I volunteer for prov-links as well ←
15:44:00 <GK> (Just now!)
Graham Klyne: (Just now!) ←
15:44:06 <dgarijo> ...anybody else'
...anybody else' ←
15:44:10 <dgarijo> ...?
...? ←
15:44:36 <dgarijo> Tom, Simon and Graham will review prov-links.
Tom, Simon and Graham will review prov-links. ←
15:44:39 <Luc> q?
Luc Moreau: q? ←
15:44:47 <smiles> q+
Simon Miles: q+ ←
15:44:54 <dgarijo> Do any editors want to bring any issues ?
Do any editors want to bring any issues ? ←
15:45:03 <Luc> ack sm
Luc Moreau: ack sm ←
15:45:58 <dgarijo> smiles: section about collections and bundles to the primer. My concern is about prov-o examples. There is no "official" way.
Simon Miles: section about collections and bundles to the primer. My concern is about prov-o examples. There is no "official" way. ←
15:45:58 <Luc> q?
Luc Moreau: q? ←
15:45:58 <stain> that sounds like the most obvious way to do it
Stian Soiland-Reyes: that sounds like the most obvious way to do it ←
15:46:04 <stain> q+
Stian Soiland-Reyes: q+ ←
15:46:15 <Luc> ack st
Luc Moreau: ack st ←
15:46:20 <GK> (I'm checking what PROV-AQ says here - I think it's compatible)
Graham Klyne: (I'm checking what PROV-AQ says here - I think it's compatible) ←
15:46:43 <Zakim> -CraigTrim
Zakim IRC Bot: -CraigTrim ←
15:46:54 <dgarijo> stian: yes, prov-o examples are fine. But it's not the only way.
Stian Soiland-Reyes: yes, prov-o examples are fine. But it's not the only way. ←
15:46:58 <stain> for instance when using SPARQL it would make more sense to do them as named graphs
Stian Soiland-Reyes: for instance when using SPARQL it would make more sense to do them as named graphs ←
15:47:10 <smiles> yes thanks
Simon Miles: yes thanks ←
15:47:21 <dgarijo> Luc: are you fine with this?
Luc Moreau: are you fine with this? ←
15:47:24 <dgarijo> smiles: yes
Simon Miles: yes ←
15:47:27 <Luc> topic: Updates to FAQ / posts / other
Summary: We spent some time reminding group members to get their Ac Rep to vote for prov recommendations. Stian, Daniel and Paolo drafted some blogs. Paul is happy to post them (or a link to them) on the W3C Semantic Web blog. Daniel made a suggestion for the FAQ entry. Membership invited to think about good topics to add to the FAQ.
<luc>Summary: We spent some time reminding group members to get their Ac Rep to vote for prov recommendations. Stian, Daniel and Paolo drafted some blogs. Paul is happy to post them (or a link to them) on the W3C Semantic Web blog. Daniel made a suggestion for the FAQ entry. Membership invited to think about good topics to add to the FAQ.
15:47:28 <ivan> q+
Ivan Herman: q+ ←
15:47:52 <dgarijo> Luc: stian, were you preparing a blog post?
Luc Moreau: stian, were you preparing a blog post? ←
15:47:53 <GK> Confirm no disagreement with note in PROV-AQ (re bundles in primer discussion)
Graham Klyne: Confirm no disagreement with note in PROV-AQ (re bundles in primer discussion) ←
15:48:04 <dgarijo> stian: yes, it's a bit long.
Stian Soiland-Reyes: yes, it's a bit long. ←
15:48:14 <Luc> q?
Luc Moreau: q? ←
15:48:29 <dgarijo> ... I can post it in my blog and then referr from the w3c blog
... I can post it in my blog and then referr from the w3c blog ←
15:48:33 <dgarijo> Luc: up to you
Luc Moreau: up to you ←
15:48:38 <Luc> q?
Luc Moreau: q? ←
15:48:46 <Luc> zakim, who is noisy
Luc Moreau: zakim, who is noisy ←
15:48:46 <Zakim> I don't understand 'who is noisy', Luc
Zakim IRC Bot: I don't understand 'who is noisy', Luc ←
15:48:48 <Luc> zakim, who is noisy?
Luc Moreau: zakim, who is noisy? ←
15:48:59 <Zakim> Luc, listening for 10 seconds I heard sound from the following: smiles (60%)
Zakim IRC Bot: Luc, listening for 10 seconds I heard sound from the following: smiles (60%) ←
15:49:07 <dgarijo> ivan: we have slightly more than 2 weeks to take all the votes together.
Ivan Herman: we have slightly more than 2 weeks to take all the votes together. ←
15:49:11 <ivan> iMinds, Apple, VU, NASA, Newcastle Univ, OpenLink, IBM, Pacific Northwest, Wright Univ, INRIA
Ivan Herman: iMinds, Apple, VU, NASA, Newcastle Univ, OpenLink, IBM, Pacific Northwest, Wright Univ, INRIA ←
15:49:22 <dgarijo> ... large nubmer of members that have not voted.
... large nubmer of members that have not voted. ←
15:49:29 <Luc> I am talking to my acrep!
Luc Moreau: I am talking to my acrep! ←
15:49:40 <dgarijo> @ivan: UPM has voted.
@ivan: UPM has voted. ←
15:49:47 <GK> Hmmm… I did ask our AC rep (Oxford)
Graham Klyne: Hmmm… I did ask our AC rep (Oxford) ←
15:50:06 <Luc> @tallted, last week you said you would talk to your acrep?
Luc Moreau: @tallted, last week you said you would talk to your acrep? ←
15:50:14 <dgarijo> ... there are a number of companies that they are not anymore here.
... there are a number of companies that they are not anymore here. ←
15:50:29 <dgarijo> ivan: yes, UPM has voted.
Ivan Herman: yes, UPM has voted. ←
15:50:56 <dgarijo> ... we have to get emails to the missing persons in the group and their acrep.
... we have to get emails to the missing persons in the group and their acrep. ←
15:50:59 <GK> @Ivan, only AC rep can vote? Or can we as members do it?
Graham Klyne: @Ivan, only AC rep can vote? Or can we as members do it? ←
15:51:28 <dgarijo> Luc: we have already contacted all members individually, last week.
Luc Moreau: we have already contacted all members individually, last week. ←
15:51:33 <stain> 9 days ago I got the reminder from Luc
Stian Soiland-Reyes: 9 days ago I got the reminder from Luc ←
15:51:55 <dgarijo> ivan: do you have the list with the AC rep?
Ivan Herman: do you have the list with the AC rep? ←
15:52:07 <dgarijo> Luc: very few of them responded to me directly.
Luc Moreau: very few of them responded to me directly. ←
15:52:22 <dgarijo> ivan: some of them are here.
Ivan Herman: some of them are here. ←
15:52:52 <dgarijo> ivan: Edinbourgh? Manchester?
Ivan Herman: Edinbourgh? Manchester? ←
15:52:59 <dgarijo> ... those are here.
... those are here. ←
15:53:03 <stain> I have just reminded my Manchester contact again, but he's been on holiday this week
Stian Soiland-Reyes: I have just reminded my Manchester contact again, but he's been on holiday this week ←
15:53:28 <dgarijo> ivan: how do you want to handle that? WHat is the best to do it?
Ivan Herman: how do you want to handle that? WHat is the best to do it? ←
15:53:43 <dgarijo> Luc: Ted said he would talk to his acrep. Ted?
Luc Moreau: Ted said he would talk to his acrep. Ted? ←
15:53:58 <pgroth> open link already voted ?
Paul Groth: open link already voted ? ←
15:54:05 <dgarijo> ivan: at some point in time we have to contact the acreps
Ivan Herman: at some point in time we have to contact the acreps ←
15:54:58 <dgarijo> ... I don't want to contact the acreps again. If I have the list of those acreps that don't have an active member, I can contact them
... I don't want to contact the acreps again. If I have the list of those acreps that don't have an active member, I can contact them ←
15:55:04 <christine> apologies - moving to next call - thank you Luc, all
Christine Runnegar: apologies - moving to next call - thank you Luc, all ←
15:55:10 <stain> 2013-04-09 23:59 boston time
Stian Soiland-Reyes: 2013-04-09 23:59 boston time ←
15:55:16 <Zakim> -christine
Zakim IRC Bot: -christine ←
15:55:23 <dgarijo> ...^^deadline for votes
...^^deadline for votes ←
15:55:37 <dgarijo> ... next thursday is sort of ok.
... next thursday is sort of ok. ←
15:56:04 <dgarijo> Luc: thx for bringing that up
Luc Moreau: thx for bringing that up ←
15:56:15 <GK> I've just sent a chasing email to our AC Rep.
Graham Klyne: I've just sent a chasing email to our AC Rep. ←
15:56:44 <Luc> action pgroth to post daniel'post
Luc Moreau: action pgroth to post daniel'post ←
15:56:44 <trackbot> Created ACTION-169 - Post daniel'post [on Paul Groth - due 2013-04-04].
Trackbot IRC Bot: Created ACTION-169 - Post daniel'post [on Paul Groth - due 2013-04-04]. ←
15:56:51 <satya> Daniel has sent blog post to Paul
Satya Sahoo: Daniel has sent blog post to Paul ←
15:57:11 <dgarijo> Luc: many people have given tutorials.
Luc Moreau: many people have given tutorials. ←
15:57:36 <dgarijo> Paolo: I how do I do it?
Paolo Missier: I how do I do it? ←
15:57:38 <pgroth> will do
Paul Groth: will do ←
15:57:48 <pgroth> paolo: you can send the blog post to me
Paolo Missier: you can send the blog post to me [ Scribe Assist by Paul Groth ] ←
15:58:14 <Luc> zakim, mute ivan
Luc Moreau: zakim, mute ivan ←
15:58:14 <Zakim> ivan should now be muted
Zakim IRC Bot: ivan should now be muted ←
15:58:16 <Paolo> @pgroth I did send it earlier today
Paolo Missier: @pgroth I did send it earlier today ←
15:58:19 <dgarijo> Luc: send the tutorials to Paul
Luc Moreau: send the tutorials to Paul ←
15:58:22 <Paolo> will send a slightly revised version
Paolo Missier: will send a slightly revised version ←
15:58:42 <pgroth> cool
Paul Groth: cool ←
15:58:51 <Luc>
Luc Moreau: ←
15:58:53 <dgarijo> Luc: FAQ brainstorm
Luc Moreau: FAQ brainstorm ←
15:59:02 <dgarijo> ... what do we want to add?
... what do we want to add? ←
15:59:03 <dgarijo> +q
+q ←
15:59:16 <dgarijo> who is going to add it?
who is going to add it? ←
15:59:25 <Zakim> -smiles
Zakim IRC Bot: -smiles ←
15:59:37 <Luc> zakim, unmute ivan
Luc Moreau: zakim, unmute ivan ←
15:59:37 <Zakim> ivan should no longer be muted
Zakim IRC Bot: ivan should no longer be muted ←
15:59:50 <Luc> zakim, mute ivan
Luc Moreau: zakim, mute ivan ←
15:59:50 <Zakim> ivan should now be muted
Zakim IRC Bot: ivan should now be muted ←
15:59:58 <Luc> ack iv
Luc Moreau: ack iv ←
16:00:13 <Luc> zakim, mute ivan
Luc Moreau: zakim, mute ivan ←
16:00:13 <Zakim> ivan should now be muted
Zakim IRC Bot: ivan should now be muted ←
16:00:35 <Paolo> need to go...
Paolo Missier: need to go... ←
16:00:39 <Zakim> -[IPcaller]
Zakim IRC Bot: -[IPcaller] ←
16:00:52 <Luc> action dgarijo to draft blog post on provenance as rdfa in html documents
Luc Moreau: action dgarijo to draft blog post on provenance as rdfa in html documents ←
16:00:52 <trackbot> Created ACTION-170 - Draft blog post on provenance as rdfa in html documents [on Daniel Garijo - due 2013-04-04].
Trackbot IRC Bot: Created ACTION-170 - Draft blog post on provenance as rdfa in html documents [on Daniel Garijo - due 2013-04-04]. ←
16:00:53 <dgarijo> dgarijo: draft blog post on rdf-a and PROV.
Daniel Garijo: draft blog post on rdf-a and PROV. ←
16:01:17 <pgroth> @daniel, I can help with this
Paul Groth: @daniel, I can help with this ←
16:01:18 <dgarijo> Luc: If you think on something, could you circulate it to the list?
Luc Moreau: If you think on something, could you circulate it to the list? ←
16:01:24 <dgarijo> @paul: thanks
@paul: thanks ←
16:01:27 <Zakim> -ivan
Zakim IRC Bot: -ivan ←
16:01:27 <dgarijo> Luc goodbye
Luc goodbye ←
16:01:30 <Zakim> -Satya_Sahoo
Zakim IRC Bot: -Satya_Sahoo ←
16:01:33 <Zakim> -jcheney
Zakim IRC Bot: -jcheney ←
16:01:34 <Zakim> -dgarijo
Zakim IRC Bot: -dgarijo ←
16:01:36 <GK> Bye
Graham Klyne: Bye ←
16:01:40 <Zakim> -Luc
Zakim IRC Bot: -Luc ←
16:01:41 <Zakim> -GK
Zakim IRC Bot: -GK ←
16:01:47 <Zakim> -SamCoppens
Zakim IRC Bot: -SamCoppens ←
16:03:55 <Zakim> -stain
Zakim IRC Bot: -stain ←
Formatted by CommonScribe