Details on Product Accessing and Querying Provenance

Open, Raised and Pending Review Issues

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There are 9 open and raised issues listed in the system.

ID State Title Raised on Product Open Actions
ISSUE-597 (edit)
OPEN Review prov-aq.owl and update PROV-AQ term descriptions as appropriate 2012-11-10 Accessing and Querying Provenance 0
ISSUE-428 (edit)
PENDING REVIEW should we recommend RDF for provenance; define other mimetypes for other serializations? 2012-06-20 Accessing and Querying Provenance 0
ISSUE-600 (edit)
PENDING REVIEW Add simple provenance pingback header spec to PROV-AQ 2012-11-20 Accessing and Querying Provenance 0
ISSUE-609 (edit)
PENDING REVIEW Specify how to locate a SPARQL endpoint for querying provenance 2012-11-29 Accessing and Querying Provenance 0
ISSUE-618 (edit)
PENDING REVIEW Should pingback be described in PROV-AQ? 2013-01-31 Accessing and Querying Provenance 0
ISSUE-628 (edit)
PENDING REVIEW Specification of anchor in HTML/RDF vs HTTP is inconsistent 2013-02-21 Accessing and Querying Provenance 0
ISSUE-632 (edit)
PENDING REVIEW Should PROV-AQ be renamed 2013-02-26 Accessing and Querying Provenance 0
ISSUE-652 (edit)
PENDING REVIEW Actions for final review period 2013-03-14 Accessing and Querying Provenance 0
ISSUE-658 (edit)
RAISED Register link relation types for use with HTML5 2013-04-05 Accessing and Querying Provenance 0

Open Actions

There are 0 open and pending review actions.

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Chair, Staff Contact
Tracker: documentation, (configuration for this group), originally developed by Dean Jackson, is developed and maintained by the Systems Team <>.
$Id: 5.html,v 1.1 2013-06-20 07:38:03 vivien Exp $