
Government Linked Data Working Group Teleconference

Minutes of 15 March 2012

Bernadette Hyland, Boris Villazón-Terrazas, Dan Gillman, Dave Reynolds, Deirdre Lee, Fadi Maali, George Thomas, Ghislain Atemezing, John Erickson, Luis Bermudez, Martín Álvarez, Michael Pendleton, Phil Archer, Sandro Hawke, Tina Gheen
George Thomas
Dave Reynolds, Phil Archer
  1. to accept minutes: http://www.w3.org/2011/gld/meeting/2012-03-08 link
13:56:57 <RRSAgent> logging to http://www.w3.org/2012/03/15-gld-irc

RRSAgent IRC Bot: logging to http://www.w3.org/2012/03/15-gld-irc

13:56:59 <trackbot> RRSAgent, make logs world

Trackbot IRC Bot: RRSAgent, make logs world

13:57:01 <trackbot> Zakim, this will be GLD

Trackbot IRC Bot: Zakim, this will be GLD

13:57:01 <Zakim> ok, trackbot; I see T&S_GLDWG()10:00AM scheduled to start in 3 minutes

Zakim IRC Bot: ok, trackbot; I see T&S_GLDWG()10:00AM scheduled to start in 3 minutes

13:57:02 <trackbot> Meeting: Government Linked Data Working Group Teleconference
13:57:02 <trackbot> Date: 15 March 2012
13:57:26 <Zakim> T&S_GLDWG()10:00AM has now started

Zakim IRC Bot: T&S_GLDWG()10:00AM has now started

13:57:34 <Zakim> +bhyland

Zakim IRC Bot: +bhyland

13:57:35 <Zakim> + +1.202.566.aaaa

Zakim IRC Bot: + +1.202.566.aaaa

13:57:59 <Zakim> +sandro

Zakim IRC Bot: +sandro

13:58:06 <bhyland> zakim, aaaa is Mike_P

Bernadette Hyland: zakim, aaaa is Mike_P

13:58:06 <Zakim> +Mike_P; got it

Zakim IRC Bot: +Mike_P; got it

13:59:15 <sandro> sandro has changed the topic to: Government Linked Data (GLD) WG -- http://www.w3.org/2011/gld/wiki/Meetings:Telecon20120315

Sandro Hawke: sandro has changed the topic to: Government Linked Data (GLD) WG -- http://www.w3.org/2011/gld/wiki/Meetings:Telecon20120315

14:00:11 <Zakim> +[IPcaller]

Zakim IRC Bot: +[IPcaller]

14:00:11 <bhyland> Linked Data Glossary, see https://dvcs.w3.org/hg/gld/raw-file/default/glossary/index.html

Bernadette Hyland: Linked Data Glossary, see https://dvcs.w3.org/hg/gld/raw-file/default/glossary/index.html

14:00:19 <DaveReynolds> zakim, IPcaller is me

Dave Reynolds: zakim, IPcaller is me

14:00:19 <Zakim> +DaveReynolds; got it

Zakim IRC Bot: +DaveReynolds; got it

14:00:27 <Zakim> +[LC]

Zakim IRC Bot: +[LC]

14:00:32 <Zakim> +[IPcaller]

Zakim IRC Bot: +[IPcaller]

14:01:18 <bhyland> zakim, IPcaller deirdrelee

Bernadette Hyland: zakim, IPcaller deirdrelee

14:01:18 <Zakim> I don't understand 'IPcaller deirdrelee', bhyland

Zakim IRC Bot: I don't understand 'IPcaller deirdrelee', bhyland

14:01:26 <boris> zakim, code?

Boris Villazón-Terrazas: zakim, code?

14:01:26 <Zakim> the conference code is 45394 (tel:+1.617.761.6200 sip:zakim@voip.w3.org), boris

Zakim IRC Bot: the conference code is 45394 (tel:+1.617.761.6200 sip:zakim@voip.w3.org), boris

14:01:30 <bhyland> zakim, IPcaller is deirdrelee

Bernadette Hyland: zakim, IPcaller is deirdrelee

14:01:30 <Zakim> +deirdrelee; got it

Zakim IRC Bot: +deirdrelee; got it

14:01:35 <Zakim> +fadmaa

Zakim IRC Bot: +fadmaa

14:01:38 <bhyland> zakim, who is on the call?

Bernadette Hyland: zakim, who is on the call?

14:01:38 <Zakim> On the phone I see bhyland, Mike_P, sandro, DaveReynolds, [LC], deirdrelee, fadmaa

Zakim IRC Bot: On the phone I see bhyland, Mike_P, sandro, DaveReynolds, [LC], deirdrelee, fadmaa

14:02:04 <Zakim> +??P21

Zakim IRC Bot: +??P21

14:02:21 <Zakim> +??P24

Zakim IRC Bot: +??P24

14:02:27 <martin> zakim, ??P24 is me

Martín Álvarez: zakim, ??P24 is me

14:02:32 <fadmaa> zakim, mute me

Fadi Maali: zakim, mute me

14:02:36 <Zakim> +martin; got it

Zakim IRC Bot: +martin; got it

14:02:37 <Zakim> + +1.202.691.aabb

Zakim IRC Bot: + +1.202.691.aabb

14:02:39 <Zakim> +??P26

Zakim IRC Bot: +??P26

14:02:42 <martin> zakim, mute me

Martín Álvarez: zakim, mute me

14:02:44 <Zakim> fadmaa should now be muted

Zakim IRC Bot: fadmaa should now be muted

14:02:47 <olyerickson> zakim, ?p21 is me.

John Erickson: zakim, ?p21 is me.

14:02:49 <boris> zakim, ??P6 is boris

Boris Villazón-Terrazas: zakim, ??P6 is boris

14:02:57 <Zakim> martin should now be muted

Zakim IRC Bot: martin should now be muted

14:03:01 <Zakim> sorry, olyerickson, I do not recognize a party named '?p21'

Zakim IRC Bot: sorry, olyerickson, I do not recognize a party named '?p21'

14:03:02 <olyerickson> zakim, ??p21 is me.

John Erickson: zakim, ??p21 is me.

14:03:06 <Zakim> I already had ??P6 as Plh, boris

Zakim IRC Bot: I already had ??P6 as Plh, boris

14:03:11 <bhyland> scribe: DaveReynolds

(Scribe set to Dave Reynolds)

14:03:18 <Zakim> +olyerickson; got it

Zakim IRC Bot: +olyerickson; got it

14:03:22 <DaveReynolds> scribenick: DaveReynolds
14:03:29 <bhyland> Agenda: http://www.w3.org/2011/gld/wiki/Meetings:Telecon20120315
14:03:45 <Zakim> +[IPcaller]

Zakim IRC Bot: +[IPcaller]

14:03:47 <PhilA2> zakim, IPcaller is me

Phil Archer: zakim, IPcaller is me

14:03:50 <bhyland> zakim, who is on the call?

Bernadette Hyland: zakim, who is on the call?

14:03:52 <Zakim> +PhilA2; got it

Zakim IRC Bot: +PhilA2; got it

14:03:53 <Zakim> On the phone I see bhyland, Mike_P, sandro, DaveReynolds, [LC], deirdrelee, fadmaa (muted), olyerickson, martin (muted), +1.202.691.aabb, ??P26, PhilA2

Zakim IRC Bot: On the phone I see bhyland, Mike_P, sandro, DaveReynolds, [LC], deirdrelee, fadmaa (muted), olyerickson, martin (muted), +1.202.691.aabb, ??P26, PhilA2

14:04:10 <bhyland> zakim, aabb is DanG

Bernadette Hyland: zakim, aabb is DanG

14:04:10 <Zakim> +DanG; got it

Zakim IRC Bot: +DanG; got it

14:04:30 <bhyland> zakim, P26 is boris

Bernadette Hyland: zakim, P26 is boris

14:04:30 <Zakim> sorry, bhyland, I do not recognize a party named 'P26'

Zakim IRC Bot: sorry, bhyland, I do not recognize a party named 'P26'

14:04:32 <boris> zakim, ??P6 IS BORIS

Boris Villazón-Terrazas: zakim, ??P6 IS BORIS

14:04:32 <Zakim> I already had ??P6 as Plh, boris

Zakim IRC Bot: I already had ??P6 as Plh, boris

14:04:38 <boris> zakim, ??P6 is boris

Boris Villazón-Terrazas: zakim, ??P6 is boris

14:04:38 <Zakim> I already had ??P6 as Plh, boris

Zakim IRC Bot: I already had ??P6 as Plh, boris

14:04:48 <Zakim> +George_Thomas

Zakim IRC Bot: +George_Thomas

14:05:01 <PhilA2> zakim, ??P26 is Boris

Phil Archer: zakim, ??P26 is Boris

14:05:01 <Zakim> +Boris; got it

Zakim IRC Bot: +Boris; got it

14:05:52 <Zakim> + +

Zakim IRC Bot: + +

14:06:04 <bhyland> Proposed: to accept minutes: http://www.w3.org/2011/gld/meeting/2012-03-08

PROPOSED: to accept minutes: http://www.w3.org/2011/gld/meeting/2012-03-08

14:06:37 <boris> +1

Boris Villazón-Terrazas: +1

14:06:39 <Zakim> +gatemezi

Zakim IRC Bot: +gatemezi

14:06:39 <olyerickson> +1 accept minutes

John Erickson: +1 accept minutes

14:06:46 <Zakim> -gatemezi

Zakim IRC Bot: -gatemezi

14:06:53 <gatemezi> +1 accept minutes

Ghislain Atemezing: +1 accept minutes

14:06:56 <fadmaa> +1

Fadi Maali: +1

14:07:03 <DanG> +1

Dan Gillman: +1

<bhyland> Resolved: to accept minutes: http://www.w3.org/2011/gld/meeting/2012-03-08

RESOLVED: to accept minutes: http://www.w3.org/2011/gld/meeting/2012-03-08

14:07:58 <Zakim> +gatemezi

Zakim IRC Bot: +gatemezi

14:08:08 <DaveReynolds> bhyland: requested people, dcat, org, data cube to first pass WD

Bernadette Hyland: requested people, dcat, org, data cube to first pass WD

14:08:18 <PhilA2> Terrific news! Well done to the folk who've worked hard on those

Phil Archer: Terrific news! Well done to the folk who've worked hard on those

14:08:27 <Zakim> -gatemezi

Zakim IRC Bot: -gatemezi

14:08:44 <gatemezi> Zakim, who is here?

Ghislain Atemezing: Zakim, who is here?

14:08:44 <Zakim> On the phone I see bhyland, Mike_P, sandro, DaveReynolds, [LC], deirdrelee, fadmaa (muted), olyerickson, martin (muted), DanG, Boris, PhilA2, George_Thomas, +

Zakim IRC Bot: On the phone I see bhyland, Mike_P, sandro, DaveReynolds, [LC], deirdrelee, fadmaa (muted), olyerickson, martin (muted), DanG, Boris, PhilA2, George_Thomas, +

14:08:47 <Zakim> On IRC I see Biplav, tinagheen, gatemezi, luis_bermudez, fadmaa, Mike_Pendleton, boris, PhilA2, deirdrelee, Zakim, RRSAgent, DanG, martin, DaveReynolds, MacTed, bhyland,

Zakim IRC Bot: On IRC I see Biplav, tinagheen, gatemezi, luis_bermudez, fadmaa, Mike_Pendleton, boris, PhilA2, deirdrelee, Zakim, RRSAgent, DanG, martin, DaveReynolds, MacTed, bhyland,

14:08:47 <Zakim> ... olyerickson, trackbot, sandro

Zakim IRC Bot: ... olyerickson, trackbot, sandro

14:09:10 <Zakim> +gatemezi

Zakim IRC Bot: +gatemezi

14:09:37 <olyerickson>  zakim, who is on the phone.

John Erickson: zakim, who is on the phone.

14:09:37 <Zakim> I don't understand 'who is on the phone', olyerickson

Zakim IRC Bot: I don't understand 'who is on the phone', olyerickson

14:09:56 <PhilA2> Let me start with http://www.w3.org/QA/2012/03/interoperable_governments.html

Phil Archer: Let me start with http://www.w3.org/QA/2012/03/interoperable_governments.html

14:10:03 <bhyland> Topic: Update on the ADMS spec and ISA eGov core vocabs

1. Update on the ADMS spec and ISA eGov core vocabs

14:10:11 <tinagheen> Zakim, [LC] is me

Tina Gheen: Zakim, [LC] is me

14:10:11 <Zakim> +tinagheen; got it

Zakim IRC Bot: +tinagheen; got it

14:10:48 <bhyland> chair: GeorgeThomas
14:11:22 <DaveReynolds> PhilA2: ISA producing three core vocabs.

Phil Archer: ISA producing three core vocabs.

14:11:27 <Zakim> +lbermudez

Zakim IRC Bot: +lbermudez

14:11:37 <DaveReynolds> PhilA2: People - soley a natural person (not businesses-as-people etc)

Phil Archer: People - soley a natural person (not businesses-as-people etc)

14:11:53 <DaveReynolds> PhilA2: business - to describe legal entities, subsets of organizations

Phil Archer: business - to describe legal entities, subsets of organizations

14:12:10 <DaveReynolds> PhilA2: location - address information, intended to be INSPIRE compliant

Phil Archer: location - address information, intended to be INSPIRE compliant

14:13:03 <DaveReynolds> PhilA2: ISA person can be used as a subset of W3C people vocab

Phil Archer: ISA person can be used as a subset of W3C people vocab

14:13:26 <DaveReynolds> PhilA2: ISA business not directly connected to org (though compatible?)

Phil Archer: ISA business not directly connected to org (though compatible?)

14:13:59 <DaveReynolds> PhilA2: Fourth vocab. ADMS. Asset Descriptions Metadata Schema.

Phil Archer: Fourth vocab. ADMS. Asset Descriptions Metadata Schema.

14:15:10 <DaveReynolds> PhilA2: It is relevant for GLD.  Government institutions are publishing assets like code lists, standards, vocabs. ADMS is for describing those (c.f. DCAT for describing datasets themselves).

Phil Archer: It is relevant for GLD. Government institutions are publishing assets like code lists, standards, vocabs. ADMS is for describing those (c.f. DCAT for describing datasets themselves).

14:15:27 <George> zakim, who is here?

George Thomas: zakim, who is here?

14:15:27 <Zakim> On the phone I see bhyland, Mike_P, sandro, DaveReynolds, tinagheen, deirdrelee, fadmaa (muted), olyerickson, martin (muted), DanG, Boris, PhilA2, George_Thomas, +,

Zakim IRC Bot: On the phone I see bhyland, Mike_P, sandro, DaveReynolds, tinagheen, deirdrelee, fadmaa (muted), olyerickson, martin (muted), DanG, Boris, PhilA2, George_Thomas, +,

14:15:30 <Zakim> ... gatemezi, lbermudez

Zakim IRC Bot: ... gatemezi, lbermudez

14:15:30 <Zakim> On IRC I see George, Biplav, tinagheen, gatemezi, luis_bermudez, fadmaa, Mike_Pendleton, boris, PhilA2, deirdrelee, Zakim, RRSAgent, DanG, martin, DaveReynolds, MacTed, bhyland,

Zakim IRC Bot: On IRC I see George, Biplav, tinagheen, gatemezi, luis_bermudez, fadmaa, Mike_Pendleton, boris, PhilA2, deirdrelee, Zakim, RRSAgent, DanG, martin, DaveReynolds, MacTed, bhyland,

14:15:31 <Zakim> ... olyerickson, trackbot, sandro

Zakim IRC Bot: ... olyerickson, trackbot, sandro

14:15:33 <DaveReynolds> PhilA2: ADMS being implemented by joinup platform

Phil Archer: ADMS being implemented by joinup platform

14:15:27 <PhilA2> http://joinup.ec.europa.eu/

Phil Archer: http://joinup.ec.europa.eu/

14:15:49 <DaveReynolds> PhilA2: ADMS also being used by Danish portal

Phil Archer: ADMS also being used by Danish portal

14:15:47 <PhilA2> http://digitaliser.dk/

Phil Archer: http://digitaliser.dk/

14:15:52 <George> q?

George Thomas: q?

14:16:20 <DaveReynolds> PhilA2: W3C will also use AMDS for TR descriptions

Phil Archer: W3C will also use AMDS for TR descriptions

14:18:03 <DaveReynolds> PhilA2: Now suggesting that GLD take on all four of the vocabularies.

Phil Archer: Now suggesting that GLD take on all four of the vocabularies.

14:18:45 <DaveReynolds> PhilA2: All of them match existing GLD charter.

Phil Archer: All of them match existing GLD charter.

14:20:22 <DaveReynolds> PhilA2: Are being asked to take result of EU review process as FPWD-ready material. But are, of course, free to then extend and improve before final publication.

Phil Archer: Are being asked to take result of EU review process as FPWD-ready material. But are, of course, free to then extend and improve before final publication.

14:20:54 <George> q?

George Thomas: q?

14:21:05 <DaveReynolds> PhilA2: All four are intended to ready end of March for targetted FPWD publication in May.

Phil Archer: All four are intended to ready end of March for targetted FPWD publication in May.

14:21:10 <bhyland> q+

Bernadette Hyland: q+

14:22:13 <DaveReynolds> PhilA2: There is a 5th vocab, for description of open source software. Not being brought to GLD at this time (outside of charter)

Phil Archer: There is a 5th vocab, for description of open source software. Not being brought to GLD at this time (outside of charter)

14:23:04 <DaveReynolds> PhilA2: It is called RADion - Repository Assets Description

Phil Archer: It is called RADion - Repository Assets Description

14:23:15 <George> ack bhyland

George Thomas: ack bhyland

14:23:18 <DaveReynolds> PhilA2 - very high level, DCAT could be seen as specialization of it (?)

PhilA2 - very high level, DCAT could be seen as specialization of it (?)

14:24:39 <PhilA2> -> RADion details http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-gld-wg/2012Mar/0048.html

Phil Archer: -> RADion details http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-gld-wg/2012Mar/0048.html

14:25:16 <DaveReynolds> bhyland: a lot of the heavy lifting has been done on these vocabs, it is a funded effort, they are well documented. Encourages GLD folks to look them and voice opinions on them.

Bernadette Hyland: a lot of the heavy lifting has been done on these vocabs, it is a funded effort, they are well documented. Encourages GLD folks to look them and voice opinions on them.

14:25:37 <olyerickson> I haven't see region-specific in things I've looked at

John Erickson: I haven't see region-specific in things I've looked at

14:25:52 <DaveReynolds> bhyland: especially - they should be checked for any region-specific aspects

Bernadette Hyland: especially - they should be checked for any region-specific aspects

14:26:14 <olyerickson> We've found core business vocab interesting, and will be looking at location at people as well

John Erickson: We've found core business vocab interesting, and will be looking at location at people as well

14:26:20 <George> q?

George Thomas: q?

14:26:58 <olyerickson> ADMS is harder to figure out application scope. I get DCAT (obviously), I don't quite get use cases for ADMS

John Erickson: ADMS is harder to figure out application scope. I get DCAT (obviously), I don't quite get use cases for ADMS

14:27:41 <olyerickson> Could PhilA elaborate on ADMS use case (or two)

John Erickson: Could PhilA elaborate on ADMS use case (or two)

14:27:53 <DaveReynolds> sandro: asks about timeline guidance for reviewing the vocabs

Sandro Hawke: asks about timeline guidance for reviewing the vocabs

14:28:06 <bhyland> Note - ADMC Working Group list, see https://joinup.ec.europa.eu/asset/adms/document/adms-working-group

Bernadette Hyland: Note - ADMS Working Group list, see https://joinup.ec.europa.eu/asset/adms/document/adms-working-group

14:28:12 <bhyland> s/ADMC/ADMS
14:28:32 <DaveReynolds> PhilA2: targeting completion 1 week on Friday

Phil Archer: targeting completion 1 week on Friday

14:29:16 <PhilA2> -> ADMS http://joinup.ec.europa.eu/asset/adms/home

Phil Archer: -> ADMS http://joinup.ec.europa.eu/asset/adms/home

14:29:24 <DaveReynolds> PhilA2: Aiming that ADMS 1.0 becomes FPWD as is because it is already being implemented. So early identification of major issues would be important.

Phil Archer: Aiming that ADMS 1.0 becomes FPWD as is because it is already being implemented. So early identification of major issues would be important.

14:30:31 <DaveReynolds> PhilA2: Feels that FPWD should separate core model from implementation guidance, which are merged in ADMS 0.9/1.0

Phil Archer: Feels that FPWD should separate core model from implementation guidance, which are merged in ADMS 0.9/1.0

14:30:46 <Zakim> -deirdrelee

Zakim IRC Bot: -deirdrelee

14:30:51 <Zakim> + +1.443.569.aadd

Zakim IRC Bot: + +1.443.569.aadd

14:30:51 <bhyland> @PhilA, should we be looking at section 5.2 ADMS Core Elements in https://joinup.ec.europa.eu/asset/adms/wiki/adms-specification-v06

Bernadette Hyland: @PhilA, should we be looking at section 5.2 ADMS Core Elements in https://joinup.ec.europa.eu/asset/adms/wiki/adms-specification-v06

14:30:55 <DaveReynolds> PhilA2: Some issues around text v. strings and flagging of machine translation

Phil Archer: Some issues around text v. strings and flagging of machine translation

14:31:07 <DanG> This problem was solved in ISO/IEC 19773

Dan Gillman: This problem was solved in ISO/IEC 19773

14:31:52 <fadmaa> I am happy to write a comment to the ADMS

Fadi Maali: I am happy to write a comment to the ADMS

14:31:53 <DanG> Sorry 19773 is called Metadata Modules

Dan Gillman: Sorry 19773 is called Metadata Modules

14:31:55 <bhyland> q+

Bernadette Hyland: q+

14:32:11 <DaveReynolds> PhilA2: In particular some of the implementation guide is Europe specific

Phil Archer: In particular some of the implementation guide is Europe specific

14:32:13 <George> ack bhyland

George Thomas: ack bhyland

14:32:37 <Zakim> +[IPcaller]

Zakim IRC Bot: +[IPcaller]

14:33:14 <PhilA2> http://joinup.ec.europa.eu/blog/adms-version-09-now-available-joinup-consultation

Phil Archer: http://joinup.ec.europa.eu/blog/adms-version-09-now-available-joinup-consultation

14:33:38 <PhilA2> ADMS Namespace doc http://philarcher.org/adms/ADMS_v0.10.rdf

Phil Archer: ADMS Namespace doc http://philarcher.org/adms/ADMS_v0.10.rdf

14:35:27 <PhilA2> Joinup http://joinup.ec.europa.eu/

Phil Archer: Joinup http://joinup.ec.europa.eu/

14:36:25 <DaveReynolds> PhilA2: [Clarifying ADMS use cases ...] Joinup is an example use. It provides "semantic assets" - includes vocabularies, code lists, standards. Provides discovery portal for public sector employees to find such assets.

Phil Archer: [Clarifying ADMS use cases ...] Joinup is an example use. It provides "semantic assets" - includes vocabularies, code lists, standards. Provides discovery portal for public sector employees to find such assets.

14:37:16 <DaveReynolds> PhilA2: ADMS a vocab for describing these assets. Such an asset is different from a dataset.

Phil Archer: ADMS a vocab for describing these assets. Such an asset is different from a dataset.

14:37:47 <PhilA2> RADion UML http://philarcher.org/adms/RADion%20v0.05.png

Phil Archer: RADion UML http://philarcher.org/adms/RADion%20v0.05.png

14:38:03 <George> q?

George Thomas: q?

14:38:55 <olyerickson> PhilA this actually is helpful...thanks...

John Erickson: PhilA this actually is helpful...thanks...

14:39:17 <olyerickson> Yes

John Erickson: Yes

14:39:23 <George> ack

George Thomas: ack

14:39:28 <George> ack DaveReynolds

George Thomas: ack DaveReynolds

14:39:28 <Zakim> DaveReynolds, you wanted to ask about registry v. repository

Zakim IRC Bot: DaveReynolds, you wanted to ask about registry v. repository

14:39:59 <olyerickson> PhilA described some  very futurey concepts IMHO...

John Erickson: PhilA described some very futurey concepts IMHO...

14:40:04 <DanG> why is geography separated from SKOS concept scheme and concepts?

Dan Gillman: why is geography separated from SKOS concept scheme and concepts?

14:40:54 <Zakim> -sandro

Zakim IRC Bot: -sandro

14:41:15 <DaveReynolds> PhilA2: is intended to have a registry aspect, has some notion of status.

Phil Archer: is intended to have a registry aspect, has some notion of status.

14:42:37 <DaveReynolds> PhilA2: but doesn't have a notion of endorsement by a particular community

Phil Archer: but doesn't have a notion of endorsement by a particular community

14:43:15 <George> q?

George Thomas: q?

14:44:01 <DaveReynolds> DanG: asks why geographic coverage is separated from SKOS concept schemes. Typically geo areas are concept schemes and should be handled uniformly.

Dan Gillman: asks why geographic coverage is separated from SKOS concept schemes. Typically geo areas are concept schemes and should be handled uniformly.

14:45:06 <olyerickson> I need DanG to give an example

John Erickson: I need DanG to give an example

14:45:12 <DaveReynolds> PhilA2: previously had a notion of "domain". Could generalize to allow SKOS concepts to be used there.

Phil Archer: previously had a notion of "domain". Could generalize to allow SKOS concepts to be used there.

14:45:18 <gatemezi> In Geonames, codes are skos:Concept

Ghislain Atemezing: In Geonames, codes are skos:Concept

14:46:46 <DaveReynolds> PhilA2: question to group, is it OK to publish as FPWD before sorting issues such as uniform use of concept schemes.

Phil Archer: question to group, is it OK to publish as FPWD before sorting issues such as uniform use of concept schemes.

14:47:13 <gatemezi> link Geonames: http://www.geonames.org/ontology/documentation.html

Ghislain Atemezing: link Geonames: http://www.geonames.org/ontology/documentation.html

14:47:25 <DaveReynolds> DanG: preference, if group agrees then make changes first before FPWD publication.

Dan Gillman: preference, if group agrees then make changes first before FPWD publication.

14:47:57 <George> q?

George Thomas: q?

14:48:13 <olyerickson> request that DanG elaborate on these issues in "ISSUES"

John Erickson: request that DanG elaborate on these issues in "ISSUES"

14:49:38 <DaveReynolds> DanG: points out ISO 19773 has a approach to data types for multi-text, multi-string, multi-data. Type includes both datum and additional information (e.g. language, cultural identifiers).

Dan Gillman: points out ISO 19773 has an approach to data types for multi-text, multi-string, multi-data. Type includes both datum and additional information (e.g. language, cultural identifiers).

14:49:49 <DaveReynolds> s/has a/has an/
14:50:53 <olyerickson> Thanks!

John Erickson: Thanks!

14:51:05 <DaveReynolds> george: suggests capturing these on issues list

George Thomas: suggests capturing these on issues list

14:52:48 <DaveReynolds> PhilA2: [Clarifying relationship of OSS vocab to DOAP] Interest is from UK and Spanish gov. If GLD feels it is relevant it *could* could to encompass that as well. In RADion there is a link to project which is doap:Project.

Phil Archer: [Clarifying relationship of OSS vocab to DOAP] Interest is from UK and Spanish gov. If GLD feels it is relevant it *could* could to encompass that as well. In RADion there is a link to project which is doap:Project.

14:53:37 <Zakim> - +

Zakim IRC Bot: - +

14:54:01 <bhyland> q+

Bernadette Hyland: q+

14:54:01 <George> q?

George Thomas: q?

14:54:07 <George> ack bhyland

George Thomas: ack bhyland

14:54:10 <olyerickson> ;)

John Erickson: ;)

14:54:11 <George> ack bhyland

George Thomas: ack bhyland

14:54:58 <DaveReynolds> bhyland: reluctant to to cover OSS area as well, seems beyond GLD charter.

Bernadette Hyland: reluctant to to cover OSS area as well, seems beyond GLD charter.

14:55:02 <DaveReynolds> PhilA2: agreed

Phil Archer: agreed

14:55:56 <olyerickson> "GLD recommends stakeholder consider any and all vocabularies of potential interest, now and in the future..."

John Erickson: "GLD recommends stakeholder consider any and all vocabularies of potential interest, now and in the future..."

14:56:43 <olyerickson> Thanks PhilA!

John Erickson: Thanks PhilA!

14:56:44 <DaveReynolds> PhilA2: appreciates GLD taking on the vocabs that it is adopting

Phil Archer: appreciates GLD taking on the vocabs that it is adopting

14:57:54 <DaveReynolds> topic: DCAT


14:58:06 <fadmaa> Zakim, unmute me

Fadi Maali: Zakim, unmute me

14:58:06 <Zakim> fadmaa should no longer be muted

Zakim IRC Bot: fadmaa should no longer be muted

14:59:02 <bhyland> Action-37

Bernadette Hyland: ACTION-37

14:59:22 <bhyland> We're all looking at: https://www.w3.org/2011/gld/track/products/2

Bernadette Hyland: We're all looking at: https://www.w3.org/2011/gld/track/products/2

14:59:27 <bhyland> (or should be ..)

Bernadette Hyland: (or should be ..)

14:59:47 <DaveReynolds> fadmaa: issues 2,3 are easy and should be able to get consensus. Issue 9 is much the same as 7 and 8.

Fadi Maali: issues 2,3 are easy and should be able to get consensus. ISSUE-9 is much the same as 7 and 8.

15:00:32 <DaveReynolds> olyerickson: issue 2,3 trivial things left to close off.

John Erickson: ISSUE-2,3 trivial things left to close off.

15:02:44 <DaveReynolds> bhyland: some issues are raised but not necessarily accept as issues to be addressed (i.e. OPEN)

Bernadette Hyland: some issues are raised but not necessarily accepted as issues to be addressed (i.e. OPEN)

15:02:46 <George> q?

George Thomas: q?

15:02:53 <DaveReynolds> s/accept/accepted/
15:03:38 <DaveReynolds> olyerickson: issue 2 resulted in dct:language being added (so solved?)

John Erickson: ISSUE-2 resulted in dct:language being added (so solved?)

15:04:15 <bhyland> @George, perhaps you should move some of these to OPEN status and some to CLOSED if they've been addressed, with comment …

Bernadette Hyland: @George, perhaps you should move some of these to OPEN status and some to CLOSED if they've been addressed, with comment …

15:04:55 <DaveReynolds> george: trying to get clarify on what the actual issue is so can be clear on what are solved, what are unclear, what area ctionable.

George Thomas: trying to get clarify on what the actual issue is so can be clear on what are solved, what are unclear, what are actionable.

15:05:02 <DaveReynolds> s/area /are a/
15:05:47 <DaveReynolds> olyerickson: issue 2 - added dct:language at both levels

John Erickson: ISSUE-2 - added dct:language at both levels

15:06:24 <DaveReynolds> olyerickson: issue 3 - about time/date format, list agreed to prefer xsd:dateTime, but stakeholders wanted other forms, discussion still open

John Erickson: ISSUE-3 - about time/date format, list agreed to prefer xsd:dateTime, but stakeholders wanted other forms, discussion still open

15:07:06 <DaveReynolds> action: olyerickson to annotate and update issues 2, 3 on tracker

ACTION: olyerickson to annotate and update issues 2, 3 on tracker

15:07:07 <trackbot> Created ACTION-58 - Annotate and update issues 2, 3 on tracker [on John Erickson - due 2012-03-22].

Trackbot IRC Bot: Created ACTION-58 - Annotate and update issues 2, 3 on tracker [on John Erickson - due 2012-03-22].

15:07:37 <PhilA2> I'll make a proposal by mail to put ISSUE-3 to bed - I don't think it's a big issue and we know how to handle it

Phil Archer: I'll make a proposal by mail to put ISSUE-3 to bed - I don't think it's a big issue and we know how to handle it

15:08:31 <DaveReynolds> fadmaa: question is whether dct:Distribution needed (ans: yes), are subsclasses needed (may not be fully representative)

Fadi Maali: question is whether dct:Distribution needed (ans: yes), are subsclasses needed (may not be fully representative)

15:09:09 <DaveReynolds> fadmaa: want to differentiate between direct download links and web pages which eventually lead to download

Fadi Maali: want to differentiate between direct download links and web pages which eventually lead to download

15:09:51 <fadmaa> https://www.w3.org/2011/gld/track/issues/8

Fadi Maali: https://www.w3.org/2011/gld/track/issues/8

15:10:12 <Zakim> -DaveReynolds

Zakim IRC Bot: -DaveReynolds

15:10:15 <PhilA2> George: Is that clearer, John?

George Thomas: Is that clearer, John? [ Scribe Assist by Phil Archer ]

15:10:21 <PhilA2> olyerickson: Yes, that helps

John Erickson: Yes, that helps [ Scribe Assist by Phil Archer ]

15:10:57 <PhilA2> George: So it looks like we can open actions 7, 8 and 9 and then come to a resolution?

George Thomas: So it looks like we can open actions 7, 8 and 9 and then come to a resolution? [ Scribe Assist by Phil Archer ]

15:11:29 <PhilA2> olyerickson: I think we need to create actions on those of us owning DCAT and come up with a specific alternative if that can be done

John Erickson: I think we need to create actions on those of us owning DCAT and come up with a specific alternative if that can be done [ Scribe Assist by Phil Archer ]

15:11:40 <PhilA2> ... it's a raesonable issue that Martin is raising

Phil Archer: ... it's a raesonable issue that Martin is raising

15:11:52 <PhilA2> ... we need to put something concrete before the GLD WG

Phil Archer: ... we need to put something concrete before the GLD WG

15:12:04 <gatemezi> + 1 to Fadi point

Ghislain Atemezing: + 1 to Fadi point

15:12:08 <PhilA2> fadmaa: So we should put specific proposals on the ML?

Fadi Maali: So we should put specific proposals on the ML? [ Scribe Assist by Phil Archer ]

15:12:13 <martin> +1

Martín Álvarez: +1

15:12:19 <PhilA2> George: That sounds good - it can go on next weeks agenda

George Thomas: That sounds good - it can go on next weeks agenda [ Scribe Assist by Phil Archer ]

15:12:24 <bhyland> +1

Bernadette Hyland: +1

15:12:26 <PhilA2> scribe: PhilA2

(Scribe set to Phil Archer)

15:12:36 <boris> +1 to mark issues as open

Boris Villazón-Terrazas: +1 to mark issues as open

15:12:59 <PhilA2> action: Fadi Maali to address issues 7 - 9 on the mailing list

ACTION: Fadi Maali to address issues 7 - 9 on the mailing list

15:12:59 <trackbot> Created ACTION-59 - Maali to address issues 7 - 9 on the mailing list [on Fadi Maali - due 2012-03-22].

Trackbot IRC Bot: Created ACTION-59 - Maali to address issues 7 - 9 on the mailing list [on Fadi Maali - due 2012-03-22].

15:13:48 <PhilA2> topic: People

3. People

15:13:54 <fadmaa> Zakim, mute me

Fadi Maali: Zakim, mute me

15:13:54 <Zakim> fadmaa should now be muted

Zakim IRC Bot: fadmaa should now be muted

15:15:10 <George> PhilA2: patronymic name

Phil Archer: patronymic name [ Scribe Assist by George Thomas ]

15:15:31 <George> ... include Titles, Prefixes, etc.?

George Thomas: ... include Titles, Prefixes, etc.?

15:15:55 <George> ... no rules - but pushed for patronymic names

George Thomas: ... no rules - but pushed for patronymic names

15:16:09 <George> ... and 'alternative' name (which isn't foaf:nick)

George Thomas: ... and 'alternative' name (which isn't foaf:nick)

15:16:24 <Zakim> +[IPcaller.a]

Zakim IRC Bot: +[IPcaller.a]

15:16:32 <DaveReynolds> zakim, IPcaller.a is me

Dave Reynolds: zakim, IPcaller.a is me

15:16:32 <Zakim> +DaveReynolds; got it

Zakim IRC Bot: +DaveReynolds; got it

15:16:44 <olyerickson> +1 to formal alternativeName... alternative right now is skos:prefLabel, skos:altLabel

John Erickson: +1 to formal alternativeName... alternative right now is skos:prefLabel, skos:altLabel

15:17:05 <PhilA2> George: Let's look at Best Prac for vocabulary selection

George Thomas: Let's look at Best Prac for vocabulary selection

15:17:16 <PhilA2> ... I noticed some mention of accidental subsumption

... I noticed some mention of accidental subsumption

15:17:34 <PhilA2> ... does anyone else think this is a useful addition to the doc?

... does anyone else think this is a useful addition to the doc?

15:18:14 <PhilA2> George: If my hospital subject were to use a vCard address, it would be subsumed as a type vCard object

George Thomas: If my hospital subject were to use a vCard address, it would be subsumed as a type vCard object

15:18:30 <PhilA2> ... this presents itself as a problem to possible users

... this presents itself as a problem to possible users

15:18:42 <PhilA2> George: LD COmmunity is not very oriented towards this effect

George Thomas: LD COmmunity is not very oriented towards this effect

15:18:54 <boris> q+

Boris Villazón-Terrazas: q+

15:19:15 <DaveReynolds> scribe: DaveReynolds

(Scribe set to Dave Reynolds)

15:19:40 <DaveReynolds> PhilA2: frequently find want to reuse a property but domain/range constraints on it cause unintended consequences

Phil Archer: frequently find want to reuse a property but domain/range constraints on it cause unintended consequences

15:20:33 <DaveReynolds> PhilA2: some LD users work round that by separating inferences from direct assertions, pragmatics

Phil Archer: some LD users work round that by separating inferences from direct assertions, pragmatics

15:20:34 <George> ack boris

George Thomas: ack boris

15:20:55 <olyerickson> Linked Data is not about creating a perfect organization of knowledge

John Erickson: Linked Data is not about creating a perfect organization of knowledge

15:21:05 <DaveReynolds> boris: worth mentioning in Best Practice vocab section

Boris Villazón-Terrazas: worth mentioning in Best Practice vocab section

15:22:16 <bhyland> Sounds like we need a good glossary :-)

Bernadette Hyland: Sounds like we need a good glossary :-)

15:22:20 <DaveReynolds> george: also some need for more clarity of description on "products" in the procurement section, e.g. Linked Data Server

George Thomas: also some need for more clarity of description on "products" in the procurement section, e.g. Linked Data Server

15:22:21 <boris> yes

Boris Villazón-Terrazas: yes

15:22:24 <bhyland> nice segway

Bernadette Hyland: nice segway

15:22:32 <Mike_Pendleton> agreed George

Michael Pendleton: agreed George

15:22:50 <bhyland> Topic: LD Glossary see https://dvcs.w3.org/hg/gld/raw-file/default/glossary/index.html

4. LD Glossary see https://dvcs.w3.org/hg/gld/raw-file/default/glossary/index.html

15:23:39 <PhilA2> q+ to talk about a linked data server

Phil Archer: q+ to talk about a linked data server

15:23:43 <DaveReynolds> bhyland: would like Best Practices etc to link to glossary. New entries, improved descriptions welcome.

Bernadette Hyland: would like Best Practices etc to link to glossary. New entries, improved descriptions welcome.

15:24:10 <George> ack PhilA2

George Thomas: ack PhilA2

15:24:16 <George> ack PhilA2

George Thomas: ack PhilA2

15:24:50 <olyerickson> PhilA mentions LD Patterns WG

John Erickson: PhilA mentions LD Patterns WG

15:24:52 <DaveReynolds> PhilA2: asks if group is aware of Linked Data platform, now "patterns", working group

Phil Archer: asks if group is aware of Linked Data platform, now "patterns", working group

15:25:08 <George> q?

George Thomas: q?

15:25:13 <George> ack PhilA

George Thomas: ack PhilA

15:25:13 <Zakim> PhilA, you wanted to talk about a linked data server

Zakim IRC Bot: PhilA, you wanted to talk about a linked data server

15:25:29 <DaveReynolds> PhilA2: relevant to glossary definition of e.g. Linked Data Server

Phil Archer: relevant to glossary definition of e.g. Linked Data Server

15:26:25 <boris> http://www.w3.org/2011/gld/wiki/Meetings:Telecon20120315

Boris Villazón-Terrazas: http://www.w3.org/2011/gld/wiki/Meetings:Telecon20120315

15:26:30 <PhilA2> -> Using Open data http://www.w3.org/2012/06/pmod/

Phil Archer: -> Using Open data http://www.w3.org/2012/06/pmod/

15:27:23 <DaveReynolds> PhilA2: workshop in June in Brussels - about *using* open data

Phil Archer: workshop in June in Brussels - about *using* open data

15:27:54 <DaveReynolds> PhilA2: special focus on policy modelling

Phil Archer: special focus on policy modelling

15:27:57 <bhyland> q+

Bernadette Hyland: q+

15:28:21 <George> ack bhyland

George Thomas: ack bhyland

15:29:34 <DaveReynolds> bhyland: asks US members to check travel possibilities (for TPAC?)

Bernadette Hyland: asks US members to check travel possibilities (for TPAC?)

15:30:20 <DaveReynolds> bhyland: to check of a GLD f2f is possible during TPAC

Bernadette Hyland: to check of a GLD f2f is possible during TPAC

15:30:41 <gatemezi> thanks!

Ghislain Atemezing: thanks!

15:30:56 <Zakim> -Mike_P

Zakim IRC Bot: -Mike_P

15:31:01 <PhilA2> regrets for next week

Phil Archer: regrets for next week

15:31:09 <Zakim> -olyerickson

Zakim IRC Bot: -olyerickson

15:31:13 <DaveReynolds> RRSAgent, set logs world-visible

RRSAgent, set logs world-visible

15:31:14 <Zakim> -tinagheen

Zakim IRC Bot: -tinagheen

15:31:14 <Zakim> -bhyland

Zakim IRC Bot: -bhyland

15:31:15 <Zakim> -fadmaa

Zakim IRC Bot: -fadmaa

15:31:15 <Zakim> -PhilA2

Zakim IRC Bot: -PhilA2

15:31:16 <Zakim> -DanG

Zakim IRC Bot: -DanG

15:31:19 <Zakim> - +1.443.569.aadd

Zakim IRC Bot: - +1.443.569.aadd

15:31:21 <Zakim> -martin

Zakim IRC Bot: -martin

15:31:21 <DaveReynolds> RRSAgent, generate minutes

RRSAgent, generate minutes

15:31:21 <RRSAgent> I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2012/03/15-gld-minutes.html DaveReynolds

RRSAgent IRC Bot: I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2012/03/15-gld-minutes.html DaveReynolds

15:31:22 <Zakim> -[IPcaller]

Zakim IRC Bot: -[IPcaller]

15:31:27 <Zakim> -Boris

Zakim IRC Bot: -Boris

15:31:30 <Zakim> -lbermudez

Zakim IRC Bot: -lbermudez

15:31:31 <Zakim> -gatemezi

Zakim IRC Bot: -gatemezi

15:31:39 <Zakim> -George_Thomas

Zakim IRC Bot: -George_Thomas

Formatted by CommonScribe