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Web & TV Convergence

The Fourth W3C Web and TV Workshop

12–13 March 2014, Munich, Germany

Banner image with text Aligning Global Standards and What's Next for Web and TV


W3C gratefully acknowledges IRT (Institut für Rundfunktechnik) for hosting this workshop.

IRT logo


NBC Universal

If you're interested in being a sponsor, please contact J. Alan Bird at abird@w3.org or +1 617 253 7823. For additional information, please visit the Sponsorship program.


Mediascape logo

The workshop has received funding from the European Community's Seventh Framework Programme (FP7/2007-2013) under grant agreement n°610404 (MediaScape).

Web 25th Anniversary

Web 25th anniversary and W3C 20th anniversary

The Web turns 25 in 2014. Find out how you can help shape the future Web. Send your birthday greetings for the Web with #web25.

* Note: Public registration closed *

How to Participate

Thank you for your interest in the W3C Web and TV workshop. The deadline for registration has now passed and we are no longer accepting submissions. You may send an expression of interest to team-webtv-ws-submit@w3.org to be put on the waiting list, however we cannot guarantee a place at this time.

The W3C continues to be active in the TV and entertainment industry through the Web and TV Interest Group as well as other community and business groups. For more details of how you can participate, we have a summary of how our work and activities are shaping the future of the Web and TV.