See also: IRC log
<trackbot> Date: 27 August 2012
<oberger> don't get upset, no one's available ;)
<sandro> hmmm?
<Yves> no call this week, no?
<sandro> Yes call this week. There was an agenda, plus it was in the minutes of last week and it's in the channel title.....!
<Yves> ok, thanks (I don't see the channel title, and am lagging on email)
<Ruben> Hi all, I won't be able to participate on the phone (traveling), but I will be on IRC.
<bblfish> hi
<oberger> ouch
<oberger> hello Dr larsen
<oberger> SteveS: or from a plane
<oberger> ah
<oberger> Hi Arnaud
<bblfish> was there a conf call last week?
<oberger> summer time is hard time to stay focused
<sandro> Yes, bblfish
<bblfish> ah, I thought it was every two weeks in summer
<oberger> texting via REST APIs while driving ? booh
<sandro> scribe: SteveS
<scribe> scribenick: SteveS
<oberger> nope
Arnaud asks if anyone has read minutes…no response
<bblfish> I still have to do my action item
<sandro> action-4?
<trackbot> ACTION-4 -- Steve Speicher to review SPARQL Graph Store Protocol and suggest how we should move forward with it -- due 2012-09-03 -- OPEN
SteveS to get to in next week or so
<oberger> reminder : no meeting next week (Labour day in the US)
bblfish will get to action-5
No update on ACTION-6, Michael had sent regrets for today
Arnaud: Next telecon is in 2 weeks, September 10
sandro: looked into f2f room sizings for larger group, need WG members to actually register
…can get a bigger room if registration counts are high enough
sandro: recommends attending Wed sessions, many find it very valuable
<BartvanLeeuwen> :)
<ghard> Excuses for being late. Got network stability problems.
…costs about $50 USD / day for F2F
??? asked bblfish if room or something planned for f2f with WebID
<oberger> SteveS: oberger was me
<sandro> €45 until the close of registration (16 October 2012)
<bblfish> So I am looking to organise a meeting for WebID and RWW Community Groups at TPAC Lyon, but we are still looking to see if we can get a room.
This is topic ACTION-9
<bblfish> But otherwise I will look to see if we can organise something anyway in Lyon.
Here's the proposal
Arnaud: positive comments from a number looking to hear if any other feedback
SteveBattle: has updated the wiki to take into account this change
namely changing Use Cases to User Stories, in prep for collecting use cases
<oberger> SteveS: /me added the link to the action in
…plan is to expand on the User Stories, then pull out the more detailed Use Cases and the more detailed Requirements
BartvanLeeuwen: Are the use cases/stories still open for contributions?
SteveBattle: Yes
<bblfish> good so I suppose my action item should be a user story
<bblfish> or integrated with one
SteveBattle: Assumes these will be very "CRUDy" based on the scope of this WG
<scribe> ACTION: SteveBattle to Create at least one Use Case by next meeting due 9/10/2012 [recorded in]
<trackbot> Sorry, couldn't find user - SteveBattle
Arnaud: proposed to close action-9
close action-9
<trackbot> ACTION-9 Propose a new structure for the Use Cases and Requirements document closed
SteveBattle: SteveS and Michael (not on call) are interested in developing out the use cases more?
SteveS: Yes
Arnaud: how does the process work for raising issues, like serialization format, and get reviewed and agreed on
sandro: someone raises (creates) an issue in the system, it goes into a pending state, then the WG decides if they accept the issue (something they will work on or valid) and it becomes open
…the WG then works on a resolution
Arnaud: believes that by definition of our charter and references to member submission, then we can start with that and open issues from there and get WG agreement
<RezaBFar> @Arnaud - sorry I'm late...
Arnaud: need to make sure the work we do with perhaps a more abstract model then we need to make sure we map it back to RDF model
<oberger> bblfish: ?
bblfish: Expressed my thoughts on this and around the WebID spec. Did require a publish to N3 and clients understand both N3 and RDF/XML
<bblfish> GRDDL
<bblfish> XSPARQL
…would like to add that there is a requirement to support GRDDL for expressing what is supported
…it is not reasonable to convert some forms not into RDF
<bblfish> I think turtle is also a standard now
<RezaBFar> +1 to SteveBattle. That's exactly what I'm looking for.
SteveBattle: +1 for openness of serialization of RDF models, would like to support at least one. RDF/XML is reasonable as only W3C Rec spec, perhaps we have at least 1 minimum required
…server could expose what it supports
<AndyS> N3 goes beyond RDF - to be clear here, lets stick to the (soon to be) standard turtle.
<AndyS> N-triples will also be standardised by RDF-WG.
<Ruben> There's no advantage in this scenario to N3 instead of Turtle.
MacTed: says that Arnaud mentioned limit options, but believes we need to be more open to extensibility
<SteveBattle> That's interesting - I didn't know N3 went beyond RDF.
<Ruben> N3 adds quantification and variables.
<RezaBFar> So, I think there is 3 things: 1. Some standard query as part of the spec that provides format (so serialization format discovery) 2. Allowance for implementation of serialization of other formats. 3. Implementing at least 2 formats, 1 of which is RDF/XML, the other which we could agree on as a team.
MacTed: resource creation (POST) is that a server can chose to reject or handle that request as needed (transform or handle as is)
<oberger> MacTed: I didn't get your concern abouut RDF+XML...
<oberger> would like to see a transcript
<SteveBattle> What can't be encoded in RDF/XML?
<oberger> SteveBattle: that one yes
<AndyS> Properties with URIs that aren't representable as qnames e.g. http://example/1234
Arnaud: not against building an extensible spec but more on the point when there are too many options to achieve same/similar things
<AndyS> and http://example/property# and a few other cases. Tend to be unusual but can be tricky at scale if it gets into the data.
<oberger> RezaBFar: what problem ?
RezaBFar: Agrees with SteveBattle, doesn't see the need to limit to RDF/XML and have additional format
<oberger> verbosity ?
….XML processing has some overhead and should consider less-verbose options for efficiency
<oberger> JSON-LD would be very much appealing to all the Web2 devs
<oberger> YAML ? ;)
<sandro> oberger, more appealing than RDF/XML or than Turtle?
<oberger> sandro, people who do native JS ? probably
<MacTed> concern with RDF/XML: cannot serialize all RDF ... as AndyS says. see
<sandro> oberger, I was asking an (a) or (b) question, but I guess your answer is "both".
<oberger> sandro, sure, both : no extra parsing
<bblfish> So to summarise my point earlier:
<bblfish> 1. Turtle ( ) or RDFxml perhaps a SHOULD ( on the Turtle, RDFa, RDFxml were made MUST understand by client -- Turtle, RDFxml should be sent by server )
<bblfish> 2. Other formats should be supported but there should be a follow your nose to a GRDDL so that one can automatically transforrm it to RDF graphs
<bblfish> 3. there is a complicating issue as this LDP requires PUT & POST which means that the server does need to be able to understand the formats sent.
<bblfish> 4. there will be some form of Graph query which will require that the format be queryable as a graph
ISSUE: Determine minimum serialization format for RDF data model
<trackbot> Created ISSUE-1 - Determine minimum serialization format for RDF data model ; please complete additional details at .
<RezaBFar> Question: so now that it's an issue, what's next?
<RezaBFar> @Arnaud - how do we resolve the issue since it's a significant issue.
<AndyS> (caution - that diagram is confusion - Turtle can express any RDF - the reification point is not the point - it's old special syntax)
<oberger> we can move on when everybody's back from vacation more or less ?
<RezaBFar> @Arnaud - Makes sense. Thanks for the clarification.
Arnaud: answering RezaBFar, need to have a proposal and reach consensus on the issue and record it
sandro: can be good collect more facts on the matter and may need to get to point where just need to pick one
<RezaBFar> @sandro - thanks.
<RezaBFar> Sandro's opinion?
<oberger> next in 2 weeks ?
<RezaBFar> on RDF/XML, etc.? Sandro was saying something?
Arnaud: any other agenda items?
<oberger> sandro, my suggestion on JSON-LD is purely speculative
sandro: is a big win in mental
clarity on a simple format but think still open in my mind if
JSON-LD meets that
... if I had to pick something right now, it would be Turtle
but may be things I'm forgetting about RDF/XML
<BartvanLeeuwen> +1 to bblfish remarks to JSON-LD remark
bblfish: Wonder if there is anything around efficiency with XML binary formats that apply with RDF/XML
<RezaBFar> FWIW, I agree with Sandro on Turtle.
<MacTed> ... s/JSON-GRDDL/JSON-LD/
bblfish: question to JSON people, when you publish in json-grddl can be represented as any tree as root of graph and could it confuse them?
MacTed: was in JSON-LD group,
started as a way to get JSON people who are using structured
data in a more interoperable ways based on RDF concepts
... for some similar implementations Turtle makes it very easy
but lacks some of the RDF concepts, as linked to before
<oberger> Turtle is great to read by humans, discovering specs, but in all languages ?
<bblfish> +1 for Turtle as base, easier to understand
<sandro> STRAWPOLL: Which one RDF serialization should we pick as our 1-required-serialization, if we had to pick one today? (eg rdf/xml, turtle, json-ld, RDFa, or NONE)
<AndyS> Turtle can express any RDF.
<sandro> turtle
<RezaBFar> Turtle
<bblfish> +1 Turtle
<BartvanLeeuwen> Turtle
<oberger> RDF+XML
<MacTed> Turtle
<AndyS> Turtle
<ArthurK> turtle
<oberger> for implementation
sandro: straw man poll of preferred RDF serialization
<SteveBattle> (turtle and rdf/XML)
<Kalpa> rdf/XML
<RezaBFar> So, I meant (Turtle and RDF/XML)
<MacTed> AndyS - any chance you can rework that Venn with current status? possibly including JSON-LD?
<MacTed> there may be other serializations that didn't exist when it was drawn that should also be added in...
<bblfish> well rdf/xml would be a SHOULD
<oberger> which libs are turtle compatible ?
<Zakim> sandro, you wanted to propose strawpoll
<Arnaud> andy?
AndyS: found the diagram was someones opinion for a long time ago and not right
sando: agrees
MacTed: would like to see it updated
<oberger> bye
<SteveBattle> bye
<BartvanLeeuwen> thanks and bye
<bblfish> bye
<ghard> bye
<Kalpa> bye
<sandro> MacTed, note that is about expressibility, not RDF. Full N3 and SPARQL WHERE include lots of things that are not, and never will be, RDF.
rssagent, generate minutes
This is scribe.perl Revision: 1.136 of Date: 2011/05/12 12:01:43 Check for newer version at Guessing input format: RRSAgent_Text_Format (score 1.00) Succeeded: s/???/oberger/ Succeeded: s/sandro:/sandro,/ Succeeded: s/sandro:/sandro,/ Found Scribe: SteveS Inferring ScribeNick: SteveS Found ScribeNick: SteveS Default Present: sandro, oberger, MacTed, SteveS, Arthur_Keen, AndyS, +1.510.698.aaaa, +1.617.324.aabb, Yves, bblfish, Arnaud, +44.754.550.aacc, SteveBattle, ghard, Kalpa, RezaBfar, ArthurK Present: sandro oberger MacTed SteveS Arthur_Keen AndyS +1.510.698.aaaa +1.617.324.aabb Yves bblfish Arnaud +44.754.550.aacc SteveBattle ghard Kalpa RezaBfar ArthurK Regrets: on stage WARNING: No meeting chair found! You should specify the meeting chair like this: <dbooth> Chair: dbooth Found Date: 27 Aug 2012 Guessing minutes URL: People with action items: stevebattle WARNING: Input appears to use implicit continuation lines. You may need the "-implicitContinuations" option.[End of scribe.perl diagnostic output]