IRC log of ldp on 2012-08-27
Timestamps are in UTC.
- 13:57:45 [RRSAgent]
- RRSAgent has joined #ldp
- 13:57:45 [RRSAgent]
- logging to
- 13:57:47 [trackbot]
- RRSAgent, make logs public
- 13:57:47 [Zakim]
- Zakim has joined #ldp
- 13:57:49 [trackbot]
- Zakim, this will be LDP
- 13:57:50 [trackbot]
- Meeting: Linked Data Platform (LDP) Working Group Teleconference
- 13:57:50 [trackbot]
- Date: 27 August 2012
- 13:57:51 [Zakim]
- ok, trackbot; I see SW_LDP()10:00AM scheduled to start in 3 minutes
- 13:58:15 [oberger]
- don't get upset, no one's available ;)
- 13:58:19 [Zakim]
- SW_LDP()10:00AM has now started
- 13:58:26 [Zakim]
- +sandro
- 13:58:38 [sandro]
- hmmm?
- 13:58:51 [Yves]
- no call this week, no?
- 13:59:01 [Zakim]
- +??P7
- 13:59:10 [Zakim]
- +??P6
- 13:59:39 [sandro]
- Yes call this week. There was an agenda, plus it was in the minutes of last week and it's in the channel title.....!
- 14:00:04 [sandro]
- sandro has changed the topic to: next LDP meeting 27-August-2012 AGENDA:
- 14:00:06 [Yves]
- ok, thanks (I don't see the channel title, and am lagging on email)
- 14:00:13 [oberger]
- Zakim, ??P6 is me
- 14:00:13 [Zakim]
- +oberger; got it
- 14:00:23 [Zakim]
- +[IBM]
- 14:00:31 [SteveS]
- SteveS has joined #ldp
- 14:00:47 [MacTed]
- Zakim, code?
- 14:00:47 [Zakim]
- the conference code is 53794 (tel:+1.617.761.6200, MacTed
- 14:00:53 [Zakim]
- +OpenLink_Software
- 14:00:56 [Ruben]
- Hi all, I won't be able to participate on the phone (traveling), but I will be on IRC.
- 14:01:04 [MacTed]
- Zakim, OpenLink_Software has me
- 14:01:04 [Zakim]
- +MacTed; got it
- 14:01:06 [MacTed]
- Zakim, mute me
- 14:01:06 [Zakim]
- sorry, MacTed, I do not know which phone connection belongs to you
- 14:01:12 [Zakim]
- -??P7
- 14:01:12 [MacTed]
- Zakim, OpenLink_Software is temporarily me
- 14:01:12 [Zakim]
- +MacTed; got it
- 14:01:16 [MacTed]
- Zakim, mute me
- 14:01:16 [Zakim]
- MacTed should now be muted
- 14:01:19 [SteveS]
- Zakim, [IBM] is me
- 14:01:19 [Zakim]
- +SteveS; got it
- 14:01:46 [oberger]
- Zakim, mute me
- 14:01:46 [Zakim]
- oberger should now be muted
- 14:02:30 [bblfish]
- bblfish has joined #ldp
- 14:02:40 [bblfish]
- hi
- 14:02:46 [Zakim]
- +Arthur_Keen
- 14:02:50 [Zakim]
- +??P21
- 14:02:55 [oberger]
- ouch
- 14:03:02 [oberger]
- hello Dr larsen
- 14:03:07 [MacTed]
- Zakim, who's noisy?
- 14:03:08 [AndyS]
- zakim, ??P21 is me
- 14:03:08 [Zakim]
- +AndyS; got it
- 14:03:18 [Zakim]
- MacTed, listening for 10 seconds I could not identify any sounds
- 14:03:33 [MacTed]
- Zakim, who's noisy?
- 14:03:43 [Zakim]
- MacTed, listening for 10 seconds I could not identify any sounds
- 14:03:46 [oberger]
- SteveS: or from a plane
- 14:04:03 [Zakim]
- + +1.510.698.aaaa
- 14:04:04 [Zakim]
- + +1.617.324.aabb
- 14:04:15 [AndyS]
- zakim, mute me
- 14:04:15 [Zakim]
- AndyS should now be muted
- 14:04:23 [AndyS]
- zakim, unmute me
- 14:04:23 [Zakim]
- AndyS should no longer be muted
- 14:04:29 [oberger]
- ah
- 14:04:52 [bblfish]
- Zakim, who is here?
- 14:04:52 [Zakim]
- On the phone I see sandro, oberger (muted), SteveS, MacTed (muted), Arthur_Keen, AndyS, +1.510.698.aaaa, Yves
- 14:04:54 [Zakim]
- MacTed has MacTed
- 14:04:54 [Zakim]
- On IRC I see bblfish, SteveS, Zakim, RRSAgent, AndyS, Ruben, MacTed, betehess, LeeF, oberger, trackbot, sandro, Yves, ericP
- 14:05:22 [bblfish]
- Zakim, aaaa is bblfish
- 14:05:22 [Zakim]
- +bblfish; got it
- 14:05:26 [bblfish]
- Zakim, who is here?
- 14:05:27 [Arnaud]
- Arnaud has joined #ldp
- 14:05:28 [Zakim]
- On the phone I see sandro, oberger (muted), SteveS, MacTed (muted), Arthur_Keen, AndyS, bblfish, Yves
- 14:05:33 [SteveBattle]
- SteveBattle has joined #ldp
- 14:05:35 [Zakim]
- MacTed has MacTed
- 14:05:38 [Zakim]
- On IRC I see Arnaud, bblfish, SteveS, Zakim, RRSAgent, AndyS, Ruben, MacTed, betehess, LeeF, oberger, trackbot, sandro, Yves, ericP
- 14:05:43 [Zakim]
- +Arnaud
- 14:05:51 [oberger]
- Hi Arnaud
- 14:06:16 [ericP]
- regrets: on stage
- 14:07:15 [bblfish]
- was there a conf call last week?
- 14:07:33 [oberger]
- summer time is hard time to stay focused
- 14:07:59 [sandro]
- Yes, bblfish
- 14:08:10 [bblfish]
- ah, I thought it was every two weeks in summer
- 14:08:55 [oberger]
- texting via REST APIs while driving ? booh
- 14:09:32 [Zakim]
- + +44.754.550.aacc
- 14:10:49 [oberger]
- Zakim, unmute me
- 14:10:49 [Zakim]
- oberger should no longer be muted
- 14:11:36 [sandro]
- scribe: SteveS
- 14:11:50 [SteveS]
- scribenick: SteveS
- 14:12:18 [Zakim]
- +??P32
- 14:12:30 [BartvanLeeuwen]
- BartvanLeeuwen has joined #ldp
- 14:12:33 [SteveS]
- Topic: Minutes from 22 August 2012
- 14:12:45 [oberger]
- nope
- 14:12:49 [SteveBattle]
- zakim, ??P32 is me
- 14:12:49 [Zakim]
- +SteveBattle; got it
- 14:13:11 [ghard]
- ghard has joined #ldp
- 14:13:14 [SteveS]
- Arnaud asks if anyone has read minutes…no response
- 14:13:14 [bblfish]
- I still have to do my action item
- 14:13:25 [sandro]
- action-4?
- 14:13:25 [trackbot]
- ACTION-4 -- Steve Speicher to review SPARQL Graph Store Protocol and suggest how we should move forward with it -- due 2012-09-03 -- OPEN
- 14:13:25 [trackbot]
- 14:13:50 [SteveS]
- Topic: SteveS slacking on ACTION-4
- 14:14:04 [SteveS]
- SteveS to get to in next week or so
- 14:14:25 [SteveS]
- Topic: Action reviews
- 14:15:00 [oberger]
- reminder : no meeting next week (Labour day in the US)
- 14:15:01 [SteveS]
- bblfish will get to action-5
- 14:15:41 [SteveS]
- No update on ACTION-6, Michael had sent regrets for today
- 14:16:33 [SteveS]
- Topic: Upcoming meetings
- 14:16:35 [SteveS]
- Arnaud: Next telecon is in 2 weeks, September 10
- 14:16:37 [ghard]
- ghard has joined #ldp
- 14:17:21 [SteveS]
- sandro: looked into f2f room sizings for larger group, need WG members to actually register
- 14:18:06 [Kalpa]
- Kalpa has joined #ldp
- 14:18:14 [SteveS]
- …can get a bigger room if registration counts are high enough
- 14:18:35 [Zakim]
- +??P33
- 14:18:44 [SteveS]
- sandro: recommends attending Wed sessions, many find it very valuable
- 14:18:51 [BartvanLeeuwen]
- :)
- 14:18:59 [ghard]
- zakim, P33 is ghard
- 14:18:59 [Zakim]
- sorry, ghard, I do not recognize a party named 'P33'
- 14:19:16 [sandro]
- Zakim, ??P33 is ghard
- 14:19:16 [Zakim]
- +ghard; got it
- 14:19:23 [ghard]
- Excuses for being late. Got network stability problems.
- 14:19:25 [SteveS]
- …costs about $50 USD / day for F2F
- 14:19:53 [Zakim]
- +Kalpa
- 14:20:01 [SteveS]
- ??? asked bblfish if room or something planned for f2f with WebID
- 14:20:15 [oberger]
- SteveS: ??? was me
- 14:20:34 [SteveS]
- s/???/oberger/
- 14:20:37 [sandro]
- €45 until the close of registration (16 October 2012)
- 14:21:01 [SteveS]
- Topic: Use Cases and Requirements structure
- 14:21:15 [oberger]
- Zakim, mute me
- 14:21:15 [Zakim]
- oberger should now be muted
- 14:21:16 [bblfish]
- So I am looking to organise a meeting for WebID and RWW Community Groups at TPAC Lyon, but we are still looking to see if we can get a room.
- 14:21:16 [SteveS]
- This is topic ACTION-9
- 14:21:36 [bblfish]
- But otherwise I will look to see if we can organise something anyway in Lyon.
- 14:22:11 [SteveS]
- Here's the proposal
- 14:22:39 [SteveS]
- Arnaud: positive comments from a number looking to hear if any other feedback
- 14:23:10 [SteveS]
- SteveBattle: has updated the wiki to take into account this change
- 14:23:25 [sandro]
- 14:23:49 [SteveS]
- namely changing Use Cases to User Stories, in prep for collecting use cases
- 14:24:38 [oberger]
- SteveS: /me added the link to the action in
- 14:24:57 [BartvanLeeuwen]
- q+
- 14:25:17 [SteveS]
- …plan is to expand on the User Stories, then pull out the more detailed Use Cases and the more detailed Requirements
- 14:25:22 [Arnaud]
- ack bart
- 14:25:45 [SteveS]
- BartvanLeeuwen: Are the use cases/stories still open for contributions?
- 14:26:00 [SteveS]
- SteveBattle: Yes
- 14:26:05 [bblfish]
- good so I suppose my action item should be a user story
- 14:26:09 [bblfish]
- or integrated with one
- 14:26:55 [SteveS]
- SteveBattle: Assumes these will be very "CRUDy" based on the scope of this WG
- 14:28:09 [SteveS]
- ACTION: SteveBattle to Create at least one Use Case by next meeting due 9/10/2012
- 14:28:09 [trackbot]
- Sorry, couldn't find user - SteveBattle
- 14:29:09 [SteveS]
- Arnaud: proposed to close action-9
- 14:29:19 [SteveS]
- close action-9
- 14:29:19 [trackbot]
- ACTION-9 Propose a new structure for the Use Cases and Requirements document closed
- 14:29:47 [Arnaud]
- q?
- 14:30:20 [SteveS]
- SteveBattle: SteveS and Michael (not on call) are interested in developing out the use cases more?
- 14:30:23 [SteveS]
- SteveS: Yes
- 14:31:32 [SteveS]
- Topic: Serialization format discussion and process
- 14:32:25 [SteveS]
- Arnaud: how does the process work for raising issues, like serialization format, and get reviewed and agreed on
- 14:33:15 [SteveS]
- sandro: someone raises (creates) an issue in the system, it goes into a pending state, then the WG decides if they accept the issue (something they will work on or valid) and it becomes open
- 14:33:26 [SteveS]
- …the WG then works on a resolution
- 14:35:09 [Zakim]
- -Arthur_Keen
- 14:35:14 [SteveS]
- Arnaud: believes that by definition of our charter and references to member submission, then we can start with that and open issues from there and get WG agreement
- 14:35:31 [Zakim]
- +RezaBfar
- 14:35:42 [ArthurK]
- ArthurK has joined #ldp
- 14:36:31 [RezaBFar]
- RezaBFar has joined #ldp
- 14:36:31 [Zakim]
- +ArthurK
- 14:36:49 [Arnaud]
- q?
- 14:36:57 [bblfish]
- q+
- 14:37:00 [MacTed]
- Zakim, unmute me
- 14:37:00 [Zakim]
- MacTed should no longer be muted
- 14:37:03 [SteveBattle]
- q+
- 14:37:07 [RezaBFar]
- @Arnaud - sorry I'm late...
- 14:37:16 [SteveS]
- Arnaud: need to make sure the work we do with perhaps a more abstract model then we need to make sure we map it back to RDF model
- 14:37:23 [MacTed]
- q+
- 14:37:46 [oberger]
- bblfish: ?
- 14:38:00 [bblfish]
- 14:38:48 [RezaBFar]
- q+
- 14:39:13 [SteveS]
- bblfish: Expressed my thoughts on this and around the WebID spec. Did require a publish to N3 and clients understand both N3 and RDF/XML
- 14:39:31 [bblfish]
- 14:39:36 [bblfish]
- 14:39:51 [SteveS]
- …would like to add that there is a requirement to support GRDDL for expressing what is supported
- 14:40:19 [Arnaud]
- ack bblfish
- 14:40:42 [SteveS]
- …it is not reasonable to convert some forms not into RDF
- 14:41:06 [SteveS]
- q+
- 14:41:23 [Arnaud]
- ack SteveBattle
- 14:41:58 [bblfish]
- I think turtle is also a standard now
- 14:41:58 [RezaBFar]
- +1 to SteveBattle. That's exactly what I'm looking for.
- 14:42:04 [SteveS]
- SteveBattle: +1 for openness of serialization of RDF models, would like to support at least one. RDF/XML is reasonable as only W3C Rec spec, perhaps we have at least 1 minimum required
- 14:42:27 [SteveS]
- …server could expose what it supports
- 14:42:41 [AndyS]
- N3 goes beyond RDF - to be clear here, lets stick to the (soon to be) standard turtle.
- 14:43:05 [AndyS]
- N-triples will also be standardised by RDF-WG.
- 14:43:25 [Ruben]
- There's no advantage in this scenario to N3 instead of Turtle.
- 14:43:31 [SteveS]
- MacTed: says that Arnaud mentioned limit options, but believes we need to be more open to extensibility
- 14:43:34 [SteveBattle]
- That's interesting - I didn't know N3 went beyond RDF.
- 14:43:43 [Ruben]
- N3 adds quantification and variables.
- 14:44:01 [RezaBFar]
- So, I think there is 3 things: 1. Some standard query as part of the spec that provides format (so serialization format discovery) 2. Allowance for implementation of serialization of other formats. 3. Implementing at least 2 formats, 1 of which is RDF/XML, the other which we could agree on as a team.
- 14:44:38 [SteveS]
- MacTed: resource creation (POST) is that a server can chose to reject or handle that request as needed (transform or handle as is)
- 14:44:40 [MacTed]
- ack me
- 14:44:45 [oberger]
- MacTed: I didn't get your concern abouut RDF+XML...
- 14:44:53 [oberger]
- would like to see a transcript
- 14:45:02 [SteveBattle]
- What can't be encoded in RDF/XML?
- 14:45:13 [oberger]
- SteveBattle: that one yes
- 14:45:31 [AndyS]
- Properties with URIs that aren't representable as qnames e.g. http://example/1234
- 14:46:16 [SteveS]
- Arnaud: not against building an extensible spec but more on the point when there are too many options to achieve same/similar things
- 14:46:26 [Arnaud]
- q?
- 14:46:28 [AndyS]
- and http://example/property# and a few other cases. Tend to be unusual but can be tricky at scale if it gets into the data.
- 14:46:43 [Arnaud]
- ack Reza
- 14:47:16 [oberger]
- RezaBFar: what problem ?
- 14:47:24 [SteveS]
- RezaBFar: Agrees with SteveBattle, doesn't see the need to limit to RDF/XML and have additional format
- 14:47:34 [oberger]
- verbosity ?
- 14:47:56 [SteveS]
- ….XML processing has some overhead and should consider less-verbose options for efficiency
- 14:48:12 [Arnaud]
- q?
- 14:48:22 [oberger]
- JSON-LD would be very much appealing to all the Web2 devs
- 14:48:32 [oberger]
- YAML ? ;)
- 14:48:48 [sandro]
- oberger, more appealing than RDF/XML or than Turtle?
- 14:49:05 [oberger]
- sandro: people who do native JS ? probably
- 14:49:19 [sandro]
- s/sandro:/sandro,/
- 14:49:26 [MacTed]
- concern with RDF/XML: cannot serialize all RDF ... as AndyS says. see
- 14:49:50 [Arnaud]
- q?
- 14:49:57 [sandro]
- oberger, I was asking an (a) or (b) question, but I guess your answer is "both".
- 14:50:19 [oberger]
- sandro: sure, both : no extra parsing
- 14:50:22 [bblfish]
- So to summarise my point earlier:
- 14:50:22 [bblfish]
- 1. Turtle ( ) or RDFxml perhaps a SHOULD ( on the Turtle, RDFa, RDFxml were made MUST understand by client -- Turtle, RDFxml should be sent by server )
- 14:50:22 [bblfish]
- 2. Other formats should be supported but there should be a follow your nose to a GRDDL so that one can automatically transforrm it to RDF graphs
- 14:50:24 [bblfish]
- 3. there is a complicating issue as this LDP requires PUT & POST which means that the server does need to be able to understand the formats sent.
- 14:50:25 [Arnaud]
- ack SteveS
- 14:50:26 [bblfish]
- 4. there will be some form of Graph query which will require that the format be queryable as a graph
- 14:50:32 [SteveS]
- ISSUE: Determine minimum serialization format for RDF data model
- 14:50:32 [trackbot]
- Created ISSUE-1 - Determine minimum serialization format for RDF data model ; please complete additional details at .
- 14:50:34 [RezaBFar]
- Question: so now that it's an issue, what's next?
- 14:50:39 [sandro]
- s/sandro:/sandro,/
- 14:50:53 [RezaBFar]
- @Arnaud - how do we resolve the issue since it's a significant issue.
- 14:50:57 [AndyS]
- (caution - that diagram is confusion - Turtle can express any RDF - the reification point is not the point - it's old special syntax)
- 14:51:42 [oberger]
- we can move on when everybody's back from vacation more or less ?
- 14:51:45 [RezaBFar]
- @Arnaud - Makes sense. Thanks for the clarification.
- 14:52:05 [SteveS]
- Arnaud: answering RezaBFar, need to have a proposal and reach consensus on the issue and record it
- 14:53:02 [SteveS]
- sandro: can be good collect more facts on the matter and may need to get to point where just need to pick one
- 14:53:09 [RezaBFar]
- @sandro - thanks.
- 14:53:30 [Arnaud]
- q?
- 14:53:30 [RezaBFar]
- Sandro's opinion?
- 14:53:47 [oberger]
- next in 2 weeks ?
- 14:53:47 [RezaBFar]
- on RDF/XML, etc.? Sandro was saying something?
- 14:54:02 [SteveS]
- Arnaud: any other agenda items?
- 14:54:38 [oberger]
- sandro, my suggestion on JSON-LD is purely speculative
- 14:54:41 [SteveS]
- sandro: is a big win in mental clarity on a simple format but think still open in my mind if JSON-LD meets that
- 14:55:45 [SteveS]
- sandro: if I had to pick something right now, it would be Turtle but may be things I'm forgetting about RDF/XML
- 14:56:17 [MacTed]
- q+
- 14:57:03 [BartvanLeeuwen]
- +1 to bblfish remarks to JSON-LD remark
- 14:57:09 [SteveS]
- bblfish: Wonder if there is anything around efficiency with XML binary formats that apply with RDF/XML
- 14:57:35 [RezaBFar]
- FWIW, I agree with Sandro on Turtle.
- 14:58:25 [MacTed]
- 14:58:33 [SteveS]
- bblfish: question to JSON people, when you publish in json-grddl can be represented as any tree as root of graph and could it confuse them?
- 14:59:03 [MacTed]
- Zakim, unmute me
- 14:59:03 [Zakim]
- MacTed was not muted, MacTed
- 14:59:45 [sandro]
- q?
- 14:59:52 [sandro]
- q+ to propose strawpoll
- 14:59:58 [SteveS]
- MacTed: was in JSON-LD group, started as a way to get JSON people who are using structured data in a more interoperable ways based on RDF concepts
- 15:00:23 [AndyS]
- q+
- 15:00:46 [SteveS]
- MacTed: for some similar implementations Turtle makes it very easy but lacks some of the RDF concepts, as linked to before
- 15:00:46 [oberger]
- Turtle is great to read by humans, discovering specs, but in all languages ?
- 15:01:01 [Arnaud]
- ack Ted
- 15:01:08 [MacTed]
- ack me
- 15:01:08 [bblfish]
- +1 for Turtle as base, easier to understand
- 15:01:20 [sandro]
- STRAWPOLL: Which one RDF serialization should we pick as our 1-required-serialization, if we had to pick one today? (eg rdf/xml, turtle, json-ld, RDFa, or NONE)
- 15:01:24 [AndyS]
- Turtle can express any RDF.
- 15:01:26 [sandro]
- turtle
- 15:01:27 [RezaBFar]
- Turtle
- 15:01:28 [bblfish]
- +1 Turtle
- 15:01:29 [BartvanLeeuwen]
- Turtle
- 15:01:29 [oberger]
- 15:01:32 [MacTed]
- Turtle
- 15:01:33 [AndyS]
- Turtle
- 15:01:37 [ArthurK]
- turtle
- 15:01:39 [oberger]
- for implementation
- 15:01:41 [SteveS]
- sandro: straw man poll of preferred RDF serialization
- 15:01:43 [SteveBattle]
- (turtle and rdf/XML)
- 15:01:43 [SteveS]
- Turtle
- 15:01:52 [Kalpa]
- rdf/XML
- 15:01:58 [RezaBFar]
- So, I meant (Turtle and RDF/XML)
- 15:02:00 [MacTed]
- AndyS - any chance you can rework that Venn with current status? possibly including JSON-LD?
- 15:02:14 [MacTed]
- there may be other serializations that didn't exist when it was drawn that should also be added in...
- 15:02:29 [bblfish]
- well rdf/xml would be a SHOULD
- 15:02:35 [oberger]
- which libs are turtle compatible ?
- 15:02:50 [Arnaud]
- ack sandro
- 15:02:50 [Zakim]
- sandro, you wanted to propose strawpoll
- 15:03:04 [Arnaud]
- andy?
- 15:03:32 [Arnaud]
- ack andy
- 15:03:34 [SteveS]
- AndyS: found the diagram was someones opinion for a long time ago and not right
- 15:03:41 [SteveS]
- sando: agrees
- 15:03:48 [SteveS]
- MacTed: would like to see it updated
- 15:03:52 [oberger]
- bye
- 15:03:52 [Zakim]
- -bblfish
- 15:03:54 [SteveBattle]
- bye
- 15:03:56 [BartvanLeeuwen]
- thanks and bye
- 15:03:56 [Zakim]
- -RezaBfar
- 15:03:56 [bblfish]
- bye
- 15:03:57 [ghard]
- bye
- 15:03:58 [Zakim]
- -Arnaud
- 15:03:59 [Kalpa]
- bye
- 15:04:01 [Zakim]
- -Yves
- 15:04:02 [Zakim]
- -MacTed
- 15:04:02 [Zakim]
- -SteveBattle
- 15:04:02 [Zakim]
- -AndyS
- 15:04:04 [Zakim]
- -SteveS
- 15:04:06 [Zakim]
- -sandro
- 15:04:07 [Zakim]
- -ghard
- 15:04:07 [Zakim]
- -oberger
- 15:04:10 [Zakim]
- - +44.754.550.aacc
- 15:04:14 [Zakim]
- -ArthurK
- 15:04:16 [Zakim]
- -Kalpa
- 15:04:17 [Zakim]
- SW_LDP()10:00AM has ended
- 15:04:17 [Zakim]
- Attendees were sandro, oberger, MacTed, SteveS, Arthur_Keen, AndyS, +1.510.698.aaaa, +1.617.324.aabb, Yves, bblfish, Arnaud, +44.754.550.aacc, SteveBattle, ghard, Kalpa, RezaBfar,
- 15:04:18 [Zakim]
- ... ArthurK
- 15:04:27 [Ruben]
- Ruben has left #ldp
- 15:04:41 [SteveBattle]
- SteveBattle has left #ldp
- 15:04:49 [sandro]
- MacTed, note that is about expressibility, not RDF. Full N3 and SPARQL WHERE include lots of things that are not, and never will be, RDF.
- 15:04:50 [SteveS]
- rssagent, generate minutes
- 15:04:56 [BartvanLeeuwen]
- BartvanLeeuwen has left #ldp
- 15:06:11 [SteveS]
- RRSAgent, generate minutes
- 15:06:11 [RRSAgent]
- I have made the request to generate SteveS
- 15:08:03 [oberger]
- sandro: well, maybe a localization thing ?
- 15:08:15 [sandro]
- SteveS, are you happy with ?
- 15:08:40 [oberger]
- oberger has joined #ldp
- 15:08:52 [sandro]
- oberger, more likely a setting I changed and forgot.
- 15:09:05 [oberger]
- sandro: same with LANG=C xchat
- 15:09:20 [sandro]
- the problem is I want comma when I'm not scribing and colon when I am scribing.
- 15:09:59 [SteveS]
- sandro, that would going to be my question if you were trying to change my scribe entries
- 15:10:19 [oberger]
- sandro, indeed, a preferences setting :-)
- 15:10:33 [oberger]
- well, I'll know what to do when in the next meeting
- 15:10:34 [SteveS]
- sandro, I'm fairly "happy"….guess I need to hack the few errors noted in there
- 15:11:23 [sandro]
- :-)
- 15:11:50 [MacTed]
- sandro - yes, I understand that the VENN is about what can be expressed in each serialization. as has been noted, it was drawn a long time ago, and no longer (if it ever did) accurately depicts the differences between the serializations. I think redrawing it with explicit focus on "how much of `All RDF` can be expressed in/with this serialization?" including new serializations (e.g., JSDON-LD) and updates of old (e.g., Turtle)
- 15:11:50 [MacTed]
- would be useful.
- 15:12:53 [sandro]
- MacTed, my understanding is there's no need, as Turtle, RDFa, JSON-LD and N-Triples can all express all of RDF. RDF/XML lacks a few bits that no one should ever put in their RDF anyway.
- 15:13:09 [oberger]
- 15:14:08 [oberger]
- anyway... what's the ETA for implementations ? ;)
- 15:15:52 [MacTed]
- 1999 ;-)
- 15:20:15 [AndyS]
- The current RDF-WG has no plans to change RDF/XML.
- 15:20:35 [AndyS]
- (roughly - no one wants to touch it!)
- 15:20:59 [MacTed]
- I suppose the need I see for updating the VENN is that leaving it as is promotes continued incorrect understanding.
- 15:22:00 [MacTed]
- granted, it's no longer live-displayed in the N3 design issue ... but it's relatively well known and still live if you know to look for it
- 15:23:17 [oberger]
- :-)
- 16:00:35 [SteveS_]
- SteveS_ has joined #ldp
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- SteveS__ has joined #ldp
- 16:06:42 [gavinc]
- gavinc has joined #ldp
- 16:47:28 [SteveS]
- SteveS has joined #ldp
- 17:17:56 [Zakim]
- Zakim has left #ldp
- 17:44:59 [gavinc]
- 7am Monday morning telecons suck
- 18:40:57 [bblfish]
- bblfish has joined #ldp
- 19:23:59 [MacTed]
- 19:24:47 [MacTed]
- strange how Google doesn't count `"RDF/XML"` in the same way as it does `RDF XML`...
- 21:31:58 [johnlsheridan]
- johnlsheridan has joined #ldp
- 21:35:39 [LeeF]
- LeeF has joined #ldp
- 22:46:12 [bblfish]
- bblfish has joined #ldp
- 23:21:38 [bblfish]
- bblfish has joined #ldp
- 23:35:33 [SteveS]
- SteveS has joined #ldp