Face-to-face meeting during TPAC 2014
Meeting Logistics
- Date = Monday 27 October 2014
- Time = See below; all times are the local time zone
- Location = TPAC 2014
- Meeting Room = Salon7 and Salon8
- IRC channel = #webtv (you can access using http://irc.w3.org )
- Voice Conference Bridge: W3C's Zakim Bridge will be used if/when needed. +1.617.761.6200; see also Zakim SIP Bridge; PIN = 932881# (WEBTV1)
Meeting Regstration
Registration for this meeting is Mandatory; see registration site. There is a $75.00 USD per day meeting charge. The deadline to register for the meeting is Wednesday 08 October 2014.
List of registered participants: Member Only document
Potential Topics
- Aligning TV-related standards using the Web standard
- Updates from TV-related SDOs
- TTA's presentation about the Hybrid TV standard in Korea
- [Among various TV-related SDOs, usual suspects are ATSC, DLNA, HbbTV, IPTVF-J, etc]
- Updates from TV-related SDOs
- Joint session with the HTML accessibility TF.
- Talking about next steps for the 2nd round use cases
- Fingerprinting and Watermarking API
- Web Media Synchronisation
- Should we create a new TF/CG/WG for this topic?
- Presentation API: Current State, Demo and relevance for Web & TV IG [Louay Bassbouss, Fraunhofer FOKUS]
- Content identification and search [NBCU]
- [Please feel free to put you ideas here.]
Agenda Monday October 27 (tentative)
- 08:30-08:45 #1: Welcome, Logistics, IG Introduction [slides]
- Roles
- Moderator: Giuseppe
- Scribe: Kaz
- Roles
- 08:45-09:00 #2: Agenda Bashing
- Roles
- Moderator: Mark
- Scribe: Kaz
- Roles
- 09:00-11:00 #3: Updates from SDOs: Aligning Global and Regional Web&TV Standards
- Roles
- Moderator: Yosuke
- Scribe: Francois
- [We may shorten this session from 90 to 60 mins depending on the number of SDOs we will have and additional agenda items we may come up with before TPAC and during agenda bashing.]
- ATSC 3.0 [Giridhar Mandyam] [slides]
- DLNA [Mark Vickers] [slides]
- HbbTV 2.0 [Giuseppe Pascale] [slides]
- Hybridcast 2.0 [Hisayuki Ohmata and Kinji Matsumura] [slides]
- TTAK.KO-07.0111/R1 "HTML5 Based Smart TV Platform" [Donghoon Lee] [slides]
- Roles
- 11:00-11:30 Morning break
- 11:30-13:00 #4: Joint Sessions with Other Groups
- Role
- Scribe: Daniel
- TV Control API CG [90m]
- Second Screen Presentation CG and a related update[20m]
- Presentation API (Louay Bassbouss, Fraunhofer FOKUS) [slides]
- HTML WG Accessibility TF [10m]
- Web Media Accessibility Guideline (Joint session with HTML WG Media Accessibility TF)
- Role
- 13:00-14:00 Lunch
- 14:00-15:00 #5: New Contributions from IG members
- Role
- Scribe: Alex
- Open Binding of IDs to Audiovisual Essence Report (SMPTE) [Glenn Deen]
- GGIE: Content Identification and Search [Glenn Deen] [slides]
- Role
- 15:00-15:30 #6: Update on HTML5 EME, MSE and in-band resource issues
- Role
- Scribe: JC
- Update: HTML WG Media Task Force [Mark Watson]
- Update: dataCue [Mark Vickers]
- Update: In-band media tracks [Daniel] [slides]
- Keywords: dataCue, MSE, seamless ad splicing, HTTPS, in-band media tracks
- Role
- 15:30-16:00 Afternoon Break #1
- 16:00-17:00 #7: The Second Round Usecases
- Roles
- Moderator: Yosuke
- Scribe: Giuseppe
- Fingerprinting and Watermarking API
- Web Media Synchronization
- Roles
- 17:00-18:00 #8: Wrap-up & Next Steps
- Roles
- Moderator: Giuseppe
- Scribe: Yosuke
- Roles