Spec Differences
This page is to describe the qualitative and quantitative differences between the Web Audio API and the MediaStream Processing API, in particular with regard to the Use Cases and Requirements established by the Audio WG.
As much as possible, this document is intended to be precise and impartial, e.g. instead of saying that one specification is more closely integrated with the WebRTC API, it should describe what the integration is, and how it works.
Differences At a Glance
This table is based on the Level 1 outlines of each spec.
API Feature | MediaStream | Web Audio |
Faster than real-time processing | No | Yes |
Native Effects | No | Yes |
Audio primarily manipulated through <Audio> tags | Yes | No |
Audio primarily manipulated through an Audio-Context | No | Yes |
Can load sounds faster than playback | No | Yes |
Streams/nodes can contain video & audio data | Yes | No |
Differences By Example
This section lists differences between the Web Audio spec and the Media Streams Spec with side-by-side examples.
Reading Data from a Media Element
This example demonstrates how to get audio data, using an <audio> or <video> media element as a source.
Web Audio
function init(){ var context = new webkitAudioContext() , mediaElement = document.getElementById( 'audio-element' ) , sourceNode = context.createMediaElementSource( mediaElement ) , javaScriptNode = context.createJavaScriptNode(2048) , audioData = document.getElementById( 'audio-data' ) ; var processAudio = function(e){ var channels = e.inputBuffer.numberOfChannels , buffer = e.inputBuffer ; for(var i=0; i< channels; i++){ audioData.innerHTML += e.inputBuffer.getChannelData(i)[0] +', '; } }; javaScriptNode.onaudioprocess = processAudio; sourceNode.connect( javaScriptNode ); javaScriptNode.connect( context.destination ); };
MediaStream Processing API
Specification: MediaStream Processing API
Editor: Robert O'Callahan (Mozilla)
Browser Support: Firefox nightlies
Features and Design Decisions
- Native code is deliberately minimal, relies upon JavaScript libraries to provide higher-level functionality
Web Audio API
Specification: Web Audio API
Editor: Chris Rogers (Google)
Browser Support: WebKit trunk, Chrome, Safari nightlies?
Features and Design Decisions
- Native code tries to meet needs of common functionality of platform-level audio APIs