The weekly meeting focused on review of current outreach efforts, planning the next series of outreach campaigns, and becoming more familiar with the new tracking and collaboration tools. The expectation is that group members will become accustomed to using the tools routinely as part of the ongoing outreach efforts. Group members reported on their current efforts to promote the document called Contacting Organizations about Inaccessible Websites. As each activity was reported, members were reminded to post those updates to the EO wiki. The group looked at next efforts for promoting EO documents and found four nearly ready to go. The group decided that the document How to Make Presentations Accessible to All was appropriate for February promotion when many in the community would be preparing for CSUN. For January, the group decided to work during the last two weeks of December on polishing the other three campaigns. At the Janury 6th EO meeting, the group will review progress made on various documents and decide which to promote in January. Action items were distributed to group members in support of that goal. The group was reminded to update availability for upcoming teleconference meetings and availability for 2012 face-to face options; discussed wiki structure and ways to add pages and update; and informally reviewed the past year and spoke at a high level about 2012. Some group members expressed the hope to soon get updated notes from the November F2F to help with the campaign planning. This was the last meeting of 2011 - due to the holidays, the Dec 23rd and 30th meetings will not be held.
Shawn: Emmanuelle translated into Spanish and distributed to several lists. I would ask all to keep eye out for placement. If you see any of the work we have done show up in newsletters or other publications, let us know and/or post to the wiki.
Jennifer: Maybe I'll set up a Google alert specific to this.
Shawn: Great.
<scribe> ACTION: Jennifer to set up Google alert for this topic. [recorded in]
Shawn: At the end of meetings if you need to clarify and make specific your own actions, please do. You can change subject and more.
Wayne: I completed the distribution to California state University system at the meeting yesterday.
Shawn: great, so let's go into the system to see how to update...
Shawn: any other thoughts about how it has gone?
Jennifer: I make a note in the wiki page to suggest the Google alert for each time.
<scribe> ACTION: Jennifer to make a note in the wiki general page to suggest the Google alert for each new topic. [recorded in]
Shawn: How did others feel about the outreach?
Andrew: I tweeted, but had no access to a blog.
Shawn: What about distributing to other orgs and bloggers in Australia?
Andrew: Will do.
Shawn: This was our first and we did it on a streamlined timeline. For the next one, we can spend a bit more time to reach even more people.
Shawn: If you find places where the blurb or some mention of it was published, please note details in the wiki. Anyone you reach out to, update the contact list in the wiki, try to broaden the reach beyond orgs that focus on blindness.
... there is a page to add contacts and bigger picture items.
... also feel free to implement any ideas for how info is organized. We had decided so far not to list individual email addresses but rather who has the contact info.
... what do you think?
Jennifer: We can leave it like this for now. If it turns out to be a problem, we can change it.
Shawn: We might add a separate section for upcoming conferences and presentations.
... Who is willing to work on the contacts for promotion?
Sharron: I thought we all were?
Shawn: But who is willing to add an explicit action for that?
Wayne: I can add lists from UC and CU systems.
<scribe> ACTION: Wayne will add lists and other contacts from UC and CU systems. [recorded in]
<scribe> ACTION: Sharron to add list of national disability orgs [recorded in]
Shawn: Documentation for trackbot is online
<scribe> ACTION: Jennifer to add contacts to the main promotion wiki page, called contacts for promotion. [recorded in]
Jennifer: The actions are helpful to see, not just my own but others as well.
Wayne: are we ready to announce "How People with Disabilities Use the Web?"
Shawn: No we are not ready to do that yet.
Jennifer: What about the "Essential Components"?
Shawn: The presentation needs a few tweeks,...Ian?
Ian: Does it need to work in Slidy as well as S5?
Shawn: If it is do-able let's try for both S5 and Slidy fixes
Jennifer: You had said another dependency Shawn?
Shawn: Finishing the CSS and... let me go look. Yeh, just making sure it all works.
... so essential components and BAD which might be done in January.
... another possibility is the Biz Case. We have video and Char is working on HTML version.
Char: As far as I know it is done and in QA now.
Shawn: So we have four possibilities, including How to Make Presentations....
...1. the BAD demo
...2. Essential Components
...3. the Business Case for Accessiiblity
...4. Making Presentations Accessible (but will do this one in February)
... so what are your thoughts about timing and priorities?
Sharron: We should focus on one at a time.
Wayne: And we should make sure we promote the one that we have the most resources prepared for.
Shawn: If we want to do "Presentations" in Feb, what do we want for January?
... ATAG may go to Last Call, but not sure how firm a date.
... Shadi what about BAD?
Shadi: Fairly certain that BAD script changes will be finalized by January.
... if we meet on the 6th of Jan, we'll have a better sense of what is ready.
Jennifer: Will try to get to it this week.
Wayne: I'll look at expand/collapse
<scribe> ACTION: Wayne to look at for alternative style sheets etc [recorded in]
Jennifer: Is your work addressing what happened for Helle?
Shadi: Well, she has IE6 with very unusual settings, but we also used a JS library to address other browser bugs.
... and we are documenting.
Ian: I did notice you were using a rather older version of the JS library. Is that a requirement or can we choose the version we use?
Shadi: I'll check with the volunteer, Mandana Eibigger, and let you know.
Ian: Would be best to upgrade if possible.
Shawn: At the F2F Char and Cliff volunteered to lead the outreach on BAD. That may be a problem since we have Char very busy on other things and we haven't seen Cliff in a while
<scribe> ACTION: Char to add information into the wiki about promoting BAD and to coordinate with Cliff. [recorded in]
Shawn: Let's stay in touch through the wiki, watch email. Though I will try to take some time off, the wiki facilitates keeping things moving forward. Anything else on that?
Shawn: reads from action items list...Sylvie is on vacation so will change dates.
... all should be checking in on "Making Presentations..."
... if you see bigger changes, we can put those on a list for later.
Jennifer: If we have changes to the structure to suggest for expand/collapse, were we to put them into the wiki or to the list?
Shawn: If we put on the wiki, we need a new page.
Jennifer: And we can put mock-ups of the heading structure.
Wayne: What are we adding to the wiki?
Shawn: Notes for structure of "How to Make Presentations Accessible"
... I will be sending out more information and reminders at the end of the month about actions and what's on to-do lists.
... Ian did you write the blog post?
Ian: Will do this week-end.
Shawn: Just make sure to update the wiki.
... Sharron, national contacts?
Sharron: Not yet, will do today.
Shawn: Any others?
Shawn: Thanks to Denis, Helle, Andrew, Denis for the update.
... everyone else please look at the options.
... looks like folks will be at CSUN. Wayne and Jennifer are you at CSUN?
Jennifer: Yes, don't know which days.
Wayne: I am presenting so yes I'll be there.
<scribe> ACTION: Shawn to F2F questionairre, add dates for CSUN [recorded in]
Shawn: There are dates for January telecons as well, please update.
Wayne: Interesting day yesterday, presenting to CSU group and others. Found HTML5 done accessibly and ARIA implemented at CSU Long Beach and being taught to students. Very impressive. My job was to ask hard questions and they did not stumble much at all.
... some pages started breaking up at 150% or so. But many of them did very well and floated into linear quite well.
Shawn: Would be great to know how many users actually zoom up to 200% rather than using screen magnification.
Wayne: if it worked in the browser, more would do so.
... if you turn off CSS you can get to full enlargement.
Ian: Did you say most browsers allow text only enlargement?
Wayne: Yes and more will use it
Shawn: Love to have best practices exchange around this and other topics. Compatibility with older, newer browsers, mobile, best practices. Develop application note on BP for this.
Shadi: RDWG is looking at high level exploration as next symposium.
... will be a crowd-sourced project, test cases and test runs. What works in what configuration. Hope that by end of January we will have something more concrete to show.
... could look at that as a Best Practice note at a later stage.
Jennifer: So many pieces of that accessibility performance in different browsers are scattered around in different blogs, would be great to get it all in one spot.
Shadi: I have been talking with Steve Faulkner and Jason Kiss
Wayne: We don't have efficacy testing in AT. Don't have examples of what works and who it works for.
Shadi: We have to use crowd sourcing to get the data. We will try to connect the different pieces of information and allow people who are investigating this to share info.
Jennifer: Shadi you are talking about technical, what happens in what browsers with what AT. Wayne is talking about what actually happens for users. Does it make lives better? Does it do what it is supposed to do? That's not the business of the W3C.
Wayne: Yes this is too much of a divergence for today, but if you think about adoption rates and if we are looking at only people who are helped by specific technologies? are we ignoring or overlooking entire groups of people?
Shawn: And what other ideas about work in 2011 and 2012?
Sharron: We had turnover in the group in 2011 and the dynamic changed a bit. I think these new tools will really help us be more effective in 2012.
p class='phone'>Jennifer: Minutes from F2F, where are we that? Do we have it under control through the spreadsheets?Shawn: It is on the to-do list for Cliff.
Jennifer: The longer it goes, the more my memory fades and it would be helpful to have that as a roadmap.
... I could take it on if there is no other way.
Shawn: Cliff has not told me that he cannot do it, so let's wait and see.
<scribe> ACTION: Sharron to check in on sortable HTML table from F2F [recorded in]
<scribe> ACTION: Shawn to check that all actions from F2F got put into tracker. [recorded in]
Shawn: Anything else for end of year/looking forward wrapup
Jennifer: Feel like I'm getting some momentum.
Wayne: Feel encouraged.
Shawn: Thanks everyone for sticking with it through the transitions. We're poised for a great 2012!
Jennifer: Happy holidays, take care.
All: Happy New Year