See also: IRC log
<scribe> agenda: this
<scribe> scribe: janina
<silvia> action-88?
<trackbot> ACTION-88 -- Sean Hayes to review Media Fragment URI 1.0 -- due 2010-11-24 -- OPEN
<JF> action-96
<silvia> clost action-88
<silvia> close action-88
<trackbot> ACTION-88 Review Media Fragment URI 1.0 closed
<silvia> action-96?
<trackbot> ACTION-96 -- Eric Carlson to media Sub Team to revisit bug 11395 (Use media queries to select appropriate <track> elements) -- due 2011-01-06 -- OPEN
close action-96
<trackbot> ACTION-96 Media Sub Team to revisit bug 11395 (Use media queries to select appropriate <track> elements) closed
<silvia> Dave and Eric decided it would be too complex to extend media queries for this purpose
<silvia> action-99?
<trackbot> ACTION-99 -- Janina Sajka to annotate 9452 with clear audio discovery and selection, as well as independent control of multiple playback tracks -- due 2011-01-19 -- OPEN
Silvia: WG wants change proposals
by Feb 21
... Has a proposal, asking for feedback
Silvia: I prefer solution
... People should read the wiki and indicate their
... Also a proposal that defines a position on screen for the
element (which can be changed with CSS)
... Microsoft had been for option #2
... We need continued discussion, as different people prefer
different solutions
Eric: Will do so later
... Favoring option #2 with mod of having src element inside
track to accomodate different encodings
... I've pinged Frank, but not heard back yet
John: Asking about #7
... is it correct that sign video track would be positioned
using css?
... PIP might be too smal on handhel, no?
... Wereas, if independent, could do better sizing
Silvia: Yes, that's an advantage
of #7
... These are some of the points it would be good to see on
Eric: Why can't that also via track element?
Silvia: Would imply too
fundamental changes, currently track only renders on viewport
and nowhere else on page
... Track currently can't have children
... Don't know if that's open to mod in the WG?
Eric: Suspect we'll discuss any of these in the WG, even though it's late in the timeline, it's just been postponed
John: Didn't we identify a user req to position anywhere?
Eric: Yes, but not possible with spec as it is now
Silvia: Would be through js
... So, possible but not simple
... Proposing to widden the discussion
Judy: Proposing it should be on
the W3C list
... It's a critical piece of getting a11y addressed in W3C, so
wouldn't make sense to not have it on W3C
Silvia: Problem is I've had no response on the W3C list
Judy: So, we should figure how to get the discussion going
Silvia: No reason to take it off,
but should not be a problem widdening the discussion
... Just wonder if it makes sense to post to the WG list
Judy: Maybe that's why there's no response yet.
John: My concern is to avoid multiple discussions, too many gotchya possibilities.
Silvia: I'll keep track and report, but I want more opinions.
Eric: Agree, this topic is too
... We had this discussion sometime ago, and it's not
Judy: Thought the reason it's been silent is that more work was anticipated? Not so?
Silvia: The "More work part" is
more discussion.
... Don't want a solution that's had too little vetting.
... I don't mean anything official--just to communicate what
we're considering.
Judy: Important point is that we need to move forward and have a wider discussion
John: Do we revisit this next week? With the sense of a decision from the TF?
Silvia: Makes sense.
John: OK, any more on this?
Judy: One question: Given discussion is being raised in the broader group, has there been any feedback that we should chase down?
Janina: Yes, we should solicit feedback from a11y people with experience on this, NCAM, DAISY, etc
John: More on this?
John: An executive overview?
Silvia: So, I'm currently
contracted to Google and have been working on this ...
... Teams from Chrome, YouTube, a11y, looking at WebSRT, track
... Checked out 608 and 708 (used in U.S.)
... We're happy about a name change from WebSRT to WebVTT, in
good part because SRT has negative reputation around copyright
Judy: Question: When looking at U.S. reqs, were you looking at the FCC reqs?
Silvia: At Google's reqs
... The two existing standards for captions on TV
... These have limited set of features, insufficient for our
... But, we want to replicate everything in 608 and 708
Judy: Yes, but my question is
different ...
... Since you're looking at U.S. reqs, did you consider the FCC
VPAC reqs. You're aware of VPAAC?
Silvia: Unaware they've produced
a req doc?
... Understand only a general req
Eric: General req to carry
captions in current broadcast video when broadcast over
... Sounds like they have basis to believe it will meet reqs
from Vpac
Judy: There are also issues about
emergency crawls, voicing of those, etc. including on the
... The reqs aren't mapped in the statute, but my impression is
that there will be more reqs than previous practice
Silvia: So, I guess the answer is: "No, we didn't look at that."
Eric: Google is on the committee, yes?
Judy: Yes, but the committee's
barely started. Only one meeting so far, and there's not yet
been an opportunity to get a fuller understanding
... Geoff did post his understanding that FCC would not mandate
a protocol for this
... There may be some clarification to that, as the charge for
Vpac is to produce guidance
Silvia: So, the email summarizes
our results ...
... Discusses gaps on WebVTT -- also what we want to see
... I'm currently working on a js implementation for all
... Think we're currently converging on changes needed to
WebVTT, and they're not very large
John: Anything we need to consider?
Silvia: Don't think so--if any questions, happy to involve everyone in a discussion
John: Duplicate track? Not sure what the answer should be? Is there?
Silvia: Philip responded duplicate is same lang and same type format; answer just display both in the menu
Janina: Because independent alternate media authors may have produced a second version, same lang, same type
Eric: Correct, but spec says only
one, and that's guidance for authors
... Text is just guidance for authors, so from that perspective
it's reasonable
John: Should we seek better
... To specifically say that both should be made available in
the menu?
Silvia: Sounds like a reasonable bug, and makes it easier to conform across browsers
John: Just thinking of making
things as robust as possible
... Might as well get it into the spec, rather than by
precedent, because there could be not so great precedent
Janina: Agree
John: I'll file
<JF> silvia, are you still on IRC?
John: Anything else?
Silvia: Would ask people to read through our results and respond with their thoughts.
John: Anything more we should say?
Judy: Let me try ... On the
broader question
... The question remains a concern. There may be no other way,
and considering the impace downstream is important ...
... Is there a point for this group to comment?
John: That's the question.
... Market forces will decide what each browser does ...
Judy: But, there's also continued discussion re our reqs
Eric: I have concerns with SMPTE-TT, now that I've read the spec, from an a11y perspective, specifically with background image handling
Judy: Agree there are things to
look at there
... My understanding is that Vpac won't mandate, but will
comment on appropriatness of various options
<silvia> +q
Judy: Understand there are strong
leanings on the part of some stakeholders
... We're also looking at this in W3C
... Curious to learn more about the background image
... W3C needs to be responsive to the entire field--all
Eric: Not sure that background is necessarily harmful to a11y, but analgous to CSS background-image--and we should have a discussion
Judy: Agree we should understand it better. Let's do
Eric: Happy to do so
Silvia: Done a prelim on SYMPTI
TT; agree with Eric, unclear what we get if we use it
... If I understand correctly, one key purpose is to get legacy
content onto the web with captions, using Internet as a
transport, not necessarily as web content
... It's an exchange format, so makes sense to use for
encapsulating and transporting; But that doesn't necessarily
imply presentation
Judy: Curious to explore
something on this ...
... Understand that's the basis of their approach, have heard
this elsewhere as well
... Not as convinced that some of the broadcast people aren't
also looking at using it on the web
... Are you certain that there aren't already entities
forseeing use of TT for web delivery?
... Don't think this answers what W3C should do, just trying to
clarify our understanding of where people are coming from
Silvia: I was trying to
understand how the SYMPTI standard came to be
... e.g. there aqre binary captions in legacy content
... Transformational and transport formats aren't necessarily
the best choices for web presentation
... We have to deal with the converging world, and we have
these two groups coming from different perspectives
... Don't know if we can consolidate the two
... May be delivered across the net, but not delivered via a
Judy: Very helpful, Silvia. I appreciate your perspective.
Janina: Suspect browser will emerge because there are also a11y reqs on the user interface now
John: Or plugins, which I expect
Judy: Several people are wondering about convergence possibilities
John: With a few minutes left, I
want to recap ...
... Judy, you mentioned a two week timeline?
Judy: W3C is participating on the
VPAAC, we're there to be helpful and explain what we're working
on, but we don't have a position
... We'd like to bring info as up to date and as useful as
possible, so very interested in our analysis of SYMPTI TT vs
... Then the a11y relevance
... So, the possibility of convergence before many years go by
with people working in different formats, that's an important
John: Specifically we've a pressing timeline for multitrack api, just thinking in terms of time alltoment here
Judy: Don't have a good answer
right now.
... Perhaps 20 minutes on the SMPTE next week? Three of us have
looked at it already?
<Judy> s/SYMPI/SMPT/
Silvia: Suggesting Eric and I look more closely at SMPTE-TT, and also Judy, so we should discuss it
John: Just concerned we conclude on multitrack
akim, next item
John: Nothing to add ...
Janina: Pf interested that we have screenshots to mark up for the two proposals, that we not leave this to a handwave
rrsagent make minutes
This is scribe.perl Revision: 1.135 of Date: 2009/03/02 03:52:20 Check for newer version at Guessing input format: RRSAgent_Text_Format (score 1.00) Succeeded: s/wrong/guidance for authors/ Succeeded: s/SYNMPTI/SMPTE-TT/ Succeeded: s/background/background-image/ FAILED: s/SYMPI/SMPT/ Succeeded: s/SYMPTI/SMPTE-TT/ Succeeded: s/VPAC/VPAAC/ Succeeded: s/FCC would not identify/FCC would not mandate/ Succeeded: s/Vpac/VPAAC/ Succeeded: s/SYMPTI/SMPTE/ Found Scribe: janina Inferring ScribeNick: janina Default Present: +1.650.862.aaaa, +1.408.823.aabb, +61.2.937.4.aacc, Silvia, JF, janina, Eric, Judy Present: +1.650.862.aaaa +1.408.823.aabb +61.2.937.4.aacc Silvia JF janina Eric Judy WARNING: Replacing previous Regrets list. (Old list: Geoff) Use 'Regrets+ ... ' if you meant to add people without replacing the list, such as: <dbooth> Regrets+ Sean Regrets: Sean Got date from IRC log name: 09 Feb 2011 Guessing minutes URL: People with action items: WARNING: Input appears to use implicit continuation lines. You may need the "-implicitContinuations" option.[End of scribe.perl diagnostic output]